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Science and Engineering Indicators 2004
  Table of Contents     Figures     Tables     Appendix Tables     Presentation Slides  

List of Tables

Table Title
Overview  top of page
Table O-1 Visa Applications and refusals by major high-skilled categories: FY 2001–2003

Chapter 1. Elementary and Secondary Education  top of page
Table 1-1 1999–2000 college graduates according to college entrance examination score quartile, by elementary/secondary teaching status: 2001
Table 1-2 Public school teachers according to highest degree earned: Academic year 1999

Chapter 2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering  top of page
Table 2-1 Growth in higher education enrollment, by sex, race/ethnicity, and visa status: 1986–98
Table 2-2 Freshmen who took recommended college-preparatory courses in high school, by intended major: 1983 and 2001
Table 2-3 Estimated enrollment in undergraduate mathematics and statistics courses: 1980–2000
Table 2-4 S&E graduate enrollment by citizenship and race/ethnicity: 1983–2001
Table 2-5 Change in S&E graduate enrollment, by citizenship, race/ethnicity, and sex: 1994–2001
Table 2-6 Support mechanisms of full-time S&E graduate students: 1980–2001
Table 2-7 Selected primary mechanisms of support for S&E doctorate recipients, by citizenship, sex, and race/ethnicity: 2001
Table 2-8 Ratio of bachelor's degrees to the 24-year-old population, by selected fields, sex, and race/ethnicity: 1990 and 2000
Table 2-9 Asian recipients of U.S. S&E doctorates by field and country/economy of origin: 1985–2000
Table 2-10 European and North American recipients of U.S. S&E doctorates, by field and region/country of origin: 1985–2000

Chapter 3. Science and Engineering Labor Force  top of page
Table 3-1 Measures of S&E workforce: 1999
Table 3-2 Total S&E jobs: 2000 and projected 2010
Table 3-3 S&E degree holders employed in non-S&E occupations, by highest degree and relation of degree to job: 1999
Table 3-4 Individuals with S&E highest degree employed in non-S&E occupations, by occupation and relation of degree to job: 1999
Table 3-5 College-educated individuals with S&E degrees or S&E occupations, by S&E employment status and field of highest degree: 1999
Table 3-6 Individuals in S&E occupations, by highest degree: 1999
Table 3-7 Unemployment rate for individuals in S&E occupations: 1993 and 1999
Table 3-8 Median annual salary of U.S. individuals in S&E occupations, by highest degree: Selected years, 1993–99
Table 3-9 Unemployment rate for individuals in S&E occupations, by sex and race/ethnicity: 1993 and 1999
Table 3-10 Median annual salary of individuals employed in S&E occupations, by sex and race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1993–99
Table 3-11 Estimated salary differentials of individuals with S&E degrees, by individual characteristics and degree level: 1999
Table 3-12 1997 and 1998 S&E bachelor's and master's degree recipients, by degree field and employment sector: 1999
Table 3-13 Labor market rate for recent doctorate recipients 1–3 years after receiving doctorate, by field: 1999 and 2001
Table 3-14 Doctorate recipients holding tenure and tenure-track appointments at 4-year institutions, by years since receipt of doctorate: 1993, 1999, and 2001
Table 3-15 Scientists and engineers recently awarded doctorates, by degree field and relation to occupation: 2001
Table 3-16 Primary reason for taking current postdoc position, by degree field: 2001
Table 3-17 Median annual salary of recent doctorate recipients 1–3 years after receiving degree, by percentile: 2001
Table 3-18 Change from 1997 to 1999 in median salary for S&E graduates 1–5 years after receiving degree
Table 3-19 First age at which more than 50 percent of S&E degree holders are retired, by highest degree and employment status: 1999
Table 3-20 Employed 1999 S&E doctorate holders leaving full-time employment by 2001, by employment sector: 1999
Table 3-21 S&E-degreed individuals who have retired but continue to work, by highest degree: 1999
Table 3-22 Foreign-born S&E-trained U.S. scientists and engineers, by field and level of highest degree: 1999
Table 3-23 Comparison between NSF and Census estimates of foreign-born individuals in S&E occupations, by level of education: 1999 and 2000
Table 3-24 Foreign-born individuals in S&E occupations, by level of education and occupation group: 2000
Table 3-25 Visa applications by major high-skilled categories: FY 2001–2003
Table 3-26 H-1b visa admissions, by occupation: FY 2001
Table 3-27 Temporary visas issued in categories likely to include scientists and engineers: FY 2002
Table 3-28 Temporary residents living in United States who received U.S. doctorates in 1996, by degree field: 1997–2001

Chapter 4. U.S. and International Research and Development: Funds and Technology Linkages  top of page
Table 4-1 U.S. R&D expenditures, by character of work, performing sector, and source of funds: 2002
Table 4-2 Industrial R&D performance, by industry and source of funding: 2001
Table 4-3 Estimated share of computer-related services in company-funded R&D and domestic net sales: 1987–2001
Table 4-4 Total R&D and lower bound biotechnology R&D by industry and company size: 2001
Table 4-5 Funds for industry R&D performance and number of R&D-performing companies in manufacturing and nonmanufacturing industries, by size of company: 2001
Table 4-6 Company and other (non-Federal) R&D fund share of net sales in R&D- performing companies, by industry and company size: 2000, 2001
Table 4-7 Top 20 R&D-spending corporations: 2001
Table 4-8 Top 10 states in R&D performance, R&D by sector, and R&D as percentage of gross state product: 2000
Table 4-9 Top 10 states in industry R&D performance and share of R&D by selected industries: 2000
Table 4-10 Federal R&D obligations, total, intramural, and FFRDCs, by U.S. agency: FY 2003
Table 4-11 Budget authority for R&D by Federal agency and character of work, proposed levels: FY 2004
Table 4-12 Estimated Federal R&D obligations, by performing sector and agency funding source: FY 2003
Table 4-13 Research and experimentation tax credit claims: 1990–99
Table 4-14 Federal obligations for R&D, by selected agency, performer, and basic research component: FY 2001
Table 4-15 Federal technology transfer indicators for selected agencies: FY 2001
Table 4-16 International technology alliances worldwide, by regional ownership and technology focus: 1991–2001
Table 4-17 R&D share of gross domestic product, by country/economy: 1997–2001
Table 4-18 Academic R&D expenditures, by country and source of funds: 1981, 1990, and 2000
Table 4-19 Shares of academic R&D expenditures, by country and S&E field: 1998 or 1999
Table 4-20 Industrial R&D, by industry sector for selected countries: Selected years, 1997–2000
Table 4-21 Government R&D support for defense and nondefense purposes, all OECD countries: 1981–99
Table 4-22 Selected operating data for majority-owned U.S. affiliates of foreign companies: 2000
Table 4-23 R&D performed by majority-owned affiliates of foreign companies in United States, by selected NAICS industry of affiliate and region/country: 2000
Table 4-24 Selected data for U.S. multinational corporation parent companies and their MOFAs: 2000
Table 4-25 R&D performed overseas by majority-owned foreign affiliates of U.S. parent companies, by selected NAICS industry of affiliate and region/country: 2000
Table 4-26

R&D performed overseas by majority-owned foreign affiliates of U.S. companies in selected economies: 1994 and 2000

Chapter 5. Academic Research and Development  top of page
Table 5-1 Academic R&D share of total R&D performance, by selected countries: 2000 or 2001
Table 5-2 Funds for congressionally earmarked academic research projects: 1980–2002
Table 5-3 Status of academic S&E research space, by field: 2001
Table 5-4 Institutions reporting need for additional S&E research space, by field: 2001
Table 5-5 Average annual growth rates for employment of S&E doctorate holders in U.S. economy: 1975–2001
Table 5-6 S&E doctorate holders employed in academia, by years since doctorate: Selected years, 1975–2001
Table 5-7 Average annual growth rates for S&E doctorate holders, by academic position: 1975–2001
Table 5-8 Female and minority S&E doctorate holders employed in academia, by Carnegie institution type: Selected years, 1975–2001
Table 5-9 White and white male S&E doctorate holders employed in academia, by years since degree: Selected years, 1975–2001
Table 5-10 Full-time S&E graduate students and graduate research assistants at U.S. universities and colleges, by degree field: Selected years, 1975–2001
Table 5-11 S&E doctorate holders and graduate research assistants employed in academia, by Carnegie institution type: 1975–2001
Table 5-12 S&E doctorate holders employed in academia, by involvement in research and position: Selected years, 1975–2001
Table 5-13 S&E doctorate holders employed in academia, by degree field and involvement in research: 2001
Table 5-14 S&E doctorate holders employed in academia who reported research as primary activity, by degree field: Selected years, 1975–2001
Table 5-15 S&E doctorate holders employed in academia who received Federal support, by degree field: 1981, 1991, and 2001
Table 5-16 S&E doctorate holders employed in academia 4–7 years after receiving degree who received Federal support, by degree field: 1981, 1991, and 2001
Table 5-17 S&E doctorate holders employed in academia receiving Federal support who received it from multiple agencies: Selected years, 1975–2001
Table 5-18 OECD share of world S&E article output: 2001
Table 5-19 U.S. article output, by S&E field: Selected years, 1988–2001
Table 5-20 Per capita output of S&E articles, by country/economy: 1999–2001
Table 5-21 U.S. cross-sectoral collaboration: 2001
Table 5-22 Breadth of international S&E collaboration, by country/economy: 1994 and 2001
Table 5-23 International coauthorship with United States, by country/economy: 1988, 1994, and 2001
Table 5-24 Top countries collaborating with United States on S&E articles: 1994 and 2001
Table 5-25 OECD share of world S&E literature cited in S&E articles: 2001
Table 5-26 Relative prominence of citations of S&E literature, by region: 1994 and 2001
Table 5-27 Citations of U.S. S&E articles, by field: Selected years, 1992–2001
Table 5-28 Countries whose S&E articles were cited most in U.S. S&E articles: 1994 and 2001
Table 5-29 U.S. patents that cite S&E literature, by nationality of inventor: 1990, 1996, and 2001
Table 5-30 Citation of S&E literature in U.S. patents relative to share of S&E literature, by selected field and country/region: 2002
Table 5-31 Academic patenting and licensing activities: 1991–2001
Table 5-32 Stage of development of licensed inventions by U.S. universities: 1998
Table 5-33 Ownership of academic intellectual property in OECD countries: 2003

Chapter 6. Industry, Technology, and the Global Marketplace  top of page
Table 6-1 Classification of manufacturing industries based on average R&D intensity: 1991–97
Table 6-2 Triadic patent families, by inventor and applicant (owner) place of residence and priority year: 1988–98
Table 6-3 Top patenting corporations: 1977–96 and 2001
Table 6-4 Top 15 most emphasized U.S. patent classes for corporations from United States, Japan, and Germany: 2001
Table 6-5 Top 15 most emphasized U.S. patent classes for corporations from South Korea and Taiwan: 2001
Table 6-6 New capital committed to U.S. venture capital funds: 1980–2002
Table 6-7 Capital commitments, by limited partner type: 1990–2002
Table 6-8 Federally and privately funded early-stage venture capital
Table 6-9 Companies reporting IT-based innovation in past 12 months or expected innovation in next 12 months, by industry and revenue size: 2001

Chapter 7. Science and Technology: Public Attitudes and Understanding  top of page
Table 7-1 Leading sources of information on scientific developments in Europe, by country: 2001
Table 7-2 Use of Internet as source of news: 1996–2002
Table 7-3 News followed by American public, by Internet user status: 2002
Table 7-4 Science-oriented Pulitzer Prize books after World War II
Table 7-5 News followed very closely by American public: 1996–2002
Table 7-6 Science/technology-related news stories attracting most public interest: 2000–02
Table 7-7 Environmental concerns of American public: 1997–2002
Table 7-8 Prestige of various occupations: 1997–2002

Chapter 8. State Indicators  top of page
Table 8-1 Eighth grade mathematics performance, by state: 1992, 1996, and 2000
Table 8-2 Eighth grade science performance, by state: 1996 and 2000
Table 8-3 Public school teacher salaries, by state: 2000
Table 8-4 Bachelor's degrees conferred per 1,000 18--24-year-olds, by state: 1990, 1995, and 2000
Table 8-5 NS&E bachelor's degrees conferred per 1,000 18--24-year-olds, by state: 1990, 1995, and 2000
Table 8-6 S&E degrees as share of higher education degrees conferred, by state: 1990, 1995, and 2000
Table 8-7 Advanced S&E degrees as share of S&E degrees conferred, by state: 1990, 1995, and 2000
Table 8-8 Bachelor's degree holders as share of workforce, by state: 1993, 1997, and 2002
Table 8-9 Scientists and engineers as share of workforce, by state: 1995, 1997, and 1999
Table 8-10 Individuals in S&E occupations as share of workforce, by state: 1995, 1997, and 1999
Table 8-11 S&E doctorate holders as share of workforce, by state: 1993, 1997, and 2001
Table 8-12 R&D as share of GSP, by state: 1991, 1995, and 2000
Table 8-13 Federal R&D obligations per civilian worker, by state: 1992, 1996, and 2000
Table 8-14 Federal R&D obligations per individual in S&E occupation, by state: 1995, 1997, and 1999
Table 8-15 Industry-performed R&D as share of private-industry output, by state: 1991, 1995, and 2000
Table 8-16 Academic R&D per $1,000 GSP, by state: 1991, 1996 and 2001
Table 8-17 S&E doctorates conferred per 1,000 S&E doctorate holders, by state: 1993, 1997 and 2001
Table 8-18 Academic article output per 1,000 S&E doctorate holders in academia, by state: 1993, 1997, and 2001
Table 8-19 Academic article output per $1 million of academic R&D, by state: 1993, 1997, and 2001
Table 8-20 Academic patents awarded per 1,000 S&E doctorate holders in academia, by state: 1993, 1997, and 1999
Table 8-21 Patents awarded per 1,000 individuals in S&E occupations, by state: 1995, 1997, and 1999
Table 8-22 High-technology share of all business establishments, by state: 1998, 1999, and 2000
Table 8-23 Employment in high-technology establishments as share of total employment, by state: 1998, 1999, and 2000
Table 8-24 Venture capital disbursed per $1,000 of GSP, by state: 1995, 1998, and 2001
Table 8-25 High-technology NAICS codes

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