Table 4-1
U.S. R&D expenditures, by character of work, performing sector, and source of funds: 2004
  Source of funds ($ millions)  
Other Total
Federal nonprofit expenditures
Performing sector Total Industry government U&C institutions (% distribution)
R&D 312,068 199,025 93,384 11,095 8,565 100.0
Industry 219,226 195,691 23,535 NA NA 70.2
Industry-administered FFRDCs 2,584 NA 2,584 NA NA 0.8
Federal government 24,742 NA 24,742 NA NA 7.9
U&C 42,431 2,135 26,115 11,095 3,087 13.6
U&C-administered FFRDCs 7,500 NA 7,500 NA NA 2.4
Other nonprofit institutions 12,750 1,199 6,072 NA 5,478 4.1
Nonprofit-administered FFRDCs 2,834 NA 2,834 NA NA 0.9
Percent distribution by source 100.0 63.8 29.9 3.6 2.7 NA
Basic research 58,356 9,551 36,075 7,579 5,150 100.0
Industry 9,278 7,427 1,851 NA NA 15.9
Industry-administered FFRDCs 706 NA 706 NA NA 1.2
Federal government 4,887 NA 4,887 NA NA 8.4
U&C 31,735 1,458 20,589 7,579 2,109 54.4
U&C-administered FFRDCs 3,917 NA 3,917 NA NA 6.7
Other nonprofit institutions 6,651 666 2,944 NA 3,042 11.4
Nonprofit-administered FFRDCs 1,181 NA 1,181 NA NA 2.0
Percent distribution by source 100.0 16.4 61.8 13.0 8.8 NA
Applied research 66,364 35,975 25,315 2,883 2,190 100.0
Industry 41,009 35,117 5,892 NA NA 61.8
Industry-administered FFRDCs 1,268 NA 1,268 NA NA 1.9
Federal government 8,407 NA 8,407 NA NA 12.7
U&C 9,223 555 4,983 2,883 802 13.9
U&C-administered FFRDCs 1,806 NA 1,806 NA NA 2.7
Other nonprofit institutions 4,287 304 2,595 NA 1,388 6.5
Nonprofit-administered FFRDCs 365 NA 365 NA NA 0.5
Percent distribution by source 100.0 54.2 38.1 4.3 3.3 NA
Development 187,349 153,498 31,993 633 1,224 100.0
Industry 168,939 153,147 15,792 NA NA 90.2
Industry-administered FFRDCs 610 NA 610 NA NA 0.3
Federal government 11,447 NA 11,447 NA NA 6.1
U&C 1,474 122 543 633 176 0.8
U&C-administered FFRDCs 1,778 NA 1,778 NA NA 0.9
Other nonprofit institutions 1,812 229 534 NA 1,048 1.0
Nonprofit-administered FFRDCs 1,288 NA 1,288 NA NA 0.7
Percent distribution by source 100.0 81.9 17.1 0.3 0.7 NA

NA = not available
FFRDC = federally funded research and development center; U&C = universities and colleges

NOTES: State and local government support to industry included in industry support for industry performance. State and local government support to U&C ($2,890 million in total R&D) included in U&C support for U&C performance.

SOURCES: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, National Patterns of R&D Resources (annual series). See appendix tables 4-3, 4-7, 4-11, and 4-15.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2006