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Privacy Statement is owned and operated by Winrock International. Because we recognize that visitors to our site may be concerned about information that is made available to us and how that information is used, we are providing this Privacy Statement to help address questions our visitors may have. Winrock reserves the right to modify or update this Statement at any time.

Winrock International is committed to protecting your privacy and making a safe environment where you can subscribe to our newsletter, participate in networking activities, make a donation, or volunteer for a technical assistance project.

What information do we collect and how do we use it?

Tracking Data
When you visit, non-personal identifying information is tracked. This allows Winrock to count the number of visitors to the site, identify the pages viewed most often, and determine ways to improve the site and make your experience a positive one.

Personal & Contact Information
Your personal information will not be sold or loaned for use to another organization.

  • Donations made to Winrock require your name, address, daytime phone, e-mail address, and credit card information. Your tax-deductible receipt(s) are mailed to the address you provide. Your phone number is used ONLY if we need to contact you to verify details of your contribution. Your phone number will not be used for solicitation purposes. (Please see How does Winrock provide a secure environment for on-line transactions?) Donors may make an anonymous contribution by sending a money order to Winrock International at the address noted below or elsewhere on It will not be possible to provide a receipt for a tax deduction without your name and address.
  • Winrock's on-line volunteer data is used to match individuals' skills and interests with volunteer assignment opportunities. Contact information, expertise, demographic and logistical information ensures effective and efficient mobilization of volunteers to their posted assignments.
  • Winrock's Professional Register is a database of consultants used to provide short and long-term technical expertise to programs and projects.
  • Winrock may use 'cookies' to store information in your web browser. Occasionally, cookies are used to track the number of users who visit or evaluate and improve the site's navigation. They do not identify an individual user.
  • Winrock welcomes children to visit our site and learn more about our organization. But we encourage their parents or guardians to supervise their activities on our site. Winrock does not knowingly collect any personal information from a minor without the consent of a parent or guardian. Children under the age of 13 should obtain parental consent before providing information through our site.

Do we share information?

  • We do not share your personal information with any individual, organization, telemarketer or other third party. It is our policy not to sell, trade, or rent your personal information. Winrock reserves the right to change this policy at any time. You will be notified and given the opportunity to remove your name from our database.
  • Your phone number will not be used to solicit funds. It only will be used if we need to verify information, and occasionally, to thank you for your contribution or participation in our work.
  • Information posted to public forums (message boards) may be used for Winrock communication efforts. Remember that any information disclosed in these areas becomes public information that may be used by other parties without our consent. Always exercise caution when disclosing personal information.
  • In order to encourage fundraising partnerships Winrock may disclose to third parties aggregate statistics regarding donations (total number of donors, amount of donations, and referring websites), but will not include any personal or identifying information without prior permission of the individual.
  • Winrock assumes no liability for information provided to Winrock International India or Winrock Philippines, as they are independent organizations.

How does Winrock provide a secure environment for on-line transactions?

  • Winrock's online processing system uses the latest encryption technology, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to protect your donor information as it travels through the processing system.
  • A third-party credit card processor handles Winrock's credit card transactions using secure technology. The credit card processor receives your name, address, phone, credit card number and expiration date. This information is needed to verify and process the transaction in a secure environment. Winrock does not give permission for the processor to share this information with third parties.

How to remove your contact information from our database.

Winrock will discontinue all further contact with any person who submits a request via e-mail to, or in writing to the following address:

Privacy Officer
Winrock International
2101 Riverfront Drive
Little Rock, AR 72202

Thank you for your interest in Winrock International and the programs that support our global mission. Please contact us if you have any questions about our organization, its programs, or this Website.

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