USGS San Francisquito Creek logo U.S. Geological Survey The National Map Geography Western Geographic Science Center San Francisquito Creek

Digital Data

This section allows users easy access to a wide range of high-quality digital data and GIS products covering the study area. Examples of GIS products include the following map layers: hydrography, roads, vegetation cover, forests, timber, and soils. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) provides four different digital cartographic products: Digital Raster Graphic (DRG), Digital Line Graph (DLG), Digital Elevation Model (DEM), and Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle (DOQ).

You will need GIS software to view these data. The Dem3d and Dlgv32 viewers are free downloadable software provided by the USGS for viewing digital data. The viewers are compressed for faster downloading and require the shareware WinZip to uncompress it. To download these software tools, use the links below. These two software tools run on Windows platform.

For more information on the capabilities of these two software tools, please visit the following sites:

Data Available for Download

  • DRG -- A scanned version of the USGS topographic map.

  • DLG -- Cartographic data in vector format (geographic data in points, lines and polygons).

  • DEM -- Cartographic/geographic data of elevations in xyz coordinates (view data in 3-D).

  • DOQ -- A digital, uniform-scale image created from aerial photos (a photographic map).

  • Features -- Features of resources within the San Francisquito Creek watershed.

  • Map Layout -- A collection of frequently requested map layouts for the San Francisquito Creek Project.

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Last Modified: Friday, 07-Feb-2003 21:00:16 EST (cmh)
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