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Budget Justification
FY 2001

  Global Programs

Humanitarian Response

Policy and Program Coordination
Learning From Experience
Summary Tables


Abbreviations & Acronyms

Last updated: Monday, 18-Sep-2000 11:08:41 EDT


Bureau for Policy
and Program Coordination

PPC enhances USAID's development results by providing clear and coherent guidance and technical support for the Agency's front line staff. In fulfilling these duties, PPC is primarily a "wholesaler" of products and services, providing direct support to individual operating units and staff.

PPC serves the USAID by meeting Agency-wide strategic planning and management requirements. In addition, staff assist USAID senior managers directly by assessing development and foreign policy priorities, analyzing development experiences, identifying issues and developing policy and guidance, monitoring the implementation of strategic policy decisions, and facilitating effective development partnering. The following are PPC's objectives:

  • Policy Framework Improved: USAID's development policies, strategies, and approaches are consistently, coherently, and effectively implemented and reflect the best development knowledge, innovations, and practices.

  • Program Management Improved: "Rules of the game" are developed and implemented, breadth and depth of development information is increased, USAID's experience is shared, and improved systems are in place for communicating rules and information.

  • External Stakeholders are Engaged: There is a common strategic vision among bilateral and multilateral donors and NGO's and mechanisms in place for policy and program coordination.
