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Country Program Officer: Chuck Howell

Department of State
Washington, DC 20521-7010
Tel: 375-172-101283
Fax: 375-17-211-3032


The U.S. has a national interest in a free and peaceful Europe, which must include a stable, democratic and market-oriented Belarus. Now that the European Union shares a border with Belarus, it is vulnerable to potential political and economic instability across that border. Belarus’ current president has stifled independent media and political opposition, and has carried out questionable economic policies. However, structural reforms and privatization remain on the agenda. Belarus will hold parliamentary elections in 2008 and presidential elections in late 2010 or early 2011. Nothing suggests that they will proceed any differently than the flawed elections of 2006, which presented a difficult environment for non-governmental organizations (NGOs), opposition parties and free media to work in. The country retains the potential to contribute to and benefit from regional economic development, but it needs to implement democratic and market reforms. For this reason, USAID focuses on involving citizens in the democratic process.

Belarus in Action

The Appraisal Committee sits in reviewJoint UNDP-USAID Family Health Project in Belarus Approved

The UNDP/CORE Project Appraisal Committee (PAC) held a formal review of recently submitted projects on November 15 and recommended approval of USAID’s Family Health Project... Read More ...

Related Items: Belarus, Health

Pavel Vagero, 26, is chief accountant of one of Belarus' most promising enterprisesFrom Intern to Chief Accountant in 18 Months

Only 26-years-old, Pavel Vagero is the chief accountant of one of Belarus’s most promising enterprises. A few years ago, he signed on for a summer accounting internship... Read More ...

Related Items: Belarus, Education

Andrey Nizhnik savors life in the Belarusian village where he and his wife operate a bed and breakfastRural Tourism Development Supports Private Enterprise Growth in Belarus

Over a freshly-made cheese fritter drenched in homemade sour cream and topped with hand-picked strawberries... Read More ...

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Wed, 22 Oct 2008 13:37:35 -0500