Arctic Refuge Coastal Plain Terrestrial Wildlife Research Summaries

Section 3: The Porcupine Caribou Herd - Part 1

Data, Methods and Assumptions
Nutritional Importance of the Calving Ground
Habitat Trends During the Study Period

By: Brad Griffith, David C. Douglas, Noreen E. Walsh, Donald D. Young, Thomas R. McCabe, Donald E. Russell, Robert G. White, Raymond D. Cameron, and Kenneth R. Whitten

Documentation of the natural range of variation in ecological, life history, and physiological characteristics of caribou (Rangifer tarandus) of the Porcupine caribou herd is a necessary base for detecting or predicting any potential effects of industrial development on the performance (e.g., distribution, demography, weight-gain of individuals) of the herd. To demonstrate an effect of development, post-development performance must differ from pre-development performance while accounting for any natural environmental trends.

We had 2 working hypotheses for our investigations: 1) performance of the Porcupine caribou herd was associated with environmental patterns and habitat quality, and 2) access to important habitats was a key influence on demography.

We sought to document the range of natural variation in habitat conditions, herd size, demography (defined here as survival and reproduction), sources and magnitude of mortality, distribution, habitat use, and weight gain and loss; and to develop an understanding of the interactions among these characteristics of the herd.

In addition, we investigated ways that we could use this background information, combined with auxiliary information from the adjacent Central Arctic caribou herd, to predict the direction and magnitude of any potential effects of industrial oil development in the 1002 Area of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge on Porcupine caribou herd calf survival on the herd’s calving grounds during June.

Data, Methods and Assumptions

This work focused on the calving and post-calving seasons of the Porcupine caribou herd. The calving season was defined as the 3-week period that began with the birth of calves (spring). Post-calving was defined as the 3-week period that followed the calving season (early summer).

Porcupine caribou herd size was estimated by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) from aerial photo-censuses during post-calving aggregations. Only censuses considered reliable by ADF&G were used. Variance in annual censuses due to multiple observers counting portions of the photo sets was relatively small when compared with each census (+2%) and was ignored in the display of annual censuses to the nearest 1,000 animals.

Demography and calf weight-gain were estimated from repeated locations and/or recaptures of radio-collared animals. Calving distributions were estimated from 767 calving sites of adult (>3 year old) radio-collared female caribou obtained during 1983-2001 [average of 40 sites per year; fixed-kernel analyses using Least Squares Cross Validation (Silverman 1986, Seaman et al. 1996, 1998, 1999)]. Concentrated calving areas were defined as the annual kernel contour that included calving sites with greater than average density (Seaman et al. 1998). Annual calving grounds were defined as the 99% kernel utilization distributions obtained from annual calving sites. Extent of calving was defined as the aggregate extent of all annual calving grounds.

Vegetation types were mapped from Landsat-Thematic Mapper satellite imagery (Fig. 2.1; Jorgensen et al. 1994) and reduced from 17 to 7 classes for caribou habitat analyses (Fig. 3.1). We estimated the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) (Tucker 1979, Tucker et al. 1986) and snowcover from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) polar orbiting satellites. Snowcover was estimated using a linear regression that we derived by correlating AVHRR infrared reflectance with estimates of snowcover extracted from aerial photographs collected in the 1002 Area during the snowmelt periods of 1987 and 1988 (r2 = 0.87, n = 80). Cloud contaminated areas in the AVHRR images were identified (Baglio and Holroyd 1989) and excluded from analyses, as were large water bodies. AVHRR and Thematic Mapper images were transformed to an Albers Equal Area projection and re-sampled to 1-km2 pixel size.

Figure 3.1 shows a 7-class land-cover map of the Alaska and Canadian coastal plain, and the Brooks Range immediately to the south.  The map was created by combining similar land-cover classes from more detailed Landsat land-cover maps.  The 7 generalized land-cover classes were used for caribou habitat analyses.  The 7 classes are: wet sedge, moist sedge, herbaceous tussock tundra, shrub tundra, alpine, riparian, and non-vegetated.

Figure 3.1. Land-cover classes on the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, and eastward into the Yukon Territory, Canada, as generalized for studies of the Porcupine caribou herd. Classes are based on Jorgensen et al. (1994) as depicted in Fig. 2.1 and are expanded to include Canada using a Canadian Wildlife Service Landsat-derived vegetation map of the Northern Yukon. Classes on this map and their corresponding classes in Jorgensen et al. (1994) include: Wet Graminoid (WG, WGM, some PV), Moist Sedge (MSW, MS, MSD), Herbaceous Tussock Tundra (TT, SP), Shrub Tussock Tundra (STT), Alpine (ST, AT, some PV), Riparian (RS, DT, some PV), and Non-vegetated (BA, IC, WA, SH).

NDVI indexes the disproportionate reflectance of near-infrared radiation from green vegetation (Tucker and Sellars 1986) in the canopy of plant communities. Thus, relationships between NDVI and total green plant biomass or leaf area index (LAI) would be expected to be strongest for plant communities with reduced vertical distribution of green biomass and leaf area (e.g., communities dominated by sedges, grasses, or short shrubs that are common in the Arctic). Due to the size of the pixels (~1 km2) AVHRR data are linked more to landscape processes than to individual plant communities (Malingreau and Belward 1992).

Relatively good correlations have been obtained between above ground net primary productivity (ANPP) and seasonally integrated NDVI (r2 = 0.89; Paruelo et al. 1997), LAI and NDVI when integrated across physiognomic categories (r2 = 0.97; Shippert et al. 1995), and photosynthetic biomass and NDVI in small plots (r2 = 0.51; Hope et al. 1993). Because NDVI indexed total green biomass and caribou are selective feeders (White 1983), we assumed that the biomass of forages eaten by caribou was positively correlated with total green biomass at the landscape scale.

We directly estimated NDVI at 3 times:

1) NDVI_calving - composite (Holben 1986) images obtained as close as possible to median calving date each year (mean image date of 2 June, SE = 2.0 days). Snowcover was also estimated from these images. Negative NDVI values (areas with snowcover) were converted to zero NDVI.

2) NDVI_mid-June - approximately 2 weeks after calving (mean image date of 16 June, SE = 2.6 days).

3) NDVI_early-July - during the first week of July (mean image date of 3 July, SE = 2.4 days).

From these images we derived 2 additional estimates:

1) NDVI_rate - the pixel-based daily rate of increase in NDVI from calving to mid-June.

2) NDVI_621 - NDVI on the fixed date of 21 June each year (approximately 3 weeks after calving, linearly interpolated from mid-June and early-July images).

In years when snowcover was substantial (i.e., 1986, 1988, 1989, 1992, 1997) and NDVI_calving was near zero, there may have been a small overestimate of NDVI_rate. In addition, cloud cover made it impossible to obtain a complete image on any fixed date. Thus, NDVI_621 was the most robust NDVI estimate because it was interpolated to a fixed date from 2 snow-free images.

We assumed that NDVI_calving and NDVI_621 represented relative green forage quantity while NDVI_rate reflected forage quality because it estimated the daily accumulation of new plant tissue which is highly digestible (Cameron and Whitten 1980). The quality implication of NDVI_rate was based on the assumption that caribou forage selectively for the most digestible food items (White 1983). Because energy and protein intake from milk by caribou calves remains high during the first 3 weeks of life and then declines as calves increase their intake of vegetation (White and Luick 1984, Parker et al. 1990), we assumed that NDVI_621 estimated forage availability to lactating females during the 3-week period of peak lactation demand immediately after calving.

Predator distributions and relative densities were estimated from annual relocations of radio-collared grizzly bears (Ursus arctos), 1983-1994, and from aerial survey locations of golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) nest structures and wolf (Canis lupus) dens (Fig. 6.1).

Satellite-collared caribou provided supplemental information on distribution throughout the herd’s annual range. Estimates of minimum daily movement rates were obtained from satellite-collared animals, 1985-1995, and from near-daily relocations of conventional radio-collared calves on the calving ground, 1992-1994.

Data were analyzed with contingency tables, linear and stepwise logistic regression, multi-response permutation procedures (MRPP, Mielke and Berry 1982), and analysis of variance. Akaike’s Information Criteria (AIC; Akaike 1973, Sakamoto et al. 1986) were used for final model selection. Bonferroni procedures were used to provide overall experiment error protection as appropriate. GIS technology, remotely-sensed habitat data-layers, habitat-demography relationships, and simulation modeling were used to assess potential effects of displacement of calving grounds on calf survival each June.

Not all types of data were available throughout the entire primary study period of 1983-2001. Calf weights near birth were estimated from captured 1- and 2-day-old animals in 1983-1985, and again in 1992-1994. Calf weight-gains on the calving ground and cow weights in June and September were estimated in 1992-1994.

Caribou food habits were estimated during 1973 (Thompson and McCourt 1981), 1979-1981 (Russell et al. 1993), and for this study during 1993-94 from microhistological analyses of fecal pellets (Sparks and Malechek 1968) corrected for forage digestibility (Duquette 1984).

Annual adult caribou survival was estimated in 1983-1992 (Fancy et al. 1994, Walsh et al. 1995). Over-winter calf survival was estimated in 1983-1985 and 1988 (Fancy et al. 1994, Walsh et al. 1995). June calf survival (the proportion of parturient radio-collared females retaining live calves during the last week of June) was estimated in 1983-1992 (Fancy et al. 1994, Walsh et al. 1995) and for this study in 1993-2001.

Calving distributions and vegetation types on the calving grounds were available for all years 1983-2001, but satellite-based estimates of NDVI and snowcover were only available for the years 1985-2001.

The study area covered the annual range of the Porcupine caribou herd (Fig. 3.2), emphasizing the calving ground, and was described in the introduction to this report and in the 1987 Final Legislative Environmental Impact Statement (Clough et al. 1987).

Figure 3.2 shows the boundary of the annual range of the Porcupine caribou herd.  The figure also shows all radio-tracking calving sites 1983-2001, encompassed by the polygon that defines the aggregate extent of calving 1983-2001. A similar presentation of calving sites and extent of calving is shown for the Central Arctic caribou herd, using data from 1980 through 1995.

Figure 3.2. For the Porcupine caribou herd: annual range (wide white solid line), calving sites (yellow points), and aggregate extent of calving (thin solid yellow line), 1983-2001. For the Central Arctic caribou herd: aggregate extent of calving (thin solid white line) and calving sites (white points), 1980-1995. (Adapted from Wolfe 2000).

Nutritional Importance of the Calving Ground

Spring arrival on the calving ground is the time of minimum body reserves for parturient females (those about to give birth or accompanied by very young calves) (Chan-McLeod et al. 1999). Thereafter, their energy and protein requirements reach the highest level of the year during peak lactation in the first 3 weeks of June (White and Luick 1984, Parker et al. 1990). The females’ appetites are high and forage intake rates can match lactation demand only where primary production is high (White et al. 1975, 1981). Small changes in nutritional content and digestibility of forage, however, can have substantial multiplier effects on digestible energy and protein intake (White 1983), and thus may influence nutritional performance of Porcupine caribou herd females on the calving ground.

Recent advances in identifying the basis of selection of food by ungulates demonstrate that forage intake is a function of ungulate morphology, plant architecture, and biomass of acceptable forage (White et al. 1975, Trudell and White 1981, Spalinger et al. 1988, Shipley and Spalinger 1992, Gross et al. 1993, Langvatn and Hanley 1993, Wilmshurst and Fryxell 1995). Because ungulates select forage with high digestible energy and high digestible protein (Langvatn and Hanley 1993, Wilmshurst and Fryxell 1995), these properties are the relevant measure of forage value of habitats at any spatial scale (White et al. 1975, White and Trudell 1980a,b). Thus, the forage currency for ungulates is primarily a function of digestibility of acceptable foods and is not simply plant biomass or gross energy (Fryxell 1991).

The source of protein for fetal growth comes almost exclusively from body protein of female caribou entering winter (Gerhart et al. 1996). Females with high body protein in late winter produce the largest calves (Allaye-Chan 1991). Early weaning of calves occurs when habitat conditions do not support a protein intake sufficient to meet a minimal rate of body protein deposition; milk synthesis then ceases (Russell and White 1998). The protein:energy ratio of forage consumed during lactation increases the milk protein intake by calves (Chan-McLeod et al.1994), the most important milk nutrient affecting calf growth rate at all calf ages (White 1992).

When forage biomass is low at calving, Porcupine caribou herd females might be expected to use microhabitats of highest biomass of acceptable foods and to select the most digestible forages from within them, as has been documented for caribou of the Central Arctic herd (White et al. 1975) and the Western Arctic herd (White and Trudell 1980b). This change in the basis of selection, from forage biomass to forage digestibility, constitutes scale-dependent selection (cf. Wiens 1989, O’Neil and King 1998). We pursued this issue of scale dependency in habitat selection by the Porcupine caribou herd at the larger scales of the annual calving grounds and concentrated calving areas.

Because the inability to meet lactation demands may lower the performance (i.e., weight-gain, survival) of calves, calving ground habitats may be important. They may be important because they can contribute substantially to the female and calf protein budgets during the calving season, when maternal protein reserves can be low (Gerhart et al. 1996, Chan-McLeod et al. 1999).

Habitat Trends During the Study Period

The climate of the Arctic has been warming in both summer and winter during recent decades (Chapman and Walsh 1993, Groisman et al. 1994, Houghton et al. 1995). Temperature increases have been greatest in winter. The warming has been heterogeneous across the Arctic (Chapman and Walsh 1993, Serreze 2000), but was evident in spring (Fig. 3.3a) and winter (Fig. 3.3b) temperatures within the northern part of the annual range of the Porcupine caribou herd.

Figure 3.3 plots mean temperatures for two weather stations within the extent of calving (Komakuk Beach, Shingle Point) and one station within the winter range (Old Crow) of the Porcupine caribou herd for a) June, and b) winter (January, February, March), 1950-1995.  Over this 45-year record, a warming trend was evident, although annual variability was high.  Mean June temperatures rose about 2.5 degrees Celsius and mean winter temperatures about 6 degrees Celsius over the entire 45-year period.

Figure 3.3. Mean temperatures for 2 stations within the Porcupine caribou herd’s aggregate extent of calving (Komakuk Beach and Shingle Point, Yukon Territory, Canada) and 1 station within its winter range (Old Crow, Yukon Territory) for a) June, and b) winter (January, February, March), 1950-1995.

An earlier greening and later senescence of green plant biomass in areas north of 40oN (Myneni et al. 1997, 1998; Zhou et al. 2001) have been detected with NDVI and associated with the warming trend. The earlier greening was evident locally within the extent of calving (Fig. 3.2) of the Porcupine caribou herd in the form of an increasing relative amount of green plant biomass on 21 June (NDVI_621, r2 = 0.50, P = 0.002) during 1985-1999 (Fig. 3.4).

Figure 3.4 plots annual estimates of the Median Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) on 21 June within the extent of calving for the Porcupine caribou herd, 1983-2001.   From 1985 through 1999, NDVI values generally increased, with the exception of 1992.  Over the 15-year record (1985-1999) 21 June NDVI increased from about 0.27 to 0.37.  The statistically significant (P = 0.0023) linear regression had an r-squared value of 0.496.  Values for 2000 and 2001 were outliers and excluded from the regression.

Figure 3.4. Median Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) on 21 June within the aggregate extent of calving for the Porcupine caribou herd, 1983-2001. Values for 2000 and 2001 were outliers (RStudent = -2.49, -2.86, respectively) and excluded from the displayed regression line, r 2 = 0.496, P = 0.002.

A very low value for NDVI_621 was observed in 1992, the year that stratospheric aerosols from the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines reached the Arctic in spring (Minnis et al. 1993). Both 2001 and 2000 were substantial outliers (RStudent = -2.49, -2.86, respectively) from the relationship between NDVI_621 and year, 1985-1999 (Fig. 3.4). Both 2001 and 2000 had exceptionally late springs with high snowcover at calving. We do not yet know if these outliers indicate a change in the trend observed during 1985-1999.

The Arctic Oscillation (Fig. 3.5) is centered over the high Arctic and is one of a number of correlated indices of large-scale atmospheric pressure differentials (e.g., North Atlantic Oscillation, Northern Hemispheric Annular Mode) (Thompson and Wallace 1998, 2001). The Arctic Oscillation is the height of the level of one-half atmosphere of pressure above the surface of the earth and is weakly correlated with surface temperatures (Thompson and Wallace 1998). The Arctic Oscillation has a warm positive phase when surface pressures are low and warm North Atlantic water enters the Arctic Ocean, and a cool negative phase when surface pressures are relatively high.

Figure 3.5 plots standardized values of the Arctic Oscillation for winter (January, February, March) and standardized population size of the Porcupine caribou herd, 1958-2001.  The increasing trend in the PCH population size during 1976-1989 corresponded with a shift in the Arctic Oscillation from strong negative phase to a strong positive phase.  After 1989, the PCH population size steadily declined, and concurrently, the Arctic Oscillation began shifting back toward a negative phase.  Also denoted on this figure are shifts in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, which occurred in approximately 1977 and 1989.

Figure 3.5. Standardized values of the Arctic Oscillation (AO) for winter (January, February, March) and population size of the Porcupine caribou herd, 1958-2001. Mean value indicated by solid horizontal line. a PDO is the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (Hare and Matuna, 2000).

Initiation of increasing and decreasing trends in the Arctic Oscillation has been coincident with phase shifts in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation in 1977 and 1989 (Hare and Matuna, 2000) (Fig. 3.5). Correlations between the closely related North Atlantic Oscillation and a number of vegetative and ungulate population characteristics have been reported for Northern Europe (Post et al. 1997, Post and Stenseth 1999).

Median annual NDVI at calving (NDVI_calving) within the extent of calving of the Porcupine caribou herd was positively correlated with the Arctic Oscillation from the winter (January, February, March) of the previous calendar year (~15 month lag, r2 = 0.32, P = 0.011) (Fig. 3.6). This suggested that early forage availability for lactating females was influenced by weather patterns on a hemispheric scale.

Figure 3.6 plots the median Normalized Difference Vegetation Index at calving within the extent of calving of the Porcupine caribou herd for the current year, and winter Arctic Oscillation index (AO, January, February, March) for the previous calendar year, 1985-2001.  The figure illustrates a positive linear relationship between the two variables.

Figure 3.6. Median Normalized Difference Vegetation Index at calving (NDVI_calving) within the aggregate extent of calving (EC) of the Porcupine caribou herd for the current year, and winter Arctic Oscillation index (AO, January, February, March) for the previous calendar year, 1985-2001.

Further, the suspected phase shift in the Arctic Oscillation at the end of the 1980s (Fig. 3.5) was coincident with an increase in the frequency of daily temperature excursions above freezing in both the spring (Fig. 3.7a) and fall (Fig. 3.7b) on the transitional ranges of the Porcupine caribou herd during the 1990s. There has been a decrease in the depth and extent of snowcover in Northwestern Canada near the wintering grounds of the Porcupine caribou herd during this latter period as well (Brown and Braaten 1998).

Figure 3.7 shows the frequency of days with daytime temperatures above freezing in a) spring (21 March - 30 April), and b) fall (21 September - 20 October) on transitional ranges of the Porcupine caribou herd during the increase phase of population size, 1970-1988, the decrease phase, 1989-1998.  The average number of days in spring with temperatures above freezing increased from about 7 days to 14 days between the increasing and decreasing phases of the caribou population size, respectively.  In fall, the average number of days increased from about 11.8 to 14.5.

Figure 3.7. Frequency of days with daytime temperatures above freezing in a) spring (21 March - 30 April) and b) fall (21 September - 20 October) on transitional ranges of the Porcupine caribou herd during the herd increase phase, 1970-1988, and the herd decrease phase, 1989-1998. Brackets indicate 95% confidence intervals on mean values.

Thus, forage biomass during peak lactation demand (NDVI_621) increased during the period of study, 1985-1999 (Fig. 3.4), and this positive trend was coincident with summer warming on the calving ground (Fig. 3.3a). In addition, forage availability at calving (NDVI_calving) has been positively correlated with hemispheric-scale atmospheric conditions (Fig. 3.6). Counteracting the positive trend in forage abundance during peak lactation has been a tendency toward more freeze-thaw cycles on spring and fall transitional ranges of the Porcupine caribou herd (Fig. 3.7a,b) coincident with a suspected phase shift in the Arctic Oscillation.

These freeze-thaw cycles on transitional and winter ranges may have influenced snow properties, reduced access to forage, increased travel costs, and/or decreased the ability of caribou to escape their predators. These climate-influenced conditions on transitional/winter ranges may have contributed to the decline in size of the Porcupine caribou herd (Fig. 3.5) in spite of favorable conditions on the calving ground. Local and large-scale climate patterns as well as catastrophic events in the Southern Hemisphere (e.g., eruption of Mount Pinatubo) apparently have had major influences on Porcupine caribou herd habitats during the period of study and have set the stage for all observations of Porcupine caribou herd distribution and demographic processes during the past 2 decades.

(continued to Part 2)

| Home | Section 1 - Introduction | Section 2 - Land Cover | Section 3 - Porcupine Caribou Herd |
| Section 4 - Central Arctic Caribou Herd | Section 5 - Forage Quantity and Quality | Section 6 - Predators |
| Section 7 - Muskoxen | Section 8 - Polar Bears | Section 9 - Snow Geese | Acknowledgements |