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 Home | Tampa Bay Study | Data | Task 2: Water & Sediment Quality - Biogeochemical Cycles | Uranium
Tampa Bay Study | Data | Task 2: Water & Sediment Quality - Biogeochemical Cycles | Uranium
Contact: Peter Swarzenski
USGS Florida Integrated Science Center, 600 4th Street South, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

Location of data collection sites within Tampa Bay.View enlargement of Alafia River sites inset.
Location of data collection sites within Tampa Bay.
View enlargement: Tampa Bay collection sites, Alafia River inset

Estuaries function as efficient biogeochemical reactors. A broad spectrum of geochemical reactions and processes are initiated in response to the fundamental exchanges in water chemistry as rivers and groundwater mix into the seawater.

Within this study, geochemical reactivity of uranium (U238), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), barium (Ba), and vanadium (V) was measured throughout the Tampa Bay Study area to find answers as to why this fresh/salt water mixing zone has a 2-3 times greater U concentration than those reported for other estuarine systems.

Elevated U behavior may be attributed to 1) physical mixing processes within the river; 2) U carrier phase reactivity; and/or 3) fluid exchange processes across sediment/water interface.

Investigation into the water column, pore waters, and riverine mixing within Tampa Bay, Florida has resulted in the estuarine distribution of U indicates a strong natural, geologic control that may also be influenced by enhanced fluid transport processes across the sediment/water interface.

The study of uranium geochemistry within estuaries provides us with an understanding of coastal systems and to what extent these complex surface/groundwater interactions influence the precious balance needed for sustainability within such a diverse environment.

Data Sets:

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Related Products:
The Impact of Groundwater and Contaminants on Tampa Bay (USGS Open-File Report 2005-1015, January 2005)

Center for Coastal & Watershed Studies > Submarine Groundwater Discharge

The Tampa Bay studies in biogeochemical cycles are presented in a special volume of Marine Chemistry - an international journal for studies of all chemical aspects of the marine environment.

Refereed Publications:
Swarzenski, P.W., M. Baskaran, C.S. Henderson, and K. Yates. 2007. Tampa Bay as a model estuary for examining the impact of human activities on biogeochemical processes: An introduction. Journal of Marine Chemistry 104(1-2) : 1-3.

Baskaran, M. and P.W. Swarzenski. 2007. Seasonal variations on the residence times and partitioning of short-lived radionuclides (234Th, 7Be, 210Pb) and depositional fluxes of 7Be and 210Pb in Tampa Bay, Florida. Marine Chemistry 104 (1-2) : 27-42.

Swarzenski, P.W., C. Reich, K.D. Kroeger, and M. Baskaran. 2007. Ra and Rn isotopes as natural tracers of submarine groundwater discharge in Tampa Bay, Florida. Marine Chemistry 104 (1-2) : 69-84.

* Swarzenski, P.W. and M. Baskaran. 2007. Uranium distribution in the coastal waters and pore waters of Tampa Bay, Florida. Marine Chemistry 104 (1-2) : 43-57.

* Data on this page are presented within this journal article.

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Gulf of Mexico Integrated Science
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