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NGO position papers received by the WTO Secretariat

In accordance with the Guidelines for Arrangements on Relations With Non-Governmental Organizations (WT/L/162) and as a follow-up to the Director-General's recent initiatives on greater transparency and an enhanced dialogue with NGOs, the list of NGO Position Papers received by the Secretariat is circulated for the information of Members.

Interested delegations that wish to consult these documents in more detail are requested to contact Mrs. Susana Villalba, ext. 5677, in the External Relations Division.

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The list of NGO Position Papers, received and circulated to Members, is available below.

NGOs wishing to send Position Papers to the WTO Secretariat may do so to the following address:

External Relations Division
World Trade Organization
Centre William Rappard
154 Rue de Lausanne
1211 Geneva 21

Only Position Papers related to the activities of the WTO will be included in the list. The title of the Position Papers must be provided in all three official WTO languages. Monthly newsletters, brochures, announcements etc. will not be included in the list.

The WTO Secretariat reserves the full right not to include on the list, material which does not fulfil these requirements and to adjust these arrangements at any given time.

In accordance with the Guidelines for Arrangements on Relations With Non-Governmental Organizations (WT/L/162) and as a follow-up to the Director-General's recent initiatives on greater transparency and an enhanced dialogue with NGOs, the list of NGO Position Papers received by the Secretariat is circulated for the information of Members.

Interested delegations that wish to consult these documents in more detail are requested to contact Mrs. Susana Villalba, ext. 5677, in the External Relations Division.

NGO position papers received since 1 January 2008

Patent-related Barriers to Market Entry for Generic Medicines in the European Union: A review of weakness in the current European patent system and their impact on the market access of generic medicines.
(English only)
European Generic Medicines Association

Small Boats, Big Problems
(English only and available electronically)

WWF International — Switzerland

ICC recommendations on upholding the WTO Information Technology Agreement (ITA)
(English only and available electronically)

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) — France

Principal Focus and Action of the Research Based Pharmaceutical Industry in Contributing to Global Health
(English and French only)

International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations — Switzerland

   Previous list of papers received back to top

Papers received before:

19 December | 1 October | 10 July | 1 May | 30 March | 28 February | 31 January

29 September |31 July |3 July | 6 June | 30 April | 31 March | 28 February | 31 January

13 December | 2 December | 25 November | 18 November | 31 October | 4 October | 15 August | 4 July | 18 May | 2 May | 11 January

30 November | 20 September | 28 July | 14 June | 1 April | 1 March | 19 January

10 November | 1 October | 11 September | 18 August | 18 July | 29 May | 1 April | 3 February

6 December | 11 November | 5 August | 8 July | 1 May | 1 February

19 November | 28 September | 31 July | 1 June | 19 April | 26 January

2 October | 1 August | 30 June | 28 April

30 December | 26 November | 24 November | 23 November | 19 November | 9 November | 11 October | 23 July | 31 May | 29 March | 29 January

27 November | 22 October



contact us : World Trade Organization, rue de Lausanne 154, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland