Choose a program category from which to view a frequently asked question.


Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Minority Institutions (HBCU/MI)

Q1. What is the Air Force HBCU/MI Program?
Q2. How Do I Sell?
Q3. What Do I Need to Know?
Q4. What Assistance is Available?
A1. What is the Air Force HBCU/MI Program? 

A2. How Do I Sell? 

A3. What Do I Need to Know? 

Where can I get information about assistance organizations and upcoming events for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Institutions?

United Negro College Fund (UNCF) Notices/News (click on newsletter link) provide this type of information.

Which regulations do I need to be aware of?

Executive Order 12928, Promoting Procurement with SDB/HBCU/MI, and Executive Order 12876, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, provide provide basic information.

Additional information is available on Defense (DFAR) and Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) by visiting Regulation Review. Search for regulations specific to "minority institutions" at the Regulation Search.
A4. What Assistance is Available? 

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