Table 4-6
Top 20 R&D-spending corporations: 2003
  R&D rank   R&D expense ($ millions)   Sales ($ millions)   R&D intensity (%)
Company (country) 2003 2002   2003 2002 Change (%)   2003 2002   2003 2002
Microsofta (United States) 1 10 7,779 6,595 17.0 36,835 32,187 21.1 20.5
Ford Motor (United States) 2 1 7,500 7,700 -2.6 164,196 162,586 4.6 4.7
Pfizer (United States) 3 6 7,131 5,176 37.8 45,188 32,373 15.8 16.0
DaimlerChrysler (Germany) 4 2 6,689 7,289 -8.2 163,811 179,595 4.1 4.1
Toyota Motor (Japan) 5 5 6,210 6,113 1.6 157,411 146,121 3.9 4.2
Siemens (Germany) 6 3 6,084 6,987 -12.9 89,127 100,873 6.8 6.9
General Motors (United States) 7 4 5,700 5,800 -1.7 183,244 184,214 3.1 3.1
Matsushita Electric Industrial (Japan) 8 9 5,272 5,015 5.1 68,078 67,368 7.7 7.4
International Business Machines (United States) 9 7 5,068 4,750 6.7 89,131 81,186 5.7 5.9
GlaxoSmithKline (United Kingdom) 10 8 4,910 5,101 -3.8 37,717 37,314 13.0 13.7
Johnson & Johnson (United States) 11 12 4,684 3,957 18.4 41,862 36,298 11.2 10.9
Sony (Japan) 12 14 4,683 4,033 16.1 68,230 68,023 6.9 5.9
Nokia (Finland) 13 22 4,514 3,664 23.2 35,365 36,038 12.8 10.2
Intel (United States) 14 11 4,360 4,034 8.1 30,141 26,764 14.5 15.1
Volkswagen (Germany) 15 25 4,233 3,471 22.0 104,639 104,393 4.0 3.3
Honda Motor (Japan) 16 15 4,086 3,976 2.8 74,293 72,554 5.5 5.5
Motorola (United States) 17 13 3,771 3,754 0.5 27,058 26,679 13.9 14.1
Novartis (Switzerland) 18 24 3,756 3,362 11.7 24,864 25,111 15.1 13.4
Roche Holding (Switzerland) 19 27 3,694 3,298 12.0 24,188 23,030 15.3 14.3
Hewlett-Packard (United States) 20 19   3,652 3,312 10.3   73,061 56,588   5.0 5.9

aFiscal year ended June 2004.

SOURCE: Institute of Electronics and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), IEEE Spectrum Top 100 R&D Spenders, Standard & Poor's data (2004),

Science and Engineering Indicators 2006