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Prescription Drugs: Medicaid
Resources on Dual Eligibles and Issues Related to Their Transition to the New Medicare Drug Benefit
A collection of information and publications on dual eligibles, their current drug coverage, and issues related to their transition to the new Medicare drug benefit.
State Medicaid Outpatient Prescription Drug Policies: Findings from a National Survey, 2005 Update
This survey of state Medicaid pharmacy programs supplements surveys conducted in 2003 and 2000 and reports Medicaid prescription drug policies in effect in early 2005. It covers key elements of utilization management, drug purchasing and potential impacts of the implementation of the Medicare prescription drug benefit.
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Prescription Drug Trends Fact Sheet - September 2008 Update -- September 2008
This updated fact sheet provides trend information about prescription drug expenditures and coverage, key factors that contribute to rising prescription spending, and efforts to contain certain rising drug costs.
Kaiser Fast Facts -- May 2008
“Kaiser Fast Facts” features “QuickTakes” and “Kaiser Slides” – two tools that provide direct access to facts, data and slides about the nation's health care system and programs, in an easy-to-use format. “QuickTakes” presents an inventory of facts-at-a-glance and "Kaiser Slides" allows Web visitors to freely view, download and print graphics and tables of health policy statistics and trends.
Additional Findings from the National Surveys of Doctors and Pharmacists -- November 2006
The Kaiser Family Foundation released additional findings on a wide range of health care issues from separate national surveys of doctors and pharmacists.
The Stability of Medicaid Coverage for Low-Income Dually Eligible Medicare Beneficiaries -- May 2006
This report examines the stability of dual eligibility for the seven million Americans who rely on Medicaid to fill the gaps in their Medicare coverage and its implications for Medicare's new prescription drug benefits.  The study finds that dual-eligible beneficiaries generally remain eligible for Medicaid over time
Tracking Prescription Drug Coverage Under Medicare:  Five Ways to Look at the New Enrollment Numbers -- February 2006
This issue brief examines five approaches to looking at the latest enrollment numbers for the new Medicare drug benefit and discusses each approach in terms of how it portrays the reach of the new program.
Insights on Transitioning From Medicaid to the New Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit -- December 2005 KCMU Material
The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured convened a focus group of state Medicaid officials in November 2005 to discuss the impact of the new Medicare drug program on states and Medicaid enrollees.  State insights on the transition of dual eligibles and some beneficiary experiences are discussed in new material and an audio briefing.
An Implementation Perspective on Part D, the Medicare Prescription Drug Program -- December 2005 KCMU Material
This focus group of 12 state Medicaid officials explores the current status and likely results of the Part D dual eligible transition efforts as well as other Part D-related issues of particular importance to states.
Hispanics and the New Medicare Drug Benefit -- November 2005
Starting Jan. 1, Medicare will begin to cover outpatient prescription drugs, but many seniors don’t even understand the basics about what the new benefit offers or how it works. Helping Hispanics who rely on Medicare to understand how this program will work is critical to ensuring they make good decisions about this coverage.
African Americans and the New Medicare Drug Benefit -- November 2005
Starting Jan. 1, Medicare will begin to cover outpatient prescription drugs, but many seniors don’t even understand the basics about what the new benefit offers or how it works. Helping African Americans who rely on Medicare to understand how this program will work is critical to ensuring they make good decisions about this coverage.
State Medicaid Outpatient Prescription Drug Policies:  Findings from a National Survey, 2005 Update -- October 2005 KCMU Material
This survey of state Medicaid pharmacy programs supplements surveys conducted in 2003 and 2000 and reports Medicaid prescription drug policies in effect in early 2005.  It covers key elements of utilization management, drug purchasing and potential impacts of the implementation of the Medicare prescription drug benefit.
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Prescription Drugs: Medicaid
Medicaid is currently the largest public payor for prescription drugs, and it is an important source of drug coverage for the low-income elderly, including nearly 6 million Medicare beneficiaries, and people with disabilities. While constituting roughly a quarter of Medicaid enrollment, these two populations account for approximately 80% of the program’s drug spending. Prescription drugs have been an important driver of Medicaid spending growth for the last several years, prompting heightened state efforts to control drug utilization and costs. However, the greater need for prescription drugs and financial vulnerability found within the Medicaid population means that efforts to control spending must be balanced against maintaining beneficiaries’ access to needed therapies.


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Medicaid Benefits: Online Database

This database contains Medicaid Benefits survey data from 2003, 2004, and 2006 with information about benefits covered, limits, co-payments and reimbursement methodologies for the 50 states, the District of Columbia and the Territories.

State Medicaid Fact Sheets

This simple tool on Kaiser StateHealthFacts.org allows you to customize Medicaid fact sheets by comparing your state to the United States or to any other state.
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