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Fact Sheet: The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the United States
This updated fact sheet provides the latest data on the U.S. epidemic, including key trends over time, impact by region and population, and data on the U.S. government's response.


Global HIV/AIDS Timeline

An interactive web-based timeline of key HIV-related events and noteworthy activities from 1981 through today.
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Fact Sheet: Black Americans and HIV/AIDS -- October 2008
This fact sheet highlights the epidemic’s impact on African Americans, providing current data and trends over time.
Fact Sheet: Latinos and HIV/AIDS -- October 2008
This updated fact sheet highlights the impact of HIV/AIDS on Latinos in the United States, providing current data and trends over time.
Fact Sheet: Women and HIV/AIDS in the United States: Update -- October 2008
This updated fact sheet highlights the impact of HIV/AIDS on women in the United States, providing current data and trends over time
Fact Sheet: HIV Testing in the United States (Update) -- October 2008
This updated fact sheet provides information on key testing statistics, testing recommendations as advised by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), testing sites and policies, including state specific information, and a summary of the testing methods available.
Fact Sheet: The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the United States: Update -- October 2008
This updated fact sheet provides the latest data on the U.S. epidemic, including key trends over time, impact by region and population, and data on the U.S. government's response.
Global HIV/AIDS Timeline -- August 2008
This interactive web-based timeline, designed to serve as an ongoing reference tool for many of the political, scientific, cultural, and community events that have occurred over the history of the epidemic, begins with 1981 and includes key events and noteworthy activities through today. 
Reporting on HIV/AIDS: Lessons from the Field -- July 2008 Video/Audio
This video features interviews with several reporters and a policy analyst who share their views on the unique challenges of reporting on HIV/AIDS. Four journalists share their experiences covering HIV/AIDS in the U.S. and around the world. They, along with a policy analyst, offer guidance about issues ranging from understanding data to considering the sensitivities of reporting on someone who is HIV-positive.
Fact Sheet: Ryan White Program -- June 2008
This fact sheet provides an overview of the Ryan White program, the largest HIV-specific federal grant program in the United States.
Kaiser Fast Facts -- May 2008
“Kaiser Fast Facts” features “QuickTakes” and “Kaiser Slides” – two tools that provide direct access to facts, data and slides about the nation's health care system and programs, in an easy-to-use format. “QuickTakes” presents an inventory of facts-at-a-glance and "Kaiser Slides" allows Web visitors to freely view, download and print graphics and tables of health policy statistics and trends.
Fact Sheet: Federal Funding for HIV/AIDS - The FY 2009 Budget Request -- April 2008
This fact sheet provides an overview of federal funding for HIV/AIDS in the President’s Fiscal Year 2009 budget request, and comparisons over time, with key funding highlights for domestic and global HIV/AIDS programs. It also includes additional information on federal funding for global TB, malaria, and other global health efforts
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