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 ON THIS PAGE:    Introduction    Three areas of WTO procurement work    Technical co-operation    Additional information

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Topics handled by WTO committees and agreements
Issues covered by the WTO’s committees and agreements

Government procurement

The procurement of goods and services by government agencies for their own purposes is a core element of the operation of governments. It secures the inputs that enable governments to fulfil their tasks, having a major impact on key stakeholders in society. Government procurement is also an important aspect of international trade.

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Introduction    back to top

Since public resources are scarce, the efficiency of the procurement process is a primary consideration of every procurement regime. Open, transparent and non-discriminatory procurement is generally considered to be the best tool to achieve 'value for money' as it optimises competition among suppliers. At the same time, many WTO Members still use their purchasing decisions to achieve domestic policy goals, such as the promotion of specific local industry sectors or social groups.

Government procurement is an important aspect of international trade, given the considerable size of the procurement market (often 10-15 percent of GDP) and the benefits for domestic and foreign stakeholders in terms of increased competition.


Three areas of WTO work on government procurement    back to top

There are three main aspects of the WTO's work on government procurement:

General overview of the WTO's work in these three areas


Technical Co-operation    back to top

Relevant documents


Additional Information    back to top

Procurement legislation of WTO Members

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