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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Living with a Volcano in your Backyard -- An Educator's Guide with Emphasis on Mount Rainier

-- Driedger, C., Doherty, A., and Dixon, C. (Project Coordinators), 2005,
Living with a Volcano in your Backyard -- An Educator's Guide with Emphasis on Mount Rainier: U.S. Geological Survey and National Park Service, General Interest Product 19.

Living with a Volcano in your Backyard -- An Educator's Guide with Emphasis on Mount Rainier is a three-unit guide that provides science content and inquiry-based activities about volcanoes of the Cascade Range, with emphasis placed on Mount Rainier. Activities are designed for middle school students. Adaptations and extensions offer learning opportunites for students in higher and lower grade levels. This guide includes more than 30 activities, a field guide to geological sites of interest at Mount Rainier National Park, glossary, list of Internet resources, and supplementary information. Components of the guide will posted in PDF format as they are completed. -- Driedger, 2005

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03/07/08, Lyn Topinka