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Photo Galleries

2006 Photo Galleries

Rock for Peace concert.

USIP Supports Concerts for Peace in Philippines
December 15, 2006
As part of its effort to build public support for the peace process in Mindanao, USIP mounted a series of seven concerts as an awareness campaign on ancestral domain, the Moro people, the island of Mindanao, and the ongoing peace negotiations.
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Conference on the Relationship Between State and Non-State Justice Systems in Afghanistan

Conference on the Relationship Between State and Non-State Justice Systems in Afghanistan
December 10-14, 2006
This high-level conference held in Kabul, Afghanistan identified and built consensus on policy options for linking state and non-state justice systems in Afghanistan.
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Iraq Study Group co-chairs at a September press conference.

Iraq Study Group Co-Chairs Update Press on Progress, Procedure
September 19, 2006
USIP hosted a press conference for the Iraq Study Group co-chairs James A. Baker, III, and Lee H. Hamilton, who discussed the progress of the group and a recent trip to Baghdad.
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College and University Faculty Seminar

Global Peace and Security from Multiple Perspectives
July 25-30, 2006
USIP gave college and university faculty participants the opportunity to reflect on the new international security environment and new ways of teaching global peace and security through this seminar held in Washington, DC.
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Training program in the Middle East

Middle East Education Effort Builds Peace and Understanding
July 2006
The Middle East Children's Association, together with USIP, held a training seminar for Israeli and Palestinian teachers in July 2006 to collaborate on creating educational materials.
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Paul Volcker speaks at USIP.

UN Management and Accountability: Advancing the Agenda for Reforms
July 13, 2006
USIP held an event featuring Paul Volcker, chairman of the Independent Inquiry Committee into the UN Oil-for-Food Programme, to discuss UN management and accountability.
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College and Community Faculty Seminar Workshop

Community College Faculty Seminar
July 11-16, 2006
USIP recently hosted community college faculty and administrators in a seminar designed to carefully examine the nature of international peace and security and to consider approaches to addressing these issues in the classroom.
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President of the Basque Regional Government in Spain Juan José Ibarretxe Markuartu speaks at USIP

New Opportunities for Peace in the Basque Area
June 6, 2006
President of the Basque Regional Government in Spain Juan José Ibarretxe Markuartu speaks at USIP about opportunities for peace after the declaration of a ceasefire by Basque separatist group ETA in March 2006.
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UN Ambassador William Lacy Swing

Elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
May 9, 2006
William Lacy Swing, the UN Secretary General's Special Representative for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), discusses international preparations for DRC elections and their aftermath, among other issues at a USIP Event.
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USIP Darfur Training Workshop

Workshop on Conflict Resolution and Customary Law in Darfur
March and April 2006
USIP's Training program completed two workshops on conflict resolution and customary law in Nyala, South Darfur, Sudan in March and April 2006.
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Richland College Faculty Seminar

College Faculty Seminar: Richland College
April 2006
USIP's Education program recently held a two-day College Faculty Seminar at Richland College in April 2006. The seminar included a simulation with 60 students, a keynote address, workshops, and a festival.
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Gabriel Weimann

Terror on the Internet: The New Arena, the New Challenges
April 10, 2006
On April 10, USIP held a book launch event for former Senior Fellow Gabriel Weimann and his new USIP Press book "Terror on the Internet: The New Arena, the New Challenges."
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Sudan Assessment Trip

Zones of Conflict: Sudan Assessment Trip
March 2006
USIP's Education program conducted a trip to Sudan in March 2006 to assess the current capacities and needs of the Sudanese higher education and civil society establishment. These are the photos from their trip.
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Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

Liberia's President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
March 21, 2006
The U.S. Institute of Peace, in collaboration with the Embassy of the Republic of Liberia in Washington, D.C., hosted Her Excellency Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia, on the occasion of her first official visit to the United States.
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Iraq Study Group Announcement

National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley Addresses USIP
March 16, 2006
National Security Advisor Stephen J. Hadley spoke about the President's 2006 National Security Strategy at an event hosted by USIP. Hadley outlined the basic principles of security, democracy, and defeating terrorism.
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Gilles Kepel

What Makes Zarqawi Tick?
March 16, 2006
Gilles Kepel, one of France's leading experts on the Islamic world, spoke at USIP about Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi, the leader and mastermind behind al-Qaeda in Iraq.
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Iraq Study Group Announcement

The Iraq Study Group
March 15, 2006
Members of Congress announced that USIP, along with partner organizations, will organize a bipartisan "Iraq Study Group" to conduct a forward-looking assessment of the situation in Iraq.
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Panelists at Haiti Event

Haiti's Future
February 22, 2006
The first meeting of USIP's Haiti Working Group addressed questions of how Haitians can find sustainable solutions to its myriad problems.
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Permission to Use Photos
Our photos are available for download from our photo galleries. We do, however, require that you credit USIP by including the following information with your photo: (Photo Courtesy: USIP). We also ask that you link back to our Web site, www.usip.org, if possible. Please contact us to request high-resolution copies of our photos.

Often, our photos are credited to photographers. Please check the credit in the specific photo gallery of the photo you wish to use. If there is a specific photographer mentioned, please use the following citation: (Photo Courtesy: USIP/Name of Photographer). Use of other photos on our site are on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us for use of these photos, or if you have any questions.


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Permission to Use Photos
Our photos are available for download from our photo galleries. We do, however, require that you credit USIP by including the following information with your photo: (Photo Courtesy: USIP). We also ask that you link back to our Web site, www.usip.org, if possible. Please contact us to request high-resolution copies of our photos.

Often, our photos are credited to photographers. Please check the credit in the specific photo gallery of the photo you wish to use. If there is a specific photographer mentioned, please use the following citation: (Photo Courtesy: USIP/Name of Photographer). Use of other photos on our site are on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us for use of these photos, or if you have any questions.


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