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AIA/HUD Secretary's Housing and Community Design Awards - 2007 Winners

For the Community-Informed Design Award:

Community-Informed Design Award recognizes design that supports physical communities as they rebuild social structures and relationships that may have been weaken by out-migration, disinvestment, and the isolation of inner-city areas.

High Point Community, Seattle, Washington, is Seattle's first neighborhood with both a social and ecological conscience. The 20-acre project replaces 716 subsidized housing units erected after World War II with 1600 units designed with a fresh take on traditional residential forms. More than 2000 people live in detached units, townhouses, condominiums and apartments. A Public Library branch, a health clinic, a community center and shopping opportunities are also integrated into the neighborhood.

For the Creating Community Connection:

This award recognizes projects that incorporate housing within other community amenities for the purposes of either revitalization or planned growth.

Salishan Neighborhood Revitalization, of Tacoma, Washington, was constructed during WWII as temporary housing for shipyard workers. Following WWII, the housing was converted to low-rent units and has continued to serve a diverse multi-ethnic and multi-generational population. Revitalization has achieved a connective, pedestrian-friendly neighborhood with a variety of parks, paths and swales, as well as neighborhood center that integrates existing buildings and services with ones.

For Excellence in Affordable Housing Design:

This award recognizes architecture that demonstrates overall excellent design responses to the needs and constraints of affordable housing.

El Carrillo, in Santa Barbara, California, situated in the heart of Santa Barbara's downtown, was designed to provide desperately needed housing relief to fixed-income seniors and lower income residents seeking shelter at transitional housing facilities. Local non-profit agencies teamed with business and civic groups to create 60 permanently affordable rental studio apartments.

For Housing Accessibility: Alan J. Rothman Award

The purpose of this award is to show exemplary projects that demonstrate excellence in improving housing accessibility for people with disabilities.

This category did not have a winner this year.


HUD Secretary's Awards


Content updated on 05/24/07   Back to Top Back to Top

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