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Study of Media & Health: Television/Video

Television as a Health Educator: A Case Study of Grey’s Anatomy
The Kaiser Family Foundation worked with writers at Grey’s Anatomy to embed a health message in an episode to test how well viewers learn health information from entertainment television and found that awareness of the health information placed in the show quadrupled after the episode aired.

How Healthy is Primetime? An Analysis of Health Content in Popular Prime Time Television Programs
A report by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center’s Hollywood, Health & Society indicates that health content is prevalent on popular prime time television. An analysis of three seasons of top-ten-rated prime time scripted shows reveals that six out of ten episodes (59%) had at least one health storyline.

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Hollywood & Health: Health Content in Entertainment Television -- September 2008 Video/Audio
Two reports document how well television viewers learn and retain health information from embedded content in an episode of Grey's Anatomy and measure how prevalent health content is in popular prime time entertainment shows.
Television as a Health Educator: A Case Study of Grey’s Anatomy -- September 2008
This study, in collaboration with Grey's Anatomy, embedded a health message in an episode of the show and then measured how well viewers learned and retained health information from the viewing the episode. 
Children’s Media Use and Sleep Problems: Issues and Unanswered Questions -- June 2008
This research brief examines different aspects of how media use may impact children's sleep. It reviews and summarizes the limited body of research on this topic and highlights key unanswered questions that emerge from the prior studies
Kaiser Fast Facts -- May 2008
“Kaiser Fast Facts” features “QuickTakes” and “Kaiser Slides” – two tools that provide direct access to facts, data and slides about the nation's health care system and programs, in an easy-to-use format. “QuickTakes” presents an inventory of facts-at-a-glance and "Kaiser Slides" allows Web visitors to freely view, download and print graphics and tables of health policy statistics and trends.
Study Finds Television Stations Donate an Average of 17 Seconds an Hour to Public Service Advertising -- January 2008 Video/Audio
The new and updated national study of public service advertising on broadcast and cable television was released at a forum in Washington, D.C.
The Digital Opportunity: Using New Media for Public Education Campaigns -- July 2007 Video/Audio
The Ad Council and Kaiser Family Foundation hosted forum to explore how health-related and other nonprofits and government agencies can use new digital media.  A webcast of the forum is available.
Parents Say They’re Gaining Control Over Their Children’s Exposure to Sex and Violence in the Media -- June 2007 Video/Audio
The report, Parents, Children & Media: A Kaiser Family Foundation Survey, a national survey of 1,008 parents of children ages 2-17, explores how parents view the role of media in their children’s lives.
Children's Exposure to Food Advertising on Television: A Side-by-Side Comparison of Results from Recent Studies by the Federal Trade Commission and the Kaiser Family Foundation -- June 2007
This document compares two significant studies about food advertising to children on television.
New Study Finds That Food Is the Top Product Seen Advertised by Children -- March 2007 Video/Audio
The study combines content analysis of TV ads with detailed data about children's viewing habits to provide an estimate of the number and type of TV ads seen by children of various ages. A webcast of the forum is also available.
Public Service Advertising in Great Britain: Lessons for U.S. Public Interests -- February 2007 Video/Audio
This webcast forum explored the differences in public service advertising between Great Britain and the U.S.
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The Study of Media & Health and Television/Video
The Program for the Study of Media and Health conducts research and analysis of television and video game content, young people’s use of these media, and the role of television as a health information resource. The program also evaluates media-based public education campaigns and public policies designed to regulate access to television and video games.


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Generation M: Media in the Lives of 8-18 Year-olds
A national survey that examined the media use of 3rd through 12th graders found that they are spending an increasing amount of time using “new media” like computers, the Internet and video games, without cutting back on “old media” like television and music.
Children, Health, and the Media: Report and Fact Sheet Series
Access a series of fact sheets that pull together the most relevant research on such issues as TV violence, teens online, media ratings, and children and video games.
Entertainment Education
and Health

This issue brief discusses the history and provides examples of the use of entertainment media as a means of educating viewers about important health and social issues. The report also summarizes the results of research evaluating the effectiveness of "entertainment education."
Children and Electronic Media
A new national study on the role of the media in the lives of children ages six months to six years old.
Key Facts: Parents & Media
Discusses parents' concerns about the effects of media on their children and how they supervise, monitor, and restrict their child's exposure to media.
Key Facts: Children &
Video Games

A look at the amount of time young people spend using video games, how use varies by age, gender and ethnicity, and the impact of video games on young players.
Media Ratings
An overview of parental advisory ratings for movies, television, music and video games, as well as proposals to reform those rating systems.
Key Facts: TV Violence
This issue brief provides key facts on the prevalence of violence on television, the results of scientific studies of the effect on children, and discusses the conclusions of the public health community as well as opposing view points.
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