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Capital Investment Fund



Statement of the Administrator

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Summary of FY 2003 Budget Request

Program Highlights

Management Improvements

Operating & Administrative Expenses

Capital Investment Fund

Working Capital Fund

Operation Expenses of the Inspector General

Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund

Summary Tables

    Asia & the Near East     Europe & Eurasia
    Latin America & the

Central Programs


Abbreviations and Acronyms

Wednesday, 29-May-2002 18:53:12 EDT


USAID requests establishment of a capital investment fund (CIF) in the amount of $95 million in FY 2003. These no year funds will provide the Agency with greater flexibility to manage investments in technology systems and facility construction not allowed by the annual appropriation for Operating Expenses.

Budget Request Capital Investment Fund
(Thousand Dollars)
ProgramFY 2003 Request
Information Technology 13,000
Phoenix enhancements 2,800
Business transformation implementation 6,000
Telecommunications upgrade 3,000
Central mission security operation 1,200
Facility Construction 82,000
Total 95,000

Information Technology: $13.0 million is requested.

For FY 2003, USAID proposes establishing a separate capital fund to support business system and information technology (IT) improvements. Separating these funds from ongoing operations funding will provide IT improvement managers with funding certainty independent of operational cost fluctuations. This fund will support the following initiatives:

  • Phoenix enhancements ($2.8 million). The funds will support purchase of additional enhancements and commercial off-the-shelf core accounting system software product upgrades necessary to implement a web-based, Agency-wide, financial reporting capability, implement e-government initiatives, and bring USAID's financial system into substantial compliance with Federal financial management requirements. In addition, the funds will support: (1) further deployment of USAID's core accounting system overseas, and (2) assessing and strengthening financial system security.
  • Business transformation implementation ($6.0 million). The FY 2003 budget request supports implementation of the FY 2002 business transformation analysis recommendations for improvements in core business processes, including IT initiatives to support the President's management agenda, realignment of administrative functions among missions, and development of a prototype mission environment that reflects transformed administrative approaches. Additionally, FY 2003 funding will support initial implementation of improved systems solutions in the area of finance, procurement, human resources, information technology, and administrative services. The FY 2002 study and subsequent FY 2003 improvement actions will focus on procurement process effectiveness and streamlining.
  • Telecommunications upgrade ($3.0 million). Funding will support telecommunications upgrade project efforts to design, procure, and implement telecommunications upgrades in 19 sites during FY 2003. This effort will strengthen security of the Agency's wide area network by incorporating circuit encryption and firewall technology at the mission level.
  • Central mission security operations ($1.2 million). Funding will provide planning, design, and provision of basic centralized computer security operations for USAID missions.

Facility Construction: $82.0 million is requested.

The Secure Construction and Counterterrorism Act of 1999 requires the construction of new USAID office facilities and the collocation of these facilities on embassy compounds when new embassies are constructed. Guided by security vulnerability issues and Department of State's Overseas Building Operations construction timetables, USAID currently plans to completely fund new construction projects in Kenya, Guinea, Cambodia, and Georgia at an estimated cost of $82 million in 2003. This proposed allocation is contingent upon efforts now underway to lease an interim office building in Uganda by the end of FY 2002. Security-related expenses for this facility would be paid from the Operating Expenses budget. If the interim building lease is not secured, the Agency would need to consider using CIF funds for a new office building in Uganda in FY 2003. USAID will continue to work closely with the State Department Overseas Building Operations on funding and scheduling of USAID new office building projects.
