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Science and Engineering Indicators 2004
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Chapter 2:
Structure of U.S. Higher Education

Enrollment in Higher Education

Higher Education Degrees
Foreign Doctoral Degree Recipients
International S&E Higher Education
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Figure 2-3

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Figure 2-4

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Figure 2-5

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Figure 2-6

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Figure 2-7

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Figure 2-8

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Figure 2-9

Higher Education in Science and Engineering

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Enrollment in Higher Education

Overall Enrollment
Undergraduate Enrollment in S&E
Graduate Enrollment in S&E

Overall Enrollment top of page

Overall enrollment in U.S. institutions of higher education increased from about 7 million in 1967 to 14.5 million in 1992, remained at that level until 1997, and rose to 15.6 million by 2000. These increases differed for various groups (table 2-1 text table and appendix table 2-2 Microsoft Excel icon). Enrollment is projected to increase in the first 2 decades of the 21st century for two reasons. First, the number of students of college age (approximated by the size of the 20–24-year-old cohort) is projected to grow. In the late 1990s, the U.S. college-age population reversed its 2-decade-long decline and began an upward trend. After decreasing from 21.5 million in 1981 to 17.4 million in 1997 (about 19 percent), the college-age population reached 18.5 million by the 2000 census and is expected to increase to 21.7 million by 2015 (appendix table 2-4 Microsoft Excel icon).[4] Second, increasing numbers of students who are older than 24 years are enrolling in higher education. More than 50 percent of all undergraduates are 22 or older; almost 25 percent are 30 or older (Edgerton 2001).

The increased enrollment is projected to come from minority groups, principally from Hispanics, a group that has not traditionally studied S&E fields to the same extent as the majority white population. (See "Undergraduate Enrollment in S&E.") From 2000 to 2015, the Hispanic college-age population is projected to increase by 52 percent, nearly as high as the rise in Asian/Pacific Islanders (62 percent); those of blacks and American Indian/Alaskan Natives will rise by 19 and 15 percent, respectively. The white college-age cohort, which declined until 2000, is expected to rise by 7 percent, should expand slowly until about 2010, and should then decline again (figure 2-3 figure and appendix table 2-4 Microsoft Excel icon).

The changing demographic composition of higher education can already be seen by comparing 1992 and 1998 data. During this period, overall enrollment increased by 1 percent, but underrepresented minority enrollment grew by 16 percent and Asian/Pacific Islander enrollment by 36 percent. In 1998, underrepresented minority students were more often enrolled than U.S. citizens overall in 2-year institutions (43 versus 39 percent) and less often in research institutions (12 versus 18 percent). (For a breakout of enrollment trends by institutional type and race/ethnicity in the 1990s, see appendix table 2-5 Microsoft Excel icon.)

Undergraduate Enrollment in S&E top of page

Enrollment in undergraduate S&E courses and majors prepares students to study S&E at more advanced levels. It also prepares them to work in occupations that require the knowledge and skills acquired in the pursuit of an S&E education.

Freshmen Intentions to Major in S&E

The annual freshman norms survey, administered by the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI), indicates the distribution of future S&E (and other) bachelor's degrees. Since 1972, the survey has asked freshmen at numerous universities and colleges about their degree intentions, and the data have given a general picture of degree trends several years later.[5]

According to the HERI survey, freshmen from all demographic groups plan to study S&E. In recent years, approximately 31 percent of white, 43 percent of Asian/Pacific Islander, and 35 percent of underrepresented minority freshmen reported that they intended to major in S&E. The proportions were higher for men in every racial/ethnic group. In the 1990s, more men from every racial/ethnic group reported interest in a computer science major than before. However, in 2001 and 2002, the number of freshman intending to major in computer sciences dropped off for every race and ethnicity (appendix table 2-6 Microsoft Excel icon).

The growing diversity of the college population is mirrored in the changing mix of students studying S&E. Women constituted 33 percent of students reporting S&E intentions in 1972, rising gradually to 44 percent by the late 1990s. The data also show increasing racial/ethnic diversity among freshmen intending to pursue an S&E major. By 1996, members of underrepresented minority groups accounted for almost 20 percent of those planning an S&E major, up from 8 percent in the early 1970s. After 1996, the percentages for underrepresented minorities fluctuated around 19 percent, with shifts among S&E fields. In the late 1990s, more underrepresented minorities intended majors in biological/agricultural and social/behavioral sciences, and fewer intended majors in computer sciences and engineering (appendix table 2-7 Microsoft Excel icon).

Few of those intending an S&E major consider teaching as a probable career, whether at the elementary, secondary, or college level. In the past decade, fewer anticipated becoming engineers or scientific researchers than in previous decades. Instead, more anticipated becoming computer scientists or physicians.

Based on coursetaking, survey responses indicate that freshmen are at least as ready for college-level coursework as in the past. Respondents reported taking more of the recommended college-preparatory high school courses than in prior years (table 2-2 text table). However, 20 percent of the 2002 respondents intending an S&E major reported needing remediation in mathematics, and nearly 10 percent reported needing remediation in the sciences. These percentages have been relatively stable over 2 decades (appendix table 2-8 Microsoft Excel icon). Need for remediation varied depending on the major field: fewer intending to major in mathematics, physical sciences, or engineering reported a need for remediation compared with those intending to major in social or behavioral sciences or in non-S&E fields (figure 2-4 figure).

Retention in S&E

Students change their majors during their undergraduate years or after completing an S&E degree, and S&E fields are not alone in experiencing attrition between freshman intentions and undergraduate outcomes. Two studies of student retention in S&E cast some light on what happens between declaration of a degree intention and the moment a degree is awarded. Retention in S&E careers or in advanced education of those who complete S&E degrees is shown in the National Science Foundation (NSF) National Survey of Recent College Graduates (NSRCG).

An NCES longitudinal study followed first-year students in 1990 who intended to complete an S&E major and found that fewer than half had completed an S&E degree within 5 years. Approximately 20 percent of the students dropped out of college, and the others chose other fields (U.S. Department of Education 2000a). The study also found that underrepresented minorities were more likely than students from other groups to drop out of S&E programs. NCES did not collect data on students who moved into S&E from other fields.

A more recent study focused on 1993 freshmen with a declared S&E major at 175 universities and colleges varying in size, selectivity, and highest degree level (Center for Institutional Data Exchange and Analysis 2001). Like the NCES study, this study found that fewer than half of the students had completed an S&E degree after 6 years. It also documented that women and underrepresented minorities left S&E programs at higher rates than men and nonminority students, resulting in lower degree completion rates for women and minorities. Retention rates for those who had declared an intention to major in S&E were higher at institutions that shared the characteristics of high selectivity, low part-time attendance, doctoral degree level, and private governance.

The NSRCG shows retention in S&E as measured through further education and S&E occupations. About one-third of those who graduated with an S&E bachelor's degree in 1999 or 2000 were continuing in S&E in 2001, either in graduate study (13 percent) or employment (20 percent).[6] Percentages of those going on for advanced study in S&E were higher for those with a high grade point average (GPA). More than 18 percent of those with a 3.75–4.00 undergraduate GPA continued to study S&E. In contrast, relatively few (7 percent) of those with less than 2.75 GPA continued to study S&E. Retention rates in S&E from the 2001 survey were up slightly from the 1995 survey (appendix table 2-9 Microsoft Excel icon).

Retention in S&E after completion of an S&E master's degree was higher than after completion of a bachelor's degree. In 2001, around 63 percent of those who earned an S&E master's degree in 1999 or 2000 were continuing in S&E, either in school (17 percent) or in employment (46 percent). Overall, S&E retention after a master's degree in 2001 was similar to that in 1995, but a larger percentage of these graduates were employed in S&E fields in 2001 than in 1995, and a small percentage were continuing advanced studies in S&E fields (appendix table 2-9 Microsoft Excel icon).

Enrollment Trends in Mathematics and Statistics

Mathematics and statistics are increasingly important as analytic tools across the sciences. The Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences compiles data every 5 years on enrollment in mathematics and statistics courses (Lutzer, Maxwell, and Rodi 2002). Enrollment in 4-year institutions reached a low in 1995 but rebounded in 2000. Course-level differences were reflected in the degree of recovery. In universities and 4-year colleges, the number of students increased primarily in introductory mathematics and statistics courses. However, more students than before also enrolled in level 1–4 calculus courses. Enrollment in advanced undergraduate courses rose only slightly from the 1995 low, but because completion of the calculus series is a prerequisite for such courses, enrollment in advanced courses is expected to increase after 2000 (table 2-3 text table).

In the past 2 decades, the proportion of enrollment in remedial mathematics courses increased at 2-year institutions and declined at 4-year institutions. In 2000, enrollment in remedial mathematics courses accounted for 60 percent of all mathematics enrollment in 2-year institutions, up from 48 percent in 1980. In the same period, enrollment in remedial mathematics courses at 4-year institutions declined to 14 percent of total mathematics enrollment, down from 16 percent in 1980. Neither of these trends is a reliable indicator of changes in student preparation, however. In general, enrollment in remedial courses includes many older adults taking refresher courses (Phillippe and Patton 1999), a phenomenon that is widespread at 2-year institutions. The decline at 4-year institutions may reflect the effort of some states to remove remedial courses from their 4-year colleges and universities.

Enrollment Trends in Engineering

Generally, engineering programs require students to declare a major in the first year of college, making enrollment data an early indicator of both future undergraduate engineering degrees and student interest in an engineering career. The Engineering Workforce Commission (2003) administers an annual fall survey that tracks enrollment in undergraduate and graduate engineering programs.

Undergraduate engineering enrollment decreased sharply during the 1980s, followed by slower declines in the 1990s and rising numbers from 2000 to 2002 (figure 2-5 figure). From a 1983 peak of about 441,000 students, undergraduate engineering enrollment declined to about 361,000 students by 1999, an 18 percent drop, before rebounding to 421,000 in 2002 (appendix table 2-10 Microsoft Excel icon). Graduate engineering enrollment peaked in 1993 at 128,000, declined to 105,000 by 1999, and then rebounded past its former peak to an all-time high of 140,000 in 2002 (appendix table 2-11 Microsoft Excel icon).

Graduate Enrollment in S&E top of page

Advanced education in S&E toward a master's or doctoral degree prepares people for more technically oriented occupations, teaching in these fields, and research and research management positions. This section presents data on continuing key trends in graduate S&E enrollment. Information is included on patterns and trends showing how graduate students are supported during their education.

Enrollment Trends

The long-term growth trend in U.S. S&E graduate enrollment reached a peak of 435,700 in 1993. This was followed by a 5-year decline, with a recovery of growth to nearly the 1993 level by 2001. Graduate enrollment in engineering and computer sciences drove the recent growth; enrollment in most other science fields remained level or declined. By 2001, graduate enrollment in physical, earth, atmospheric, and ocean sciences had declined by 12 percent from their highs, and enrollment in mathematics declined by 17 percent. The increase in computer sciences and recent recovery in engineering mainly reflect the increasing number of foreign graduate students enrolling in these programs (figure 2-6 figure and appendix table 2-12 Microsoft Excel icon).

The long-term increase in overall graduate enrollment was the combined result of strong growth in foreign student enrollment (about 90 percent from 1983 to 2001), continuing increases in the number of women, and an approximate doubling in enrollment for each underrepresented minority group (appendix tables 2-12 Microsoft Excel icon and 2-13 Microsoft Excel icon). These trends more than balanced a decline in the number of white men (table 2-4 text table). Short-term trends in S&E graduate enrollment are shown in table 2-5 text table.

The number of women enrolling in S&E graduate programs has continued to increase for the past 2 decades, except for a leveling off in psychology in the last half of the 1990s (appendix table 2-13 Microsoft Excel icon). The long-term trend of the rising proportion of women in S&E fields also continued, but large variations among fields persisted. By 2001, women constituted most of the graduate enrollment in psychology (74 percent), biology (54 percent), and social sciences (52 percent). They constituted considerable proportions of graduate students in mathematics (38 percent) and physical, earth, atmospheric, and ocean sciences (34 percent). Women remain underrepresented in two broad fields: computer sciences (29 percent) and engineering (20 percent) (figure 2-7 figure).

The proportion of underrepresented minority students in graduate S&E programs increased from about 6 percent in 1983 to 10 percent in 2001, well below their share in the college-age population (30 percent). However, measured as a percentage of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, their share has gone from 7 to 14 percent, approximating their share of S&E baccalaureates (16 percent). Over the period, average annual enrollment growth of underrepresented minorities was 3.9 percent, with little difference among groups; however, in the 1987–93 period, growth averaged nearly 8 percent a year, slowing to 3.4 percent annually thereafter (appendix table 2-12 Microsoft Excel icon).

Foreign graduate student enrollment in S&E grew from 70,200 in 1983 to 133,300 in 2001, with some years of decline in the early to mid-1990s. For all S&E fields combined, the proportion of foreign students increased from 20 to 31 percent over the period (appendix table 2-12 Microsoft Excel icon). Eight of the top 10 countries/economies of origin for foreign S&E graduate students in U.S. institutions in the 1990s were Asian, with Canada and Mexico being the exceptions (appendix table 2-14 Microsoft Excel icon).

Over the 1983–2001 period, approximately 70 percent of the growth in the number of foreign graduate students in S&E occurred in just two fields: engineering and computer sciences. Engineering enrollment peaked in 1993, declined steeply for several years, and rebounded after 1995. Computer science enrollment rose through most of the period, with a brief drop in the mid-1990s, followed by a rapid increase (appendix table 2-12 Microsoft Excel icon). By 2001, foreign students represented 49 percent of all graduate students in computer sciences and 47 percent in engineering. They also represented large percentages of graduate students in mathematics and physical sciences (figure 2-8 figure).

Financial Support for S&E Graduate Education

U.S. higher education in S&E fields couples advanced education with research. Students' sources of financial support during graduate school can affect the character of their graduate education, including the kinds of research skills they learn, choices of research direction, and preparation for different careers. Support mechanisms include research assistantships (RAs), teaching assistantships (TAs), fellowships, and traineeships.

Sources of funding include Federal agency support, non-Federal support, and self-support. Non-Federal support includes state funds, particularly in the large public university systems; these funds are affected by the condition of overall state budgets. (See sidebar, "Definitions and Terminology of Support," for more detailed descriptions of mechanisms and sources of support.) Most graduate students, especially those who pursue doctoral degrees, are supported by more than one source and one mechanism during their time in graduate school, and some receive support from several different sources and mechanisms in a given academic year.

This section describes patterns and trends in student reliance on different mechanisms and sources of financial support.

RAs became more prominent during the latter 1980s and have accounted for 27–28 percent of total graduate support since 1988. The prevalence of traineeships and TAs declined during the 1990s; self-support reached about 33 percent during the second half of the decade (table 2-6 text table).

In 2001, one in five graduate students received Federal financial support. This support was mostly in the form of RAs—67 percent, up from 55 percent 2 decades earlier—and was offset by declining traineeships. For students supported through non-Federal sources in 2001, TAs were the most prominent mechanism (40 percent), followed by RAs (32 percent) (appendix table 2-15 Microsoft Excel icon).

Primary mechanisms of support differ widely by S&E field of study. For example, in 2001, students in physical sciences were supported mainly through RAs (43 percent) and TAs (39 percent). RAs were also important in engineering (42 percent). In mathematics, however, primary student support was through TAs (55 percent) and self-support (16 percent). Students in social and behavioral sciences were mainly self-supporting (43 percent) or received TAs (20 percent) (appendix table 2-16 Microsoft Excel icon).

The Federal Government plays a significant role in supporting S&E graduate students in some mechanisms and fields and a small role in others. For example, in 2001, the Federal Government sponsored 59 percent of S&E traineeships, 47 percent of RAs, and 22 percent of fellowships.[7] Federal support reaches relatively large proportions of students in physical, earth, atmospheric, ocean, and life sciences and engineering. However, few students receive Federal support in mathematics, computer sciences, social sciences, and psychology (figure 2-9 figure). Appendix table 2-17 Microsoft Excel icon gives detailed information by field and mechanism.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and NSF support most of the S&E graduate students whose primary support comes from the Federal Government. In 2001, they supported about 20,000 and 15,000 students, respectively. Two-decade trends in Federal agency support of graduate students showed considerable increases in the proportion of students funded (NIH, from 22 to 29 percent; NSF, from 18 to 23 percent). Support from the Department of Defense declined during the 1990s (appendix table 2-18 Microsoft Excel icon).

For doctoral degree students, notable differences exist in primary support mechanisms by sex, race/ethnicity, and citizenship. In 2001, men were most likely to be supported by RAs (30 percent), and women were most likely to support themselves from personal sources of funds (34 percent). Whites and Asian/Pacific Islanders were most likely to derive primary support from RAs (26 and 31 percent, respectively), and underrepresented minorities depended more on fellowships (36 percent). The primary source of support for foreign doctoral degree students was an RA (table 2-7 text table).


[4]  For data on earlier years, see appendix table 2-32 Microsoft Excel icon.

[5]  The number of S&E degrees awarded to a particular freshmen cohort is lower than the number of students reporting such intentions and reflects losses of students from S&E, students moving into S&E after their freshman year, and general attrition from bachelor's degree programs. See "Retention in S&E."

[6]  Many occupations not classified as S&E (e.g., elementary/secondary school teacher, manager) require significant scientific or technical background. See "How Are People With an S&E Education Employed?" in chapter 3.

[7]  Federal fellowships and traineeships are available only to U.S. citizens and permanent residents; however, this does not apply to Federal research assistantships.

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