Department of Justice SealDepartment of Justice
Thursday, November 6, 2008
(202) 514-2007
TDD (202) 514-1888

Fact Sheet: Justice Department Transition Activities

"Now that the elections are behind us, we begin a time of transition. During this time, it is important that all of us continue giving our best efforts to the American people and bringing the dedication and commitment to our jobs that we have brought to them from day one. It is also important that all of us do whatever we can to ensure a smooth transition to the next Administration." – Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey, Memo to Component Heads and U.S. Attorneys, Nov. 5, 2008

The Department of Justice’s transition activities fully support the Executive Order on Presidential Transition signed by President Bush on October 9, 2008. The Executive Order creates a Presidential Transition Coordinating Council, of which the Attorney General is a member. Attorney General Mukasey designated Brian Benczkowski, Chief of Staff, and Lee Lofthus, Assistant Attorney General for Administration, to lead the Department’s transition activities. The Department’s transition activities began in May.

Providing Unprecedented Security, Background Checks and Clearances

Maintaining a Continuity of Operations Plan

Ensuring for a Smooth National Security Transition

Identifying Career Officials to Lead Department

Developing Valuable Resource Materials

Keeping Department Personnel Apprised of Transition Activities

Providing Office Space for Transition Team

  Providing Incoming Administration Transition Support

Providing Outgoing Political Appointee Support

