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Science and Engineering Indicators 2004
  Table of Contents     Figures     Tables     Appendix Tables     Presentation Slides  
Chapter 4:
National R&D Trends

Federal R&D Performance and Funding

Technology Linkages: Contract R&D, Federal Technology Transfer, and R&D Collaboration
International R&D Trends and Comparisons
R&D Investments by Multinational Corporations
Click for Figure 4-22
Figure 4-22

Click for Figure 4-23
Figure 4-23

Click for Figure 4-24
Figure 4-24

Click for Figure 4-25
Figure 4-25

Click for Figure 4-26
Figure 4-26

Click for Figure 4-27
Figure 4-27

Click for Figure 4-28
Figure 4-28

Click for Figure 4-29
Figure 4-29

Click for Figure 4-30
Figure 4-30

Click for Figure 4-31
Figure 4-31

Click for Figure 4-32
Figure 4-32

Click for Figure 4-33
Figure 4-33

U.S. and International Research and Development: Funds and Technology Linkages

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International R&D Trends and Comparisons

Absolute Levels of Total R&D Expenditures
Trends in Total R&D/GDP Ratios
Nondefense R&D Expenditures and R&D/GDP Ratios
International R&D by Performer, Source, and Character of Work

Increasingly, the international competitiveness of a modern economy is defined by its ability to generate, absorb, and commercialize knowledge. Most nations have accepted that economic policy should focus not only on improving quality and efficiency but also on promoting innovation. Absolute levels of R&D expenditures are important indicators of a nation's innovative capacity and are a harbinger of future growth and productivity. Indeed, investments in the R&D enterprise strengthen the technological base on which economic prosperity increasingly depends worldwide. The relative strength of a particular country's current and future economy and the specific scientific and technological areas in which a country excels are further revealed through comparison with other major R&D-performing countries. This section compares international R&D spending patterns. Topics include absolute and relative expenditure trends, the structure of R&D performance and funding across sectors, the foci of R&D activities within sectors, and government research-related priorities.

Most of the R&D data presented in this section are from reports to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the most reliable source for such international comparisons. However, an increasing number of non-OECD countries and organizations now collect and publish internationally comparable R&D statistics, which are reported at various points in this section.

Absolute Levels of Total R&D Expenditures top of page

Worldwide R&D performance is concentrated in a few industrialized nations. Of the $603 billion in estimated 2000 R&D expenditures for the 30 OECD countries, fully 85 percent is expended in only 7 countries (OECD 2002d).[58] These estimates are based on reported R&D investments (for defense and civilian projects) converted to U.S. dollars with purchasing power parity (PPP) exchange rates.[59] (See sidebar, "Purchasing Power Parities: Preferred Exchange Rates for Converting International R&D Data.") R&D expenditures in the United States alone account for roughly 44 percent of all OECD member countries' combined R&D investments; R&D investments in the United States are 2.7 times greater than investments made in Japan, the second largest R&D-performing country. More money was spent on R&D activities in the United States in 2000 than in the rest of the G-7 countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom) combined. (See figure 4-22 figure and appendix table 4-43 Microsoft Excel icon for inflation-adjusted PPP R&D totals for OECD and G-7 countries.) South Korea is the only other country that accounted for a substantial share of the OECD total (3.1 percent in 2000, which was higher than expenditures in either Canada or Italy). In only four other countries (the Netherlands, Australia, Sweden, and Spain) did R&D expenditures exceed 1 percent of the OECD R&D total (OECD 2002d).[60]

Although non-OECD countries also fund and perform R&D, most of these national R&D efforts are comparatively small. In 2000, for example, R&D expenditures in China and Russia totaled $50.3 and $10.6 billion (PPP dollars), respectively, and nondefense R&D expenditures in Israel totaled $5.6 billion (PPP dollars) (OECD 2002d). Among non-OECD members of Red Iberomericana de Indicadores de Ciencia y Tecnologia (RICYT), the largest R&D expenditures are reported for Brazil ($4.6 billion in U.S. dollars at market exchange rates in 1999), Argentina ($1.3 billion in 2000), Chile ($0.4 billion in 2000), and Colombia ($0.2 billion in 2000) (RICYT 2002). The combined R&D expenditures of these seven countries (approximately $73 billion) would raise the OECD world total by about 12 percent, and about two-thirds would be derived from China alone.

In terms of relative shares, U.S. R&D expenditures in 1984 reached historical highs of 55 percent of the G-7 total and 47 percent of the OECD total.[61] As a proportion of the G-7 total, U.S. R&D expenditures declined steadily to a low of 48 percent in 1991 and then increased to 52 percent in 2000. (See figure 4-22 figure for actual expenditure totals.) The U.S. share of total OECD expenditures for R&D has increased similarly. By 1994 the U.S. share had dropped to 42 percent of the OECD R&D total, partly the result of several countries joining OECD (thereby increasing the OECD R&D totals). The U.S. share climbed back to 44 percent of the OECD total by 2000 as a result of robust R&D growth in the United States.

Most of the increase in the U.S. percentage of total G-7 R&D expenditures after the early 1990s initially resulted from a worldwide slowing in R&D performance that was more pronounced in other countries. Although U.S. R&D spending stagnated or declined for several years in the early to mid-1990s, the reduction in real R&D spending in most of the other large R&D-performing countries was more striking. In Japan, Germany, and Italy, inflation-adjusted R&D spending fell for 3 consecutive years (1992, 1993, and 1994) at a rate exceeding the similarly falling rate in the United States[62] (OECD 2002d). In the late 1990s, R&D spending rebounded in several G-7 countries and in the United States. Because annual R&D growth was generally stronger in the United States than elsewhere (figure 4-23 figure), however, the U.S. percentage of total G-7 R&D spending continued to increase. Although the slowdown in the technology market in 2001 and 2002 has had a global reach, it remains to be seen whether the sharp slowdown in U.S. R&D expenditures in 2001 and 2002 will be as pronounced internationally.

Trends in Total R&D/GDP Ratios top of page

One of the first and now one of the more widely used indicators of a country's R&D intensity is the ratio of R&D spending to GDP (Steelman 1947) (figure 4-25 figure). For many of the G-8 countries (that is, the G-7 countries plus Russia), the latest R&D/GDP ratio is no higher now than it was at the start of the 1990s, which ushered in a period of slow growth or decline in their overall R&D efforts.[63] The United States and Japan reached 2.7 and 2.8 percent, respectively, in 1990–91. As a result of reduced or level spending by industry and government in both countries, the R&D/GDP ratios declined several tenths of a percentage point, to 2.4 and 2.6, respectively, in 1994 before rising again to 2.7 and 3.0 percent in 2000. Growth in industrial R&D accounted for much of the recovery in each of these countries. However, the steady increase in Japan's R&D/GDP ratio in 1994–2000 is also partially a result of anemic economic conditions overall: GDP fell in both 1998 and 1999 with only a marginal increase in 2000, so that even level R&D spending resulted in a slight increase in its R&D ratio (OECD 2002d).

Among the remaining six G-8 countries, three (Germany, Canada, and Russia) display recent increases in their economy's R&D/GDP ratio, and three (the United Kingdom, France, and Italy) report an R&D/GDP ratio that has remained stable or has declined. In Germany the R&D/GDP ratio fell from 2.8 percent at the end of the 1980s, before reunification, to 2.3 percent in 1994 before rising to 2.5 percent in 2001. Canada's R&D/GDP ratio also rose in the late 1990s from 1.7 percent in 1996 to 1.9 percent in 2001. The end of the cold war and collapse of the Soviet Union had a drastic effect on Russia's R&D intensity. R&D spending in Russia was estimated at 2.0 percent of GDP in 1990; that figure plummeted to 1.4 percent in 1991 and then tumbled further to 0.7 percent in 1992. Moreover, the severity of this R&D decline is masked somewhat: although the R&D share was falling, it also was a declining share of a declining GDP. By 1999 the R&D/GDP ratio in Russia had inched back to about 1.0 percent; it accelerated to 1.2 percent in 2001 as R&D performance in the country grew by more than 30 percent in real terms over those 2 years. In comparison, the R&D/GDP ratio slipped slightly in the United Kingdom in the late 1990s to 1.9 percent in 2000. Between 1997 and 2001, the R&D/GDP ratio fluctuated narrowly at 2.2 and 1.1 percent in France and Italy, respectively. have different patterns of R&D spending. See "Industrial Sector" for further discussion of such considerations.

Overall, the United States ranked fifth among OECD countries in terms of reported R&D/GDP ratios (table 4-17 text table). Israel (not an OECD member country), devoting 4.4 percent of its GDP to R&D, led all countries, followed by Sweden (3.8 percent), Finland (3.4 percent), Japan (3.0 percent), and Iceland (2.9 percent). In general, nations in Southern and Eastern Europe tend to have R&D/GDP ratios below 1.5 percent, whereas Nordic nations and those in Western Europe report R&D spending shares greater than 1.5 percent. In a broad sense, the reason for such patterns has much to do with overall funding patterns and macroeconomic structures.

In practically all OECD countries, the business sector finances most of the R&D. However, OECD countries with relatively low R&D/GDP ratios tend to be relatively low-income countries, where government funding tends to provide a larger proportion of the R&D support than it provides in countries with high R&D/GDP ratios. Furthermore, the private sector in low-income countries often has a low concentration of high-technology industries, resulting in low overall R&D spending and therefore low R&D/GDP ratios. Indeed, a strong link exists between countries with high incomes that emphasize the production of high-technology goods and services and those that invest heavily in R&D activities (OECD 2000).[64] This highlights that R&D/GDP ratios are most useful when comparing countries with national S&T systems of comparable maturity and development.

Outside the European region, R&D spending has intensified considerably since the early 1990s. Several Asian countries, most notably South Korea and China, have been particularly aggressive in expanding their support for R&D and S&T-based development. In Latin America and the Pacific region, other non-OECD countries also have attempted to increase R&D investments substantially during the past several years. Even with recent gains, however, most non-European (non-OECD) countries invest a smaller share of their economic output in R&D than do OECD members (with the exception of Israel). All Latin American countries for which such data are available report R&D/GDP ratios below 1 percent (table 4-17 text table). This distribution is consistent with broader indicators of economic growth and wealth. However, many of these countries also report additional S&T-related expenditures on human resources training and S&T infrastructure development that are not captured in R&D or R&D/GDP data (RICYT 2002).

Nondefense R&D Expenditures and R&D/GDP Ratios top of page

Although the R&D intensities of many countries have changed little over the past decade, there have been significant changes in the composition of their R&D. One indicator of these changes is the relative increase in nondefense R&D. Although defense-related R&D does result in spillovers that produce social benefits, nondefense R&D is more directly oriented toward national scientific progress, standard-of-living improvements, economic competitiveness, and commercialization of research results. Indeed, conclusions about a country's relative standing may differ dramatically, depending on whether total R&D expenditures include or exclude defense-related expenditures; for some countries, the relative emphasis has shifted over time. Among G-8 countries, the inclusion of defense-related R&D has had little impact on R&D totals for Japan, Germany, Italy, and Canada, where defense-related R&D represents 5 percent or less of the national total. In other countries, defense has accounted for a more significant proportion of the national R&D effort, although this proportion has generally declined since the end of the cold war. Between 1988 and 2000, the defense share of the R&D total:

  • Fell from 31 to 14 percent in the United States

  • Fell from 19 to 8 percent in France

  • Fell from 16 to 15 percent in the United Kingdom

  • Accounted for approximately 24 percent of the Russian R&D total in 2000

Consequently, if current trends persist, the distinction between defense and nondefense R&D expenditures in international comparisons may become less important. In absolute dollar terms, nondefense R&D spending is still considerably larger in the United States than in other countries. In 2000 (the latest year for which comparable international R&D data are available for most OECD countries), U.S. nondefense R&D was more than twice that of Japan's and was equivalent to 97 percent of the non-U.S. G-7 countries' combined nondefense R&D total (appendix table 4-44 Microsoft Excel icon).

In terms of R&D/GDP ratios, the relative position of the United States is somewhat less favorable when only nondefense R&D is included in the metric. Japan's nondefense R&D/GDP ratio (3.0 percent) exceeded the U.S. ratio (2.4 percent) in 2000, as it has for years (figure 4-25 figure and appendix table 4-44 Microsoft Excel icon). In 2001, Germany's nondefense R&D/GDP ratio (2.5 percent) slightly exceeded the U.S. ratio (2.4 percent). The 2001 nondefense ratio for France (2.0 percent) was slightly below the U.S. ratio. In 1999–2000, ratios for the United Kingdom (1.6 percent in 2000), Canada (1.8 percent in 1999), and Italy (1.1 percent in 2000) were considerably lower than U.S. ratios. In 2001 the nondefense R&D/GDP ratio for Russia (0.9 percent) was less than half the U.S. ratio.

International R&D by Performer, Source, and Character of Work top of page

R&D performance patterns by sector are broadly similar across countries, but national sources of support differ considerably. In nearly all OECD countries, government has provided a declining share of all R&D funding during the past 2 decades, and the industrial share of R&D funding has increased considerably. The emphases of industrial R&D efforts, however, differ across countries, as do governmental R&D priorities and academic S&E field research emphases, as described subsequently in this chapter.

Government and industry together account for roughly 80 percent or more of the R&D funding in each of the G-8 countries, although the respective contributions vary substantially across countries.[65] In recent years, the industrial sector provided more than 70 percent of R&D funds in Japan, 68 percent in the United States, 66 percent in Germany, 53 percent in France, 49 percent in the United Kingdom, and 44 percent in Canada[66] (figure 4-26 figure). In Russia, industry provided approximately 34 percent of the nation's R&D funding. Government provided the largest share of Russia's R&D (57 percent), as it did in Italy in past years (more than 50 percent in 1999). In the remaining six countries, government was the second largest source of R&D funding, ranging from 20 percent (in Japan) to 39 percent (in France) of the total. In each of these eight countries, government provided the largest share of the funds used for academic R&D performance (appendix table 4-45 Microsoft Excel icon).

The industrial sector dominates R&D performance in each of the G-8 countries (figure 4-26 figure). Industry's share of R&D performance for the 2000–2001 period ranged from 50 percent in Italy to a little more than 70 percent in the United States, Japan, Germany, and Russia. During the same period, industry's share was between 57 and 66 percent in Canada, France, and the United Kingdom. Most of the industrial R&D in these countries was funded by industry. Government's share of funding for industrial R&D ranged from as little as 2 percent in Japan and Canada to 49 percent in Russia (appendix table 4-45 Microsoft Excel icon). In the other G-8 countries, government funded between 7 and 11 percent of industrial R&D.

In all of the G-8 countries except Russia, the academic sector was the second largest R&D performer (about 12 to 31 percent of the performance total in each country).[67] Academia often is the primary location of research (as opposed to R&D) activities, however. Government was the second largest R&D performer in Russia (accounting for 24 percent of that nation's R&D effort). Government also performed a larger proportion of R&D in France, which operates some sizable government laboratories.

South Korea, with total R&D expenditures in excess of either Canada or Italy, has R&D distributions by performing sector and source of funds very similar to those of the United States. Industry performed an even greater share of South Korea's R&D (76 percent) than it did in any of the G-8 countries and was also the largest source of R&D funding in South Korea (accounting for 73 percent of all funding). The South Korean government provided most of the remaining R&D funding (25 percent of all funding). About 45 percent of government R&D funding in South Korea went to government performers of R&D, with the remainder going primarily to academic (29 percent) and industrial performers (25 percent).

Academic Sector

In many OECD countries, the academic sector is a distant second to industry in terms of national R&D performance. Among G-8 countries, universities accounted for as little as 5 percent of Russia's R&D total to more than 31 percent of Italy's.[68]

Source of Funds. For most of these countries, the government is now, and historically has been, the largest source of academic research funding. However, in each of the G-8 countries for which historical data exist (except Russia), the government's share has declined during the past 20 years, and industry's share has increased. Specifically, the government's share, including both direct government support for academic R&D and the R&D component of block grants to universities, has fallen by 8 percentage points or more in five of the G-7 countries since 1981 (except in France and Italy, where the government's share of academic R&D dipped by 6 and 2 percentage points, respectively).[69] In comparison, and as an indication of an overall pattern of increased university-firm interactions (often intending to promote the commercialization of university research), the proportion of academic R&D funded by industry for these seven countries combined climbed from 2.6 percent of the academic R&D total in 1981 to 5.2 percent in 1990 and to 6.0 percent in 1999. In Germany, more than 11 percent of university research was funded by industry in 2000 (table 4-18 text table).

S&E Fields. Most countries supporting a substantial level of academic R&D (at least $1 billion PPPs in 1999) devote a larger proportion of their R&D to engineering, social sciences, and humanities than does the United States[70] (table 4-19 text table). Conversely, the U.S. academic R&D effort emphasizes the medical sciences and natural sciences relatively more than do many other OECD countries.[71] The latter observation is consistent with the emphases in health and biomedical sciences for which the United States (and in particular NIH and U.S. pharmaceutical companies) is known.

Industrial Sector

Industrial firms account for the largest share of total R&D performance in each of the G-8 countries. However, the purposes to which the R&D is applied differ somewhat, depending on the overall industrial composition of each country's economy. Funding patterns for industrial R&D also differ from country to country, with respect to both domestic sources of funds as well as the relative proportion of foreign funding.

Sector Focus. The structure of a country's industrial activity can be a major determinant of the level and change in industrial R&D spending. National variations in such spending can result from differences in absolute output, industrial structure, and R&D intensity. Countries with the same size economy could have vastly different R&D expenditure levels (and R&D/GDP ratios). Differences might depend on the share of industrial output in the economy, as illustrated in figure 4-27 figure for the G-8 countries, South Korea, and China. Highly aggregated sector distributions can be deceiving, however, as some nations have much higher concentrations of R&D-intensive industries such as pharmaceutical manufacture as opposed to food processing. And even individual firms in the same industries can devote substantial resources to specific R&D activities in one country and to other activities in another country. Table 4-20 text table shows recent distributions of industrial R&D performance in the G-8 countries and South Korea, Sweden, Finland, and the European Union.[72]

The sector distribution of U.S. industrial R&D performance is among the most widespread and diverse among OECD members. The accumulated knowledge stock, well-developed S&T infrastructure, and large domestic market in the United States have enabled it to invest and become globally competitive in numerous industries rather than just a few industries or niche technologies. In 2000 no U.S. industrial sector accounted for more than the 13 percent of total industrial R&D concentrated in the electronic equipment manufacturing sector. In comparison, most of the other countries displayed somewhat higher sector concentrations. For example, 20 percent or more of industrial R&D was concentrated in electronic equipment manufacturing in Finland (at 49 percent of its industry total), South Korea (37 percent), Canada (29 percent), and Sweden (23 percent). Indeed, the electronic equipment sector was among the largest performers of industrial R&D in 7 of the 11 countries shown and was the second largest performer of industrial R&D for the entire European Union. Among other manufacturing sectors, motor vehicles in Germany and pharmaceuticals in the United Kingdom accounted for 20 percent or more of total R&D performance, which was consistent with general economic production patterns. [See OECD (2001) for a harmonized historical series on industrial R&D expenditures in several OECD countries.]

One of the more significant trends in both U.S. and international industrial R&D activity has been the growth of R&D in the service (nonmanufacturing) sector. According to the internationally harmonized data in table 4-20 text table, this sector accounted for 34 percent of total industrial R&D performance in the United States in 2000.[73] A number of other countries also reported substantial increases in their service sector R&D expenditures during the past 25 years. Among G-7 countries, nonmanufacturing shares of total industrial R&D increased about 5 percentage points in France and Italy and 13 percentage points in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada from the early 1980s to the late 1990s (Jankowski 2001). In each of these three English-speaking countries, computer and related services account for a substantial share of the service R&D totals. (See sidebar, "R&D in the ICT Sector.") Furthermore, the service sector appears to be an important locus of industrial R&D activity in several countries, reflecting in part the growth in outsourcing and greater reliance on contract R&D in lieu of in-house performance, as well as intramural R&D in these industries.

According to national statistics for recent years, the nonmanufacturing sector accounted for less than 10 percent of total industrial R&D performance in only three of the G-7 countries (Germany, France, and Japan). Among the countries listed in table 4-20 text table, the service sector share ranged from as little as 2 percent in Japan to 59 percent in Russia. The latter figure, however, primarily occurred because specialized industrial research institutes perform a large portion of Russia's industrial and governmental R&D and are classified under "research and development" within the service sector. Apart from these institutes, the manufacturing-nonmanufacturing split in Russia's industrial R&D would be similar to ratios in the United States [American Association for the Advancement of Science and Centre for Science Research and Statistics (AAAS/CSRS) 2001].

Source of Funds. Most of the funding for industrial R&D in each of the G-8 countries is provided by industry itself. As is the situation for OECD countries overall, government financing accounts for a small and declining share of total industrial R&D performance within G-7 countries. (See "Government Sector.") Government financing shares ranged from as little as 2 percent of industrial R&D performance in Japan to 11 percent in Italy (appendix table 4-45 Microsoft Excel icon). (For recent historical reasons, Russia was the exception to this pattern among the G-8 countries, with government accounting for 49 percent of its industry total.) In the United States in 2001, the Federal Government provided about 9 percent of the R&D funds used by industry, and the majority of that funding was obtained through DOD contracts.

Foreign sources of R&D funding increased in many countries between 1981 and 2001 (figure 4-28 figure). The role of foreign funding in R&D varied from country to country, accounting for as little as 0.4 percent of industrial R&D in Japan to as much as 27 percent in Canada in recent years. This foreign funding predominantly came from foreign corporations but also included funding from foreign governments and other foreign organizations. The growth of this funding primarily reflects the increasing globalization of industrial R&D activities. For European countries, however, the growth in foreign sources of R&D funds may also reflect the expansion of coordinated European Community efforts to foster cooperative shared-cost research through its European Framework Programmes.[74] Although the growth pattern of foreign funding has seldom been smooth, it accounted for more than 20 percent of industry's domestic performance totals in Canada and the United Kingdom and almost 10 percent of industrial R&D performed in France and Russia between 1981 and 2001 (figure 4-28 figure). Such funding takes on even greater importance in many of the smaller OECD countries as well as in less industrialized countries (OECD 1999). The recent global slowdown in industrial R&D spending may be reflected in a decline in foreign funding as a share of domestic industrial R&D in the most recent years' data for Italy, the United Kingdom, and Russia. Although data exist on foreign sources of R&D funding for other countries, there are no data on foreign funding sources of U.S. R&D performance. However, the importance of international investment for U.S. R&D is highlighted by the fact that approximately 13 percent of funds spent on industrial R&D performance in 2000 were estimated to have come from majority-owned affiliates of foreign firms investing domestically.[75]

Government Sector

As in the United States, in most countries the government sector performs much less R&D than it funds. And, also as in the United States, the role of the government as a performer of R&D has been shrinking internationally. The government sector accounted for 13 percent of the OECD R&D performance total as recently as 1995. This share fell to 10 percent of OECD members' combined R&D performance in 2000 (OECD 2002a) and equaled 24 percent or (usually much) less in each of the G-8 countries (appendix table 4-45 Microsoft Excel icon).

Government R&D Funding Totals. A significant trend in the G-7 and other OECD countries has been the decline in government R&D funding relative to R&D funding from the private sector. In 2000, less than 30 percent of all R&D funds were derived from government sources, down considerably from the 44 percent share reported in 1981[76] (figure 4-29 figure). Part of the relative decline reflects the effects of budgetary constraints, economic pressures, and changing priorities in government funding (especially the relative reduction in defense R&D in several of the major R&D-performing countries, notably France, the United Kingdom, and the United States). This trend also reflects the absolute growth in industrial R&D funding as a response to increasing international competitive pressures in the marketplace, irrespective of government R&D spending patterns. Both of these considerations are reflected in funding patterns for industrial R&D performance. In 1982, government provided 23 percent of the funds used by industry in conducting R&D within OECD countries, whereas by 2000 government's share of the industrial R&D total had fallen by almost two-thirds, to 8 percent of the total.

Government R&D Priorities. A breakdown of public expenditures by major socioeconomic objectives provides insight into government priorities that differ considerably across countries and shift over time.[77] Within OECD, the defense share of governments' R&D financing total declined annually from 44 percent in 1986 to 29 percent in 1999 (table 4-21 text table). Much of this decline was driven by the U.S. experience: 54 percent of the U.S. Government's $98 billion R&D investment during 2002 was devoted to national defense, down from its 69 percent share in 1986.

Concurrent with the changes in overall defense/nondefense R&D shares, notable shifts occurred in the composition of OECD countries' governmental nondefense R&D support during the past 2 decades. In terms of the broad socioeconomic objectives to which government programs are classified in various international reports (OECD 2001 and 2002g), government R&D shares increased most for health and the environment and for various nondirected R&D activities (identified in table 4-21 text table as other purposes).[78] Growth in health-related R&D financing was particularly strong in the United States, whereas many of the other OECD countries reported relatively higher growth in environmental research programs. Indeed, as is indicated from a variety of R&D metrics, the emphasis on health-related research is much more pronounced in the United States than in other countries. In 2001 the Federal Government devoted 25 percent of its R&D investment to health-related R&D, making such activities second in priority only to defense.[79]

The relative shift in emphasizing nondirected R&D reflects government priority setting during a period of fiscal austerity and constraint. With fewer discretionary funds available to support R&D, governments have tended to conduct activities that are traditionally in the government sphere of responsibility and for which private funding is less likely to be available. For example, basic research projects are inextricably linked to higher education. [See Kaiser et al. (1999) for a description of recent efforts to make higher education R&D data more internationally comparable.] Conversely, the relative share of government R&D support for economic development programs declined considerably from 38 percent in 1981 to 23 percent in 1999. Economic development programs include the promotion of agriculture, fisheries and forestry, industry, infrastructure, and energy, all activities for which privately financed R&D is more likely to be provided without public support, although the focus of such private and public support would undoubtedly differ somewhat.

Differing R&D activities are emphasized in each country's governmental R&D support statistics.[80] As noted above, defense accounts for a relatively smaller government R&D share in most countries than in the United States. In recent years, the defense share was relatively high in the United Kingdom, Russia, and France at 46, 44, and 30 percent, respectively, but was less than 12 percent each in Germany, Italy, Canada, and Japan. South Korea expended 16 percent of its $6 billion government R&D budget on defense-related activities (figure 4-32 figure). Japan committed 27 percent of its non-GUF governmental R&D support to energy-related activities, reflecting the country's historical concern about its high dependence on foreign sources of energy. In Canada 14 percent of the government's non-GUF R&D funding was directed toward agriculture. Space R&D received considerable support in France and Russia (13 and 10 percent, respectively), whereas industrial production and technology accounted for 15 percent or more of governmental R&D funding in Canada, Germany, Italy, and South Korea. Industrial production and technology is the leading socioeconomic objective for R&D in South Korea, accounting for 30 percent of all government R&D. This funding is primarily oriented toward the development of science-intensive industries and is aimed at increasing economic efficiency and technological development.[81] Industrial technology programs accounted for 12 percent of the Japanese total but less than 1 percent of the U.S. total (figure 4-32 figure). The latter figure, which includes mostly R&D funding by NIST, is understated relative to most other countries as a result of data compilation differences. In part, the low U.S. industrial development share reflects the expectation that firms will finance industrial R&D activities with their own funds; in part, government R&D that may be indirectly useful to industry is often funded with other purposes in mind such as defense and space (and is therefore classified under other socioeconomic objectives).

Compared with other countries, Germany, France, and Italy invested relatively heavily in nonoriented research at 26, 25, and 24 percent, respectively, of non-GUF government R&D appropriations. The United States government invested 6 percent of its R&D budget in nonoriented research, largely through the activities of NSF and DOE.

Character of R&D Activities

Given the variations in international R&D activities by performing sector, source of funding, and industrial focus, it follows that countries would differ in terms of the character of their R&D activities. The proportion of a country's R&D expenditures classified as basic research, applied research, or development not only reflects the sectoral structure of its national system of R&D but also indicates differences in national priorities, traditions, and incentive structures. The character of the R&D performed in a nation can change as a result of market forces and policy decisions.

R&D classification by character of work often involves a greater element of subjective assessment than other R&D indicators and hence only a third of the OECD member countries (and Russia) have reported character of work shares for 1998 or later.[82] Rather than resulting from surveys, the data are often estimated in large part by national authorities.[83] Nonetheless, where these data exist, they help differentiate the national innovation systems of different countries in terms of how their R&D resources contribute to advancing scientific knowledge and developing new technologies.

Most of the countries that report R&D character-of-work distributions emphasize development, followed by applied research and then basic research (figure 4-33 figure). In four of the countries shown (United States, Japan, South Korea, and Russia), development accounted for at least 60 percent of national R&D, with most of the experimental development work under way in their respective industrial sectors. In all of these countries except Russia, the majority of development funding comes from the industrial sector, mirroring the U.S. pattern described earlier in this chapter. In Russia, the government funds the majority of all R&D, including the R&D performed by its industrial sector. This emphasis on development was not nearly as pronounced in the other countries shown, where it ranged from 44 percent of national R&D in France to as little as 36 percent in Switzerland and Italy.

The European countries for which data are available tended to emphasize basic and applied research in lieu of development.[84] France, Italy, and Switzerland each focused more than half of their R&D expenditures on research (basic plus applied). The Czech Republic and Poland, lower-income European countries, both reported more than 30 percent of national R&D expenditures dedicated to basic research. Switzerland, a small high-income country boasting the highest number of Nobel prizes, patents, and science citations per capita worldwide, devoted more than 60 percent of its R&D to basic and applied research in 2000 despite having an industrial R&D share (74 percent) comparable to the United States and Japan. The differences among the Swiss, U.S., and Japanese character-of-work shares reflect both the high concentration of chemical and pharmaceutical R&D in Swiss industrial R&D as well as the "niche strategy" of focusing on specialty products adopted by many Swiss high-technology industries.

China, mirroring the pattern set by its dynamic neighbors Japan, Singapore, and Korea, devotes only a small fraction (5 percent) of its growing R&D effort to basic research, favoring applied R&D aimed at immediate economic development. Separate data are also available for Taiwan, where basic research accounts for 10 percent of all R&D and industry accounts for an even greater share of R&D performance (64 percent) than in China (60 percent).

R&D Promotion Policies

Many countries, regarding S&T as important both for economic growth and for general public welfare, have developed strategies for promoting domestic R&D activity, high-technology industries, and innovation. These strategies incorporate a variety of policy measures ranging from direct government spending on R&D and technology to tax policies and intellectual property policies.

Public Funding for R&D. Government spending on R&D has continued to increase at a rate faster than inflation across OECD. A number of governments have set explicit goals to increase R&D activity even further:

  • Austria intends to increase its share of R&D expenditure in gross national product (GNP) to 2.5 percent by 2005.

  • Canada has set a goal to raise its ranking of 15th in R&D/GDP ratio among OECD countries to 5th by 2010.

  • South Korea established its first 5-year S&T plan in 1997, in which it set a goal to increase the share of the total government budget allocated to R&D to 5 percent by 2002. Although South Korea failed to achieve this goal, it increased the R&D share substantially from 3.6 percent in 1998 to 4.7 percent in 2002.

  • Norway intends to raise its absolute level of R&D funding to the OECD average by 2005.

  • Spain aims to increase its R&D spending as a share of GNP to 1.29 percent by 2003, up from 0.9 percent in 1990.

  • The European Council has set a goal for the European Union as a region to devote 3 percent of GDP, on average, to R&D by 2010 (OECD 2002g).

R&D Tax Policies. In many OECD countries, the government not only provides direct financial support for R&D activities but also uses indirect mechanisms such as tax relief to promote national investment in S&T. Indeed, tax treatment of R&D is broadly similar among OECD countries, with some variations in the use of R&D tax credits (OECD 1996 and 2002g). The two main features of the R&D tax instruments are:

  • An allowance for the deduction of industrial R&D expenditures from taxable income in the year they are incurred (exists in almost all OECD countries, including the United States)

  • An additional R&D tax credit or incentive, with a rising trend in the use of incremental credits (exists in about half of OECD countries, including the United States). Incremental credits provide additional incentives for firms to increase their R&D spending over past levels. (See "Federal R&D Tax Credit.")

In addition, several OECD countries have special provisions that favor R&D in small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs). In recent years, some OECD countries have made significant changes to their R&D tax policies in an attempt to further encourage private investment in R&D:

  • In 2002 Norway introduced a tax plan offering SMEs a 20 percent tax allowance for both internal and external R&D expenditures.

  • The United Kingdom enacted a tax plan in 2000 that allows SMEs to deduct 150 percent of R&D expenditures.

  • Australia has enhanced its R&D tax incentives, which now allow firms to deduct 125 percent of all R&D expenditures and 175 percent of the labor-cost component of incremental increases in R&D.

  • Spain recently enacted a 10 percent increase in the deduction of R&D investments and broadened the scope of the incentive to include capital investments related to innovation and the costs of acquiring technology in the form of patents or licenses in addition to R&D investments (OECD 2002g).

A growing number of R&D tax incentives are being offered in OECD countries, including the United States, at the subnational (provincial and state) levels. See Poterba (1997) for a discussion of international elements of corporate R&D tax policies.

Intellectual Property Policy and Technology Transfer. The large increase in patenting at U.S. universities and colleges following the passage of the Bayh-Dole Act in 1980 has led several OECD countries to review or modify their own policies regarding ownership of technology developed with public funding. OECD notes that one of the main impacts of these policies has been "to raise awareness of and support for technology transfer, especially within the hierarchy of PROs [publicly financed research organizations] and among researchers and graduate students" (OECD 2002g, p. 182). For more information about trends in patenting at U.S. colleges and universities, see chapter 5.


[58]  Current members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) are Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, and United States.

[59]  Although purchasing power parities (PPPs) technically are not equivalent to R&D exchange rates, they better reflect differences in countries' research costs than do market exchange rates.

[60]  Data for 2000 were unavailable for Sweden, but in 1999 it accounted for 1.4 percent of the OECD total.

[61]  OECD maintains R&D expenditure data that can be categorized into three periods: (1) 1981 to the present (data are properly annotated and of good quality); (2) 1973 to 1980 (data are probably of reasonable quality, and some metadata are available); and (3) 1963 to 1972 [data are questionable for most OECD countries (with notable exceptions of the United States and Japan), many of which launched their first serious R&D surveys in the mid-1960s]. The analyses in this chapter are limited to data for 1981 and subsequent years.

[62]  The United Kingdom similarly experienced 3 years of declining real R&D expenditures, but its slump took place in 1995, 1996, and 1997. The falling R&D totals in Germany were partly a result of specific and intentional policies to eliminate redundant and inefficient R&D activities and to integrate the R&D efforts of the former East Germany and West Germany into a united German system.

[63]  A country's R&D spending and therefore its R&D/GDP ratio is a function of several factors in addition to its commitment to supporting the R&D enterprise. Especially because the majority of R&D is performed by industry in each of these countries, the structure of industrial activity can be a major determinant of a country's R&D/GDP ratio. For example, economies with high concentrations in manufacturing (which traditionally have been more R&D intensive than nonmanufacturing or agricultural economies)

[64]  See OECD (1999) for further discussion of these and other broad R&D indicators.

[65]  In accordance with international standards, the following sectors are recognized sources of funding: all levels of government combined, business enterprises, higher education, private nonprofit organizations, and funds from abroad. Because data on foreign sources of R&D funding are unavailable for the United States, the figures reported for the share of industrial R&D funding in the United States include funding from both foreign and domestic sources.

[66]  Canada and the United Kingdom both report relatively large amounts of R&D funding from abroad, much of which originates from business enterprises. Therefore, industry's shares of R&D funding for these countries are particularly understated compared with those for the United States. Distribution of R&D by source of funds was not available for Italy for 2000. In earlier years, government sources accounted for more than half of Italy's R&D, industry accounted for more than 40 percent, and foreign sources funded the remainder.

[67]  The national totals for Europe, Canada, and Japan include the research component of general university fund (GUF) block grants (not to be confused with basic research) provided by all levels of government to the academic sector. Therefore, at least conceptually, the totals include academia's separately budgeted research and research undertaken as part of university departmental R&D activities. In the United States, the Federal Government generally does not provide research support through a GUF equivalent, preferring instead to support specific, separately budgeted R&D projects. On the other hand, a fair amount of state government funding probably does support departmental research at public universities in the United States. Data on departmental research, considered an integral part of instructional programs, generally are not maintained by universities. U.S. totals are thus underestimated relative to the R&D effort reported for other countries.

[68]  Country data are for 2000 or 2001 (appendix table 4-45 Microsoft Excel icon).

[69]  Whereas GUF block grants are reported separately for Japan, Canada, and European countries, the United States does not have an equivalent GUF category. In the United States, funds to the university sector are distributed to address the objectives of the Federal agencies that provide the R&D funds. Nor is GUF equivalent to basic research. The treatment of GUF is one of the major areas of difficulty in making international R&D comparisons. In many countries, governments support academic research primarily through large block grants that are used at the discretion of each individual higher education institution to cover administrative, teaching, and research costs. Only the R&D component of GUF is included in national R&D statistics, but problems arise in identifying the amount of the R&D component and the objective of the research. Government GUF support is in addition to support provided in the form of earmarked, directed, or project-specific grants and contracts (funds for which can be assigned to specific socioeconomic categories). In the United States, the Federal Government (although not necessarily state governments) is much more directly involved in choosing which academic research projects are supported than are national governments in Europe and elsewhere. In each of the European G-7 countries, GUF accounts for 50 percent or more of total government R&D to universities and for roughly 45 percent of the Canadian government academic R&D support. Thus, these data indicate not only relative international funding priorities but also funding mechanisms and philosophies regarding the best methods for financing research.

[70]  The national emphases in particular S&E fields differ across countries. Most of the internationally comparable data on field-specific R&D are reported for the academic sector.

[71]  In international S&E field compilations, the natural sciences comprise math and computer sciences, physical sciences, environmental sciences, and all life sciences other than medical and agricultural sciences. Note also that the U.S. academic R&D effort is considerably larger than in any other country and that the U.S. total ($26 billion PPP) is comparable to the combined R&D total ($28 billion PPP) of the other seven countries listed in table 4-19 text table.

[72]  Similar industrial R&D details for Israel and Iceland (which report the highest and fifth highest R&D/GDP ratios in the world, respectively) were not available from OECD harmonized databases (OECD 2002a).

[73]  As previously discussed, the recent growth in R&D in the U.S. trade industry reflects statistical procedures more than actual R&D activity in wholesale and retail trade companies.

[74]  Since the mid-1980s, European Community (EC) funding of R&D has become increasingly concentrated in its multinational Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development (RTD), which were intended to strengthen the scientific and technological bases of community industry and to encourage it to become more internationally competitive. EC funds distributed to member countries' firms and universities have grown considerably. The EC budget for RTD activities has grown steadily from 3.7 billion European Currency Units (ECU) in the First Framework Programme (1984–87) to an estimated 15 billion ECU for the Fifth Framework Programme (1998–2002). The institutional recipients of these funds tend to report the source as "foreign" or "funds from abroad." Eurostat, Statistics on Science and Technology in Europe: Data 1985–99 (Luxembourg: European Communities, 2001).

[75]  The figures used here to approximate foreign involvement are derived from the estimated percentage of U.S. industrial performance undertaken by majority-owned (i.e., 50 percent or more) nonbank U.S. affiliates of foreign companies. The U.S. foreign R&D totals represent industry funding based on foreign ownership regardless of originating source, whereas the foreign totals for other countries represent flows of foreign funds from outside the country to any of its domestic performers. (See "R&D Investments by Multinational Corporations.")

[76]  Among all OECD countries, the government sector accounts for the highest funding share in Portugal (63 percent of its 2000 R&D total) and the lowest share in Japan (20 percent in 2000).

[77]  Data on the socioeconomic objectives of R&D funding are generally extracted from national budgets. Because budgets already have their own methodology and terminology, these R&D funding data are subject to comparability constraints not placed on other types of international R&D data sets. Notably, although each country adheres to the same criteria for distributing their R&D by objective, as outlined in OECD's Frascati Manual (OECD 2002f), the actual classification may differ among countries because of differences in the primary objective of the various funding agents.

[78]  Health and environment programs include human health, social structures and relationships, control and care of the environment, and exploration and exploitation of the Earth. R&D for other purposes in table 4-21 text table includes nonoriented research, other civil research, and research financed from GUF (e.g., the estimated R&D content of block grants to universities described in the earlier discussion of the academic sector.).

[79]  Most of the health-related R&D is classified as research, whereas about 90 percent of defense R&D is classified as development.

[80]  For the purpose of cross-country comparisons, the shares reported here and in figure 4-32 figure have been calculated after removing research financed from general university funds (GUF). These shares thus represent government R&D funds dedicated to specific socioeconomic objectives. Shares including GUF can be found in appendix table 4-48 Microsoft Excel icon. In 2000–2001 the GUF portion of total national governmental R&D support was 44 percent in Italy, 39 percent in Germany, 35 percent in Japan, and between 22 and 29 percent in the United Kingdom, Canada, and France. South Korea and Russia are like the United States in that they do not report GUF.

[81]  Historically, Russia has also devoted a large share of government R&D to industrial development. Fully 27 percent of the government's 1998 R&D budget appropriations for economic programs were used to assist in the conversion of the country's defense industry to civil applications [American Association for the Advancement of Science and Centre for Science Research and Statistics (AAAS/CSRS) 2001].

[82]  For a discussion of these issues see the sidebar "Choice of the 'Right' R&D Taxonomy Is a Historical Concern" in Science and Engineering Indicators — 2002 [National Science Board (NSB) 2002].

[83]  The magnitude of the amounts estimated as basic research also is affected by how R&D expenditures are estimated by national authorities. International R&D survey standards recommend that both capital and current expenditures be included in the R&D estimates, including amounts expended on basic research. Each of the non-U.S. countries displayed in figure 4-33 figure includes capital expenditures on fixed assets at the time they took place (OECD 1999). All U.S. R&D data reported in the figure include depreciation charges instead of capital expenditures. U.S. R&D plant data (not shown in the figure) are distinct from current fund expenditures for R&D.

[84]  The most current character-of-work data available from OECD sources for Germany are for 1993. The United Kingdom compiles this type of data only for the industry and government sectors, not for higher education or its nonprofit sector, the traditional locus of basic research activities.

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