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Guide to Specialists

Allison Frendak-Blume
Senior Program Officer, Education and Training Center/International

E-mail: afrendak@usip.org

Allison Frendak-Blume has been a program officer in the Institute’s Education and Training Center/International on an intermittent basis since 2004, supporting the “Strategic Economic Needs and Security Exercise" (S.E.N.S.E.) simulation program. She has conducted numerous trainings with domestic and international audiences and transferred the S.E.N.S.E. capability to partners in Iraq and Poland. Frendak-Blume worked previously at the Institute between 2000 and 2002 as a research assistant with the Jennings Randolph Fellowship Program. She has also worked with the Institute for Defense Analyses and in Bosnia and Herzegovina with Save the Children/U.S., the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and Conflict Resolution Catalysts/Danas za Bolja Sutra. Presently, she co-directs the Peace Operations Policy Program at George Mason University’s School of Public Policy.

Frendak-Blume holds a Ph.D. in conflict analysis and resolution from George Mason University, an M.A. in social science from Montclair State University and a B.A. in history (Russian Area Studies) from Seton Hall University.


Guide to Specialists

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