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A&A - Acquisitions and Assistance
AACD - Activity Assistance Completion Date
AAEF - Albanian-American Enterprise Fund
AAFLI - Asian-American Free Labor Institute
AAD - Activity Approval Document
AALC - African-American Labor Center
ABA - American Bar Association
ABEUSA - U.S. Participant Training Alumni Association
ACVFA - Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid
ACDI - Agriculture Cooperative Development International
ACOR - American Center for Oriental Research
ADB - Asian Development Bank
ADC - Andean Development Corporation
ADEA - Association for the Development of Education in Africa
ADEX - Exporters' Association (Peru)
ADP - Automated Data Processing
ADR - Alternate Dispute Resolution
ADRA - Adventist Development and Relief Agency
ADS - Automated Directives System
- Activity Data Sheet
AED - Academy for Educational Development
AELGA - Africa Emergency Locust/Grasshopper Assistance
AFDB - African Development Bank
AFDF - African Development Fund
AFP - Acute Flaccid Paralysis
AFR - Africa
AFSI - Africa Food Security Initiative
AG - Attorney General
AGEXPRONT- Nontraditional Exporters' Guild (Guatemala)
AGOA - African Growth and Opportunity Act
AIDS - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
AIDSCAP - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Control and Prevention Project
AIFLD - American Institute for Free Labor Development
AIHA - American International Health Alliance
AIMI - African Integrated Malaria Initiative
ANACAFE - Guatemala' National Coffee Association
ANDA - El Salvador Water Authority
ANE - Asia and Near East
AOJ - Administration of Justice
APEC - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
APENN - Association of Producers and Exporters of Nontraditional Products
APO - Army Post Office
APP - Annual Performance Plan
APR - Agency Performance Report
ARD - Associates in Rural Development
ARDC - Area Reintegration and Development Center
ARENTO - Arab Republic of Egypt National Telecommunication
ARI - Acute Respiratory Infection
ASARECA - Association for Strengthening of Agricultural Research in East and Central Africa
ASEAN - Association of Southeast Asian Nations
ASHA - American Schools and Hospitals Abroad
ASSET - Agriculturally Sustainable System and Environmental Transformation
ATI - Appropriate Technology International
ATRIP - Africa Trade and Investment Program
AUB - American University of Beirut
AWACS - AID Worldwide Accounting and Control System

BAA - Business Area Analysis
BASIC - Basic Support for Institutionalized Child Support
BCN - Biodiversity Conservation Network
BDS - Business Development Service
BIPRA - Bilateral Intellectual Property Rights Agreement
BIT - Bilateral Investment Treaty
BNC - Binational Commission (U.S. and South Africa)
BOT - Build, Operate and Transfer

CA - Cooperating Agency
CABEI - Central American Bank for Economic Integration
CACEDERF- Central America and Caribbean Emergency Disaster Relief Fund
CAIC - Caribbean Association of Industry and Commerce
CAMPFIRE - Communal Area Management Program for Indigenous Resources (Zimbabwe)
CAPAS - Central American Protected Areas System
CAPEL - Center for the Promotion of Electoral Assistance
CARD - Council on Agricultural and Rural Development
CARE - Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere, Inc.
CAREC - Caribbean Epidemiology Center
CARICOM - Caribbean Community
CARPE - Central African Regional Program for the Environment
CASS - Cooperative Association of States for Scholarships
CATIE - Center for Tropical Agriculture Investigations and Studies
CBO - Community-Based Organization
CCAD - Central American Commission for Environment and Development
CCI - Climate Change Initiative
CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CDIE - Center for Development Information and Evaluation
CDO - Cooperative Development Organization
CDP - Cooperative Development Program (U.S.-Israel)
CDR - Cooperative Development and Research Program (U.S.-Israel)
CEAL - Center for Studies and Legislative Assistance
CEDRO - Center for Drug Education and Information
CEE - Central and Eastern Europe
CEELI - Central and East European Law Institute
CEL - Country Experimental Laboratory
CEPAL - Economic Commission for Latin America
CFC - Chlorofluorocarbon
CFA - African Financial Community
CFL - Compact Florescent Lamps
CFO - Chief Financial Officer
- Chief Financial Officers Act
CG - Consultative Group
CGIAR - Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research
CHF - Cooperative Housing Foundation
CIAV - Commission of Support for Verification
CIC - Community Improvement Council
CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency
CIFOR - Center for International Forestry Research
CILSS - Permanent Interstate Committee for the Control of Drought in the Sahel
CIMS - Contract Information Management System
CINGO - Citizen Initiated Nongovernmental Organization
CIT - Communities in Transition
CLD - Consortium for Legislative Development
CLUSA - Cooperative League of the United States of America
CMA - Crescent Medical Aid
CMR - Child Mortality Rate
CNG - Compressed Natural Gas
CNV - Culture and Nature Visitor
CO2 - Carbon Dioxide
COEN - El Salvador Disaster Preparedness Organization
COMURES - Corporation of Municipalities in El Salvador
CONAM - National Environmental Council
CONCAUSA - Central America-USA Alliance
CONRED- National Disaster Coordinating Committee (Guatemala) CONTIERRA- Land Conflict Resolution Commission (Guatemala)
COTS - Commercial off the Shelf
CP - Congressional Presentation
CPP - Comprehensive Post Partum
CPR - Contraceptive Prevalence Rate
CRM - Coastal Resource Management
CRS - Catholic Relief Services
CRSP - Collaborative Research Support Program
CS - Child Survival
CSD - Child Survival and Disease
CSE - Supreme Electoral Council
CSO - Civil Service Organization
CSM - Contraceptive Social Marketing
CSP - Country Strategic Plan
CTE - Carbon Ton Equivalent
CY - Calendar Year
CYP - Couple Year's Protection

DA - Development Assistance
DAC - Development Assistance Committee
DAF - Development Assistance Fund
DAP- Development Activity Proposal
DART - Disaster Assistance Response Team
DCA - Development Credit Authority
DCAA - Defense Contracting Audit Agency
DCOF - Displaced Children and Orphans Fund
DEG - Developing Economies Group
DFA - Development Fund for Africa
DfID - Department for International Development, UK
DG - Democracy and Governance
DH - Direct Hire
DHRF - Democracy and Human Rights Fund
DHS - Demographic Health Survey
DIMS - Democratic Indicators Monitoring System
DMELLD - Design, Monitoring, Evaluation, Lessons Learned, and Dissemination
DNPW - Directorship of National Parks and Wildlife
DOD- United States Department of Defense
DOE - Department of Energy
DOJ- United States Department of Justice
DOP - Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Governing Arrangements
DOTS - Directly Observed Therapy-Short Course
DPT - Diptheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus
DPT3 - Diptheria, Pertussis, Tetanus Immunization Series
DWG - Democracy Working Group

EA - Environmental Assessment
EAI - Enterprises for the Americas Initiative
EAP - Environmental Action Plan
EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
EC - European Community
- European Commission
ECA - Enhanced Credit Authority
ECHO - European Community Humanitarian Organization
ECOMOG - Economic Community of West African States Monitoring Group
ECOWAS - Economic Community of West African States
ECLAC - Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
ECS - Electronic Certifying System
EDDI - Education for Development and Democracy Initiative
EE - Europe and Eurasia (formerly Europe and New Independent States)
EEP - Employee Evaluation Program
EFT - Electronic Fund Transfer
EG - Economic Growth
EGAD - Economic Growth and Agriculture Development
EIA - Environmental Initiative for the Americas
EIP - Environmental Impact Assessment
EMS - Environmental Management System
ENI - Europe and New Independent States of Former Soviet Union (now called Europe and Eurasia)
ENR - Environment and Natural Resources
ENSO - El Nino Southern Oscillation ENV - Environment
EOC - Emergency Obstetric Care
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
EPI - Expanded Program of Immunization
EPL - Environmental Pollution Licensing
EPRA - Economic Policy Resource Center
ERP - Economic Recovery Program
ESAF - Extended Structural Adjustment Facility (International Monetary Fund)
ESF - Economic Support Fund
EU - European Union

FAAS - Foreign Affairs Administrative Services
FAH - Armed Forces of Haiti
FAI - Food Affordability Index
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization
FAR- Fixed Amount Reimbursable
FAS - Foreign Agriculture Service (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture)
FCCC - Framework Convention on Climate Changes
FDA - Food and Drug Administration
FDI - Foreign Direct Investment
FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency
FEWS - Famine Early Warning System
FFA - Future Farmers of America
FFP - Food for Peace
FFW - Food for Work
FGM - Female Genital Mutilation
FISE - Emergency Social Investment Fund
FM - Financial Management
FMAA - Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act of 1982
FMLN - Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front
FP - Family Planning
FREEDOM - Freedom for Russia and Emerging Eurasian Democracies and Open Markets Support Act of 1992 (FREEDOM Support Act)
FSA - FREEDOM Support Act
FSI - Foreign Service Institute
FSN - Foreign Service National
FSRDF - Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund
FTA - Free Trade Area
FTAA - Free Trade Area of the Americas
FTB - First Time Borrower
FTE - Full-time Equivalency
FTF - Farmer to Farmer Program
FTZ - Free Trade Zone
FY - Fiscal Year

G-7 - Group of Seven (leading industrialized nations consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, and United States)
GAO - General Accounting Office
GAVI - Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization
GATT - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GCA - Global Coalition for Africa
GCC - Global Climate Change
GDA - Global Development Alliance
GDP - Gross Domestic Product
GEF - Global Environmental Facility
GEM - Global Excellence in Management
GHA - Greater Horn of Africa
GHAI - Greater Horn of Africa Initiative
GHG - Green House Gas
GIS - Geographic Information System
GLI - Great Lakes Initiative
GLJI - Great Lakes Justice Initiative
GNP - Gross National Product
GMRA - Government Management Reform Act
GPA - Gender Plan of Action
GPRA - Government Performance and Results Act (P.L. 103-62)
GSA - General Services Administration
GSP - General System of Preference
GTN - Global Technology Network
GTZ - Guatemala Trade Zone
  - Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (German Development Cooperation)

HA - Hectare
- Humanitarian Assistance
HASP - Horn of Africa Support Project
HBCU - Historically Black Universities and Colleges
HCC - Historical Clarification Commission
HCD - Human Capacity Development
HG - Housing Guaranty
HHE - Household Effect
HiB - Hemophilus Influenza Type B
HIID - Harvard Institute for Interracial Development
HIPC - Heavily Indebted Poor Countries
HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HIV/AIDs - Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
HMO - Health Maintenance Organization
HFTE - Hemispheric Free Trade Expansion
HQ - Headquarters

IACCC - Inter-Agency Climate Change Committee
IARC - International Agricultural Research Center
IASP - International Affairs Strategic Plan (Department of State)
IAVI - International AIDS Vaccine Initiative
IBRD - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)
ICASS - International Cooperative Administrative Support Services
ICITAP - International Criminal Investigation and Training Assistance Program
ICORC - International Committee for the Reconstruction of Cambodia
ICRAS - Interagency Country Risk Assessment System
ICRC- International Committee of the Red Cross
ICRISAT - International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
IDA - International Development Association
  - International Disaster Assistance
IDB - Inter-American Development Bank
IDP - Internally Displaced People
IEC - Information, Education and Communication
IESC - International Executive Service Corps
IFES - International Foundation for Electoral Systems
IFRC - International Federation of the Red Cross
IFI - International Financial Institute
IFOR - Implementation Force (NATO)
IG - Inspector General
IGAD - Intergovernmental Authority on Development (GHAI)
IIDH - Inter-American Institute for Human Rights
IIRR - International Institute for Rural Reconstruction
ILO - International Labor Organization
IMCI - Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses
IMF- International Monetary Fund
IMR- Infant Mortality Rate
INADE - National Development Institute
INC - International Narcotics Control
INDIX - International Network for Development Information Exchange
INIFOM - Institute for the Promotion of Municipalities
INL- International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (State Department)
INRENARE - Institute for the Management of Renewable Natural Resources
INS - Immigration and Naturalization Service
IOM- International Organization for Migration
IPA - Interagency Personnel Agreement
IPM - Integrated Pest Management
IPO- International Public Organization
IPR - Intellectual Property Right
IPPF - International Planned Parenthood Federation
IPRF - International Planned Parenthood Federation
IQ - Intelligence Quotient
IQC- Indefinite Quantity Contract
IR - Intermediate Result
IRCT - Internal Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims
IRDP - Integrated Rural Development Program
IREX - International Research and Exchanges Board
IRI - International Republican Institute
IRRI - International Rice Research Institute
ISA - Institutional Support Assistance
  - Initiative for Southern Africa
ISG - Institutional Support Grant
IT - Information Technology
ITSH - Internal Transport, Storage and Handling
IUATLD - International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

JICA- Japanese International Cooperating Agency
JSE - Jakarta Stock Exchange
JUST - Justice Sector Support

KG - Kilogram

LAC - Latin America and the Caribbean
LAU - Lebanese American University
LDC - Less (or Least) Developed Country
LGD - Local Government Development
LGU - Local Government Union
LIFE - Leadership and Investment in Fighting the Epidemic Initiative
LMI - Lower Middle Income
LPG - Loan Portfolio Guarantee
LWOB - Lessons Without Borders

MAI - Multilateral Assistance Initiative
MCH - Maternal and Child Health
MDB - Multilateral Development Bank
MED - Ministry of Education
MEI - Micronutrient Enrichment Initiative
M&E - Monitoring and Evaluation
MENA - Middle East and North Africa
MEPU - Ministry of Pre-University Education
MERC - Middle East Regional Cooperation
MFI - Microfinance Institution
MFM - Municipal Finance and Management
MGP - Matching Grants Program
MINSA - Ministry of Health
MINUGUA - United Nations Verification Mission for Guatemala
MILGP - Military Group
MIS - Management Information System
MMR - Maternal Mortality Rate
MOA - Ministry of Agriculture
MOE - Ministry of Education
MOF - Minister of Finance
MOH - Ministry of Health
MOJ - Ministry of Justice
MOPH - Ministry of Public Health
MOU - Memorandum of Understanding
MPP - Mission Performance Plan
MSE - Micro and Small Enterprises
MSED - Micro and Small Enterprise Development
MSH - Management Sciences for Health
MT - Metric Ton
MW - Megawatt
MWDR - Mid-Western Development Region
MWI - Ministry of Water and Irrigation

NACP - National AIDS Control Program
NAFTA - North American Free Trade Agreement
NAPA - National Association of the Partners of the Americas
NAPCP - National AIDS Prevention and Control Program
NAS - Narcotic Affairs Section (State Department)
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NCBA - National Cooperative Business Association
NDI - National Democratic Institute
NDVI - Normalized Different Vegetative Index
NEA - National Electrification Administration
NEAP - National Environmental Action Plan
NED - National Endowment for Democracy
NGO - Nongovernmental Organization
NIC - Newly Industrialized Country
NIH - National Institutes of Health
NIS - New Independent States of the former Soviet Union
NMS - New Management System
NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NPA - Non-Project Assistance
NPI - New Partnership Initiative
NPR - National Performance Review
NRM - Natural Resource Management
NTA - New Transatlantic Agenda
NTE - Non-Traditional Exports

OAS - Organization of American States
OAU - Organization of African Unity
OB - Obstetric
OC - Oral Contraceptive
OCC - Object Class Code
ODA - Official Development Assistance
- Overseas Development Administration (British)
OE - Operating Expense
OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OECF - Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund
OECS - Organization of Eastern Caribbean States
OFDA - Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
OFHEO - Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
OFR - Ocean Freight Reimbursement
OHCHR - Office of the High commissioner for Human Rights (United Nations)
OIC - Organization of Islamic Conference
OIG - Office of the Inspector General
OMB - Office of Management and Budget
OPDAT - Office of Professional Development and Training
OR - Operational Research
ORS - Oral Rehydration Salts
ORS/T - Oral Rehydration Salts/Therapy
ORT - Oral Rehydration Therapy
OTI - Office of Transition Initiatives
OVC - Orphans and Vulnerable Children

PA - Palestinian Authority
PACD - Project Assistance Completion Date
PADCO - Pan American Development Corporation
PAHO - Pan American Health Organization
PAR - Policy and Administrative Reform
PARDEM - Participatory Democracy
PASA - Participating Agency Service Agreement
PCA - Panama Canal Authority
PCTC - Panama Canal Transition Commission
PCV - Peace Corps Volunteer
PEGO - Presidential Economic Growth Opportunity
PES - Policy Environment Score
PHC - Primary Health Care
PHN - Population, Health and Nutrition
PIP - Parks in Peril
PL - Public Law
PLANTE - National Alternative Development Plan (Colombia)
PLO - Palestinian Liberation Organization
PM- Performance Measurement and Evaluation
PNFPP - Philippines National Family Planning Program
PPC - Policy and Program Coordination Bureau (USAID)
PRET - Program for the Recovery of the Economy in Transition
PRIME - Program for Innovation in Microenterprise
PRM - Population, Refugees, and Migration
PSC - Personal Service Contract
PVC - Private Voluntary Cooperation (USAID Office)
PVO - Private Voluntary Organization

R-4 - Results Review and Resource Requirement
RCSA - Regional Center for Southern Africa/USAID
RDA - Regional Development Account
REDSO - Regional Economic Development Support Office/USAID
REFORM - Reengineering Effort for Organization and Management
REGO - Reinventing Government
RH - Reproductive Health
RHUDO - Regional Housing and Urban Development Office/USAID
RIF - Reduction in Force
RIG - Regional Inspector General
ROL - Rule of Law
RRB - Ronald Reagan Building
R&RS - Research and Reference Service
RSD - Office of Regional Sustainable Development (USAID)
RSM/EA - Regional Support Mission for East Asia

SADC - Southern Africa Development Community
SAEDF - Southern Africa Enterprise Development Fund
SAI - Special Assistance Initiative
- Supreme Audit Institution
SAP - Structural Adjustment Program
SCF - Save the Children
SDC - Society for Democratic Culture
SDF - Special Development Fund
SEATS - Family Planning Service Expansion and Technical Support
SEB - Small and Emerging Business
SEBI - Securities and Exchange Board of India
SEC - Securities and Exchange Commission
SEED - Support for East European Democracy
SET - Supreme Electoral Tribunal
SIECA - Permanent Secretariat of General Treaty of Central America Economic Integration
SME - Small and Medium-sized Enterprise
SMME - Small, Medium, and Micro Enterprises
SO - Strategic Objective
SO2 - Sulfur Dioxide
SOE - State-Owned Enterprise
SOW - Scope of Work
SPA - Special Program of Assistance for Africa
- Small Program Assistance
SpO - Special Objective
SPRP - Sector Policy Reform Program
SPU - Strategic Planning Unit
SSH - Special Self Help Program
SSO - Strategic Support Objective
STD - Sexually Transmitted Disease
STI - Sexually Transmitted Infection
STRI - Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

TAACS - Technical Advisors for AIDS and Child Survival
TAF - The Asia Foundation
TB - Tuberculosis
TBD - To Be Determined
TF - Trust Fund
TFR - Total Fertility Rate
TI - Transition Initiatives Account
- Transparency International
TNC - The Nature Conservancy
TR&D - Tropical Research and Development

U5MR - Under 5 Mortality Rate
UE - Urban and Environment Credit Program (formerly Housing Guaranty Program)
UK - United Kingdon
UN - United Nations
UNAG - National Union of Farmers and Cattle Owners
UNAIDS - United Nations AIDS Program
UNAVEM - United Nations Verification Mission for Angola
UNDCP - United Nations Drug Control Program
UNDP - United Nation Development Program
UE - Urban Environment
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Control
UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund
UNHCR - Untied Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund
USIJI - United States Initiative on Joint Implementation
UNMIH - United Nations Mission in Haiti
UNRWA - United Nations Relief Works Agency
UPANIC - Nicaraguan Union of Agricultural Producers
URC - University Research Corporation
USACE - United States Army Corps of Engineers
USAEP - United States-Asia Environmental Partnership Initiative
USAID - U.S. Agency for International Development
USDA - United States Department of Agriculture
USDH - United States Direct Hire
USFDA - U.S. Food and Drug Administration
USG - United States Government
USG - United States Gelogical Survey
USIA - United States Information Agency
USIS - United States Information Service
USTTI - United States Telecommunications Training Institute

VAT - Value Added Tax
VC - Vulnerable Children
VCT - Voluntary Counseling and Training
VE - Voluntary Executive
VII - Vaccine Independence Initiative
VOA - Voice of America
VVM - Vaccine Vial Monitor

WAEN - West Africa Enterprise Network
WB - World Bank
WFP - World Food Program
WHO - World Health Organization
WID - Women in Development
WIP - Women in Politics
WHO - World Health Organization
WTO - World Trade Organization
WWF - Worldwide Fund for Nature

Y2K - Year 2000
