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Frequently-consulted documentation

A selection of pre-programmed searches which enable the easy retrieval of frequently requested documents

 Official Records (WTO Bodies and Committees)
 Legal Texts and Agreements
 Background Papers
 Sessions of the Ministerial Conference
 Special meetings

Official records : minutes and reports of meetings of the Councils, Committees, Working Groups and other official bodies of the WTO, as well as other regularly-produced reports and documents.
Legal texts and Agreements : quick alphabetical access to the Agreements, Decisions, Declarations and Protocols of the WTO and the GATT, also re-grouped by broad subject category.
Ministerial Sessions : preparatory, formal and informal documents produced for the WTO Ministerial Conferences.
Special meetings : press releases and information documents relating to miscellaneous conferences, seminars, symposia and workshops.
Background papers : selected WTO documents which provide a basic introduction to key topics monitored by the Secretariat.

CRN: Central Registry of Notifications : notifications received by the Secretariat from Members

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