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Participating Agencies

Government Agencies Represented in MATES

Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Department of Commerce

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Department of Defense (DoD)

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Department of Energy (DOE)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

National Science Foundation (NSF)

Naval Research Laboratory (NSF)

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

Members of MATES

  • David Baer, U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research
  • James Bowman, CMS
  • Stacy Carrington-Lawrence, NIH/OD
  • Mrunal Chapekar, NIST
  • Louisa Chapman, CDC
  • Marcus Cicerone, NIST
  • Dean Cole, DOE
  • Kenneth C. Curley, USAMRMC/TATRC
  • Steve Davison, NASA
  • Diane DiEuliis, OSTP
  • Charles Durfor, FDA/CDRH
  • Donald Fink, FDA/CBER
  • Elaine Francis, EPA
  • William J. Heetderks, NIH/NIBIB
  • Fred Heineken, NSF
  • Lori Henderson, NIH/NIBIB
  • Angela Hight Walker, NIST
  • Tanya Hoodbhoy, NIH/OD
  • Rosemarie Hunziker, NIH/NIDCR
  • Louis B. Jacques, CMS/OCSQ
  • Audrey Kalehua, VA
  • David Kaplan, FDA/CDRH
  • Chris Kelley, NIH/NIBIB
  • Peter Kirchner, DOE
  • Andrew Klein, NIST
  • Eva Lai, TATRC
  • Ken Levin, VA
  • Nadya Lumelsky, NIH/NIDCR
  • Martha Lundberg, NIH/NHLBI
  • Brenton McCright, FDA/CBER
  • Richard McFarland, FDA/CBER
  • Jon Mogford, DARPA
  • Thomas O'Shaughnessy, NRL
  • Joseph Pancrazio, NIH/NINDS
  • Christopher Papagianis, EOP Domestic Policy Council
  • Neal Pellis, NASA
  • Anne Plant, NIST
  • Prem Srivastava, DOE
  • David Thomassen, DOE
  • Robert Vandre, TATRC/RAD-2
  • Judith Verbeke, NSF/BIO
  • Michael Viola, DOE
  • Fei Wang, NIH/NIAMS
  • Elijah Weisberg, NIH/NIAMS
  • Celia Witten, FDA/CBER

Staff Support

  • Hassan Ali, WTEC
  • Geoff Holdridge, WTEC and NNCO
  • Paul Lagasse, WTEC

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