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Major General Douglas Stone, MNF-I Deputy Commanding General for Detainee Operations
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Date and Time
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
1:00 PM- 2:30 PM

U.S. Institute of Peace
2nd Floor Conference Room
1200 17th St, NW
Washington, DC 20036

On June 11, USIP hosted Major General Douglas Stone, Multinational Forces-Iraq Deputy Commanding General for Detainee Operations.

Stone's principal operating concept revolves around separating moderates from extremists within the internment facilities, and providing the moderates the intellectual tools that will ultimately empower them to marginalize violent extremists in their society. Over the long term, it is hoped that this approach will allow the vast majority of detainees in coalition force custody to successfully reintegrate back into Iraqi society.

Moderator Daniel Serwer said, “General Stone gave us a close-up view of the difficult issues raised by detention, as well as a good sense of his innovative approach to ensuring that detentions do not undermine the peacebuilding process. A breath of fresh air in an area where serious mistakes have been made in the past.”

For additional background on General Stone's efforts, see "U.S. Remakes Jails in Iraq, but Gains are at Risk," New York Times, 2 June 2008.


  • Major General Douglas M. Stone
    Deputy Commanding General, Multi-National Force - Iraq (Detainee Operations); Commanding General, Task Force 134
  • Daniel Serwer, Moderator
    Vice President, Post-Conflict Peace and Stability Operations, U.S. Institute of Peace

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