Study design and data collection (see

More details are avaialble on each of the 20 study units that began in 1991 at:


What data were collected and why

(see table of chemical parameters)

Types of sites sampled

of sites

Sampling frequency and period

Stream Chemistry

Basic sites-- general water chemistry

Concentrations, seasonal variation, and annual loads. Data included streamflow, nutrients, major ions, organic carbon, suspended sediment, water temperature, specific conductance, alkalinity, pH, and dissolved oxygen.

Basic Fixed Sites: representative of common land uses, as well as basin outflow sites

about 10 per study unit

Monthly plus storms:


Intensive sites--

Concentrations and seasonal variations in pesticides.

Subset of basic sites: where land use was most homogeneous and some mixed outflow sites in some study units

about 2 per study unit

Weekly to monthly:
Feb. 1993-Mar. 1994

Synoptic sites-- water chemistry

Spatial distribution of pesticides and nutrients. Data included 85 dissolved pesticides plus same constituents as basic sites.

Basic sites


Other sites plus reference sites

10-30 per SU

1-4 times 

in a season

Contaminants in bed sediments

Occurrence and distribution of contaminants in bed sediment. Data included total PCBs, 32 organochlorine pesticides, 63 semivolatile organic compounds, and 44 trace elements.

Depositional zones of most stream sites sampled in other components of study

about 20 per study unit


Contaminants in fish and benthic invertebrates

Occurrence and distribution of contaminants in biota. Data included total PCBs, 30 organochlorine pesticides and 24 trace elements in targeted bottom fish or other aquatic life.

Most stream sites sampled in other components of study where tissue could be collected

about 20 per study unit


Ground-Water Chemistry

Aquifer survey--domestic, public supply, or monitoring wells

Occurrence and distribution of chemicals in randomly selected wells in an area. Data included major ions, nutrients, 85 pesticides, 60 volatile organic compounds, dissolved organic carbon, and radon.

Varied depth  wells across a Study Unit or a homogeneous part of the study unit

30 per area: 1 or 2 areas per study unit


Land-use effects-- shallow wells

Describe the effects of a particular pattern of agricultural land use on shallow ground water.  Data included major ions, nutrients, 85 pesticides, 60 volatile organic compounds, dissolved organic carbon, and radon.

Shallow domestic or  monitoring wells


about 30 wells for each of 1-4 land users in a study unit
