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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)

Updated: November 6, 2008

The United States Institute of Peace is an independent, nonpartisan institution established and funded by Congress. Its goals are to help prevent and resolve violent international conflicts, promote post-conflict stability and development, and increase conflict management capacity, tools, and intellectual capital worldwide.

The Institute does this by empowering others with knowledge, skills, and resources, as well as by directly engaging in peacebuilding efforts around the globe. Go
video Learn more in this video.


                        Iraq's Cultural Heritage

Iraq artifacts. (Photo couresy of AP)

The looting of Iraq’s museums and archaeological sites is an often overlooked consequence of the 2003 invasion. Author Elizabeth Detwiler discusses the continued looting of such antiquities and measures taken to recover and protect Iraq's cultural heritage and highlights the value of international law enforcement in preventing such crimes. | transcript Learn more

Focus on Iraq logo.

Tools for Resolving Iraq Property Disputes

USIP’s Rule of Law program, in conjunction with the World Bank, conducted a July 2008 workshop in Amman, Jordan on addressing post-2003 housing, land and property issues in Iraq. This new web presence houses conference documents, relevant legislation and other documents. | transcript Read more

Panel of speakers at Treasury event.

The U.S. Treasury Approach to State-Building Assistance

On October 29, 2008, USIP hosted a panel discussion titled "The U.S. Treasury Approach to State-Building Assistance." The event — held to spotlight a new USIP Special Report — highlighted cooperation between USIP and the Treasury Department in exploring the links among defense, diplomacy and development.
| transcript Read more

Image of Students in a ClassroomUSIP Introduces Pilot Courses

Drawing on USIP's twenty years of leadership in the field of conflict management, the Education and Training Center's inaugural courses will prepare practitioners to work effectively in conflict zones. Participants from backgrounds as diverse as education, the military, international organizations, the non-profit sector, and international development agencies will have a unique opportunity to enjoy a common learning experience. USIP's conflict management program will respond to both individual career needs and the ever-increasing demand for conflict management professionals. | Go Learn more | transcript Request an application

The Dean Acheson Lecture - Learn More, View Photos, Watch the Speeches

Building For Peace Groundbreaking Event - Learn More

USIP Video video Learn more about the Institute's work in this video.

Success Stories Cover transcript Learn more about the Institute's work in Progress in Peacebuilding.

USIP logo. transcript Read a National Journal article about USIP.

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Education and Training Center

Education and Training CenterThe U.S. Institute of Peace is proud to unveil its new conflict management education and training program.


Practitioner Toolkit


Around the Globe

USIP Around the GlobeRead interviews with USIP experts in On the Issues and get a first-hand look at their work in "hot zones" in In the Field.


National Peace Essay Contest

National Peace Essay ContestThe winners of the 2007-2008 contest have been announced. Next year's topic is "Confronting Crimes Against Humanity."


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"The real and lasting victories are those of peace, and not of war."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Upcoming Public Events

Abrahamic Alternatives to War
November 12, 2008 | Public Event

Apology in Reconciliation Processes
November 17, 2008 | Public Event and Film Screening

Latest Publications

Iraq’s Cultural Heritage: Preserving the Past for the Sake of the Future
USIPeace Briefing

The Treasury Approach to State-Building and Institution-Strengthening Assistance: Experience in Iraq and Broader Implications
Special Report

Whither Peace Operations?
Special Report

Abrahamic Alternatives to War: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives on Just Peacemaking
Special Report

Media, Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding: Mapping the Edges
USIPeace Briefing

The Next Chapter: The United States and Pakistan
Pakistan Policy Working Group Report

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