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About ASAM
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Ruth Fox Endowment
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Strategic Plan
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ASAM Mission

increase access to and improve the quality of addiction treatment;

to educate physicians (including medical and osteopathic students), other health care providers and the public;

to support research and prevention;

to promote the appropriate role of the physician in the care of patients with addiction;

and to establish addiction medicine as a specialty recognized by professional organizations, governments, physicians, purchasers and consumers of health care services, and the general public.


ASAM’s Core Purpose:

To improve the care and treatment of people with the disease of addiction and advance the practice of Addiction Medicine.

ASAM’s Core Values:

Leadership: Evidenced in optimism about change, promoting the mission, acceptance of the achievable, and perseverance in pursuit of the desired future.

Integrity: Evidenced in dedication to the service and spirit of optimal medical care of the disease of addiction and its complications.

Respect: Evidenced in empathy for the human condition and uncompromised commitment to those affected by addictive illness.

Openness: Evidenced in inclusion of a diversity of medical specialists among our members and a diversity of treatments to assist our patients.

Advocacy: Evidenced in boldly speaking up on behalf of persons with the disease of addiction, including impaired health care professionals.

Connectedness: Evidenced in collegiality among members whenever we meet, and in synergistic collaborations with other organizations to achieve our goals.




ASAM Action Items

The ASAM Board of Directors approved a plan to seek specialty recognition of Addiction Medicine



This issue of ASAM News features a special report to the ASAM membership describing the MSAG’s
findings and recommendations, and outlining the proposed path toward specialty recognition for
Addiction Medicine that has been approved by ASAM’s Board. [MSAG June Newsletter] [MSAG Summary Report]

ASAM Strategic Plan

In 2006, ASAM developed a new Strategic Plan. The historic document details ASAM's mission, core purpose, core values, envisioned future, and strategic goals.  [ASAM Strategic Plan]




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