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GIS and the San Francisquito Creek Project

A geographic information system (GIS) plays a key role in the San Francisquito Creek Project. The GIS brings together digital data from the broad fields of geography, cartography, hydrology, biology, and geology. This powerful tool allows us to better understand and analyze the San Francisquito Creek watershed and is a useful aid in evaluating issues and making decisions.

The GIS Database Project provides an in-depth description of the development of the GIS database for the San Francisquito Creek Project.

PowerPoint Show image.

To learn more about the USGS, digital data available for the watershed, and how a GIS is applied to the San Francisquito Creek Project, please view the following PowerPoint presentation. The presentation is available in two formats, but it is best to view in PPS format.

Whis is a Geographic Information System?

A GIS is a digital tool for
bullet Analyzing and understanding information about the Earth.
bullet Identifying the spatial relationships between map features.
bullet Assembling, storing, manipulating, and displaying geographically referenced information.
bullet Combining layers of information about a place.

5 Questions GIS Can Answer
bullet What is at...?
bullet Where is it?
bullet What has changed since...?
bullet What spatial patterns exist?
bullet What if...?

The following animation was created to describe and graphically represent the concept of a GIS and how digital data are incorporated to create a GIS project.

<p> Your browser doesn't support the automatic startup of Flash animations. click on the button to start the animation in a new window. <input type = "button" value ="click me" onclick="getDemo()"></p>

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Last Modified: Tuesday, 19-Jun-2007 17:49:15 EDT (cmh)
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