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The Integrated Framework for Least Developed Countries (IF)

The Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical Assistance to Least-Developed Countries, also known as the ‘Integrated Framework’ (IF), was officially inaugurated by six multilateral institutions (IMF, ITC, UNCTAD, UNDP, World Bank and the WTO) in 1997. Establishment of an enhanced IF is in the process of being finalised.

For more information:
Executive Secretariat of the enhanced Integrated Framework
World Trade Organization
154, rue de Lausanne
CH-1211 Geneva



LDC Unit
Development Division
World Trade Organization
154, rue de Lausanne
CH-1211 Geneva



Making trade work for development

Trade is a key factor for economic growth, and can help to alleviate poverty.

While trade is not an end in itself, it can enhance a country's access to a wider range of goods and services, technologies and knowledge. It stimulates the entrepreneurial activities of the private sector. It creates jobs. It fosters vital learning processes. It attracts private capital. It increases foreign exchange earnings. Above all, it generates the resources for sustainable development and the alleviation of poverty.

For trade to have an impact on poverty reduction it needs to be an integral part of a country’s development strategy. Led by the government, this requires raising awareness and active engagement by a wide range of stakeholders on several fronts:

1. Nationally, all stakeholders both within the government (e.g. Ministries of Trade, Finance, and Planning) and outside the government need to come together to build consensus on the way forward.
2. From the outset, the government must reach out to the international development community to support its plans for integrating trade into overall national development plans.
3. International partners must engage with the government for coordinated delivery of trade related assistance and capacity building.

Countries should be aware that this process will require a long-term commitment by all stakeholders, particularly since it involves systemic change.


What is the (enhanced) Integrated Framework for Least-Developed Countries?   back to top

The Integrated Framework (IF) is a process that was established to support least-developed countries (LDCs) in trade capacity building and integrating trade issues into overall national development strategies. The IF was initially established in October, 1997, at the High-Level Meeting on LDCs Trade Development held at the WTO. The core agencies participating in the IF are the IMF, ITC, UNCTAD, UNDP, the World Bank and the WTO. They combine their efforts with those of LDCs and other development partners (donors and other agencies) to respond to the trade development needs of LDCs so that they can become full and active players and beneficiaries of the multilateral trading system.

An enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) is in the process of being established. WTO Ministers at the Hong Kong Ministerial Conference in December 2005 gave their support to this enhancement and to the EIF Task Force.

The EIF is not a new initiative. The aim is to enhance the operations of the current IF mechanism to ensure that its overall goal is achieved. An enhanced IF will give LDCs greater ownership of the EIF; increased commitments from development partners; and improvements in the IF decision-making and management structure to ensure effective and timely delivery of increased financial resources. An enhanced IF Secretariat has been established at the WTO, headed by an Executive Director.


Who benefits from the EIF?   back to top

The EIF is aimed at LDCs. All beneficiaries of the IF automatically benefit from the enhanced IF.

Its main objectives are to:

  • mainstream trade into LDCs' national development plans (NDPs), such as Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs)

  • assist in the coordinated delivery of trade-related technical assistance (TRTA) in response to needs identified by LDCs

  • develop the capacity of LDCs to trade, including through capacity building and addressing supply constraints.


Key principles, steps and funding of the enhanced Integrated Framework   back to top


Governance structures   back to top


Integrated Framework Core Agencies

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization established to promote international monetary cooperation, exchange stability, and orderly exchange arrangements; to foster economic growth and high levels of employment; and to provide temporary financial assistance to countries to help ease balance of payments adjustment.

The International Trade Centre (ITC) is the technical cooperation agency of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) for operational, enterprise-oriented aspects of trade development.

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) aims at the development-friendly integration of developing countries into the world economy. UNCTAD is the focal point within the United Nations for the integrated treatment of trade and development and the interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development.

On the ground in 166 countries, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) helps the UN system and its partners to raise awareness, track progress and connect countries to the knowledge and resources needed to achieve clear targets for reducing poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women.

The World Bank with a mission to fight poverty and improve living standards for people in the developing world is among the world's leading development institutions. It provides loans, policy advice, technical assistance and knowledge-sharing services.

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.

The Food and Agriculture Organizations (FAO), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) have observer status at the Integrated Framework Steering Committee (IFSC).


Search Documents Online
Documents on the Integrated Framework use the code WT/IFSC/* (where * takes additional values).
These links open a new window: allow a moment for the results to appear.

help with downloading these documents

  • Minutes of Integrated Framework Steering Committee Meetings (IFSC) (Document code WT/IFSC/M/*)    > search
  • Working documents of Integrated Framework Steering Committee Meetings (IFSC) (Document code WT/IFSC/W/*)    > search
  • General documents of the Integrated Framework Steering Committee (IFSC) (Document code WT/IFSC/* and not (W or M))    > search

Other documents

  • Report by the Director-General to the Fifth Ministerial Conference pursuant to Paragraph 43 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration (Document code WT/MIN(03)/1) (download in Word, 12 pages; 85KB)
  • Documents on the Integrated Framework — Trade-Related Technical Assistance Needs-Assessment (Document code WT/COMTD/IF/* or WT/LDC/HL/12/*)     > search
  • Proposal for a pilot Scheme (Document code WT/LDC/SWG/IF/13) (download in Word format, 4 pages; 46KB)
  • Report of the High-Level Meeting on LDCs (Document code WT/LDC/HL/1/Rev.1) (download in Word Perfect format)

You can perform more sophisticated searches from the Documents Online search facility (opens in new window) by defining multiple search criteria such as document symbol (i.e. code number), full text search or document date.



> Integrated Framework Newsletter: February 2008

Lamy urges more aid to raise trade capacity of poorest nations
Stockholm Pledging Conference for EIF,
25 September 2007

The Integrated Framework for Least Developed Countries (LDCs): How does it fit into Aid for Trade? (WTO Secretariat paper)

Stockholm Pledging Conference for EIF
25 September 2007



Integrated Framework Website (opens in new window)

contact us : World Trade Organization, rue de Lausanne 154, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland