National 4-H Headquarters, USDA logo

National 4-H Headquarters, CSREES, USDA

National 4-H News

2009 National 4-H Science Experiment - Biofuel Blast4-H National Youth Science Day Experiment Announced

On 4-H National Youth Science Day, October 7th, young people across the nation will get a chance to examine one of the most important issues facing our nation today�energy. Youth will discover, learn and have a blast exploring alternative fuels through Biofuel Blast , the National Science Experiment.

Developed in conjunction with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension and Wisconsin 4-H, the experiment is designed to spark an early interest in the sciences�all part of 4-H's bold goal to engage a million new young people in science, engineering and technology programs by 2013.

You can find everything you need to participate in 4-H National Youth Science Day online at . The site has lots of useful information, including the experiment facilitator's guide, interactive tools, event planning kits and much more. Plus, new features, information and promotions will be added in the months and weeks leading up to October 7th�so make sure to register to receive event updates today.

4-H Robotics Curriculum Request For Applications

The National 4-H Headquarters, CSREES, USDA announces the availability of funds - from National 4-H Council - and requests applications to support the development of effective, high quality 4-H Robotics curriculum. One award will be made with a maximum amount to not exceed $400,000.00. PROPOSAL DEADLINE : July 17, 2009 (12 noon, Eastern Time).


Provisions of eligible applicants and applications:

  • Applications may be submitted only through land-grant universities or 4-H sanctioned entities (such as 4-H Foundations).
  • Lead authors and the majority of contributors can only be faculty/professional staff from land-grant universities.
  • Can be single university or multi-university teams (state and county staff).

Application Materials

1). RFA document
2). Appendix A - application form
3). Appendix B - application worksheet


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The 4-H Name & Emblem are protected under 18 USC 707 - Updated July 8, 2009