Suicide Prevention Basics

Get Started

There are a number of ways that you can help prevent suicides.

Learn to recognize and respond to the warning signs of suicide
Visit the Customized Information section of the SPRC website. This section features short publications on how to recognize and respond to the warning signs of suicide in people in your life - including family members, friends, and colleagues. This expanding collection of publications includes information for specific groups such as parents, physicians, teachers, teens, and law enforcement officers.

Become involved in suicide prevention activities in your state
Visit the State Suicide Prevention pages to find out how to become involved in suicide prevention efforts in your state. This information includes state suicide prevention plans, state data, and how to contact people involved in suicide prevention in your state.

Learn about creating and implementing suicide prevention programs
The Taking Action section of this website offers advice and resources for those involved in developing and managing suicide prevention programs. Topics discussed in this section include data, coalitions, planning, program implementation and evaluation, and funding.

Support suicide prevention policies and funding
Visit the Suicide Prevention Action Network USA (SPAN USA) at to learn more about supporting policies and funding tips.

Contact an SPRC Prevention Specialist
SPRC can connect you with people, organizations, and resources. Contact us by email at or by telephone at 877-GET-SPRC (877-438-7772).