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Executive Summary

This report outlines strategies that the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has implemented to increase the participation of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in federally sponsored programs.

The goals and measurable objectives the FHWA sought to achieve during FY 2004 were to: 1) increase the number of highway research, development and technology contracts, grants and cooperative agreements awarded to HBCUs; 2) increase the number of HBCU students pursuing transportation careers by participating in programs such as the Dwight David Eisenhower Fellowship Program and maintaining/expanding the number of HBCUs sponsoring a Summer Transportation Institute; and 3) establish a partnership in every State or Territory where a HBCU is located. Below are brief descriptions of the goal and measurable objectives for Fiscal Years (FYs) 2003 and 2004.

Description of Goal and Measurable Objectives

#1: Increase the number of highway research, development and technology contracts, grants and cooperative agreements awarded to HBCUs

In view of the FHWA's commitment to ensure greater participation by HBCUs in highway research, development, and technology contracts and grants, some of the activities under this category include the following:

  • Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP)

    The purpose of the LTAP Program is to provide the transfer of highway technology and technical assistance to rural and local governments. Monies are awarded to colleges/universities to participate in this program. For FY 2004, the following was awarded:

Fiscal Year College/University Awarded Funds to Participate in Program
2004 Jackson State University $140,000

  • Entrepreneurial Development Institutes (EDI)

    The EDI Program provides training and technical assistance to disadvantaged businesses to enhance their capability to obtain highway construction and related contracts.

Fiscal Year College/University Awarded Funds to Conduct EDI Program
2004 North Carolina State University $49,450
2004 Winston-Salem State University1 $19,539

  • Competitive Assistance Program (CAP) for HBCUs

    Colleges and universities compete among themselves for grants and cooperative agreements that are relevant to one or more of FHWA's six strategic goals.2 In FY 2004, the FHWA awarded $230,000 in cooperative agreements for transportation research and technology activities to the following universities:

Fiscal Year College/University Awarded Funds to Conduct EDI Program
2004 Texas Southern University $100,000
2004 Prairie View A&M University $130,000

#2 Increase the number of HBCU students pursuing transportation careers by participating in programs such as the Dwight David Eisenhower Fellowship Program; and maintain/expand the number of HBCUs sponsoring a Summer Transportation Institute

  • Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program

    For FY 2004, FHWA administered 44 Eisenhower HBCU Fellowships to the following 14 HBCUs:

Fiscal Year Colleges/Universities
2004 Alabama A&M University
Albany State University
Florida A&M University
Hampton University
Howard University
Jackson State University
Morgan State University
North Carolina A&T State University
Philander Smith College
Prairie View A&M University
South Carolina State University
Southern University/A&M College - Baton Rouge
Texas Southern University
Virginia State University

  • National Summer Transportation Institute (NSTI)

    This 4 to 5-week program is designed to encourage and motivate youth to pursue transportation careers. Since its inception, more than 5,000 students and 31 HBCUs have participated in the Program. The following table indicated the number of colleges/universities, number of HBCUs and number of students who participated in said program for FYs 2003 and 2004.

Fiscal Year Number of Colleges/Universities Number of HBCUs Number of Students
2003 40 27 700
2004 44 28 800

  • On-the-Job Training Supportive Services (OJT/SS)

    The provisions for the program provide annual funding for OJT/SS projects with innovative approaches and nationwide implications to support employment opportunities for people moving from welfare-to-work, women and minorities in fields of highway construction and transportation technology. HBCUs are encouraged to develop proposals to assist minorities and women in developing job readiness skills and support systems, which facilitate acceptance and retention in highway construction trades or related technology fields.

Fiscal Year Colleges/Universities Awarded Funds OJT/SS Program
2004 South Carolina State University 156,189 School-to-Work Transitional Program
2004 South Carolina State University 85,723 Education and Training Program


#3 Establish a partnership in every State or Territory where a HBCU is located

The goal of the partnerships is to forge better, ongoing relationships with each HBCU. Moreover, since 1991, the FHWA has signed partnership agreements with 27 HBCUs to provide technical assistance, curriculum development, and exchanges of staff and resources.

FY Annual Performance Awards

In FY 2003, HBCUs were awarded $6,089,898, and in FY 2004, HBCUs were awarded $6,140,499, an increase of $50,601 in awards to HBCUs in FY 2004.


The FHWA HBCU program goals and objectives outlined above were developed to meet the requirement of the Executive Order 13256. Moreover, they support the Garrett A. Morgan Technology and Transportation Futures Program (GAMTTFP). The GAMTTFP is a National education initiative built on partnerships with the transportation and education communities. Thus far, the FHWA has established partnerships with 27 HBCUs. Specifically, the report overall shows that the FHWA continues to focus on expanding opportunities for HBCUs in three categories -- Partnerships, Human Resources, and Grants and Contracts.

While the report indicates a decrease of funds ($1,878,489 (2% of the total R&D awards to all Institutions of Higher Educations)) to HBCUs in the Research & Development (R&D) category for FY 2004, this decrease was due to a reduction of funds and a need to develop writing proposals. However, in FY 2003, the FHWA awarded over $2,112,751 to R&D.

A decreased was also indicated in the HBCUs under CAP. In FY 2004, the FHWA awarded $230,000 to the HBCUs under CAP and awarded $400,000 in FY 2003. To address these decreases in both areas (R&D and HBCUs under CAP), the FHWA Office of Civil Rights will be conducting several meetings with interested parties (i.e., FHWA Program and Division Offices) to define the causes for these decreases and the solution to such. Concerning HBCU Fellowships, the report indicates an increase for this item in FY 2004. Particularly, the FHWA administered 44 Eisenhower HBCU Fellowships (Fellowships) at 14 HBCUs during FY 2004 compared to 37 Fellowships at 12 HBCUs in FY 2003.

Further, in FY 2004, the FHWA awarded $2,000,000 to the National Summer Transportation Institute (NSTI) Program and had 44 institutions serving as host sites. Of the institutions serving as host sites, 28 were HBCUs. South Carolina State University, an HBCU, continues to serve as the National Summer Transportation Institute Resource Center. Also, in FY 2003, 27 HBCUs served as host sites.

In closing, the FHWA continues to publicize the successes and awards of the Summer Transportation Institutes, Cooperative Education efforts, Fellowships, and other forms of student employment in newsletter, annual reports and its website.

[1] Winston-Salem State University was awarded $19,539 to conduct a Truckers' EDI program.

[2] The FHWA's Six Strategic Goals: Safety, Mobility and Productivity, Global Connectivity, Environment, National Homeland Security, and Organizational Excellence.

[3] Title 23 United States Code provides for annual funding for OJT/SS projects.

Summary of Total Agency Awards, by category


1. AGENCY: Federal Highway Administration

2. Name/Signature and Title of Representative: /s/ Frederick D. Isler – Associate Administrator for Civil Rights
    Date: January 28, 2005


Category Total Funds to IHEs Total Funds to HBCUs Funds to HBCUs as % of Total Funds to IHEs
1. Research & Development 97,494,906 1,878,489 2%
2. Program Evaluation 506,061 266,061 53%
3. Training 2,855,444 1,364,411 48%
4. Facilities and Equipment 90,057 67,836 75%
5. Fellowships, Traineeships, Internships, Recruitment, and IPAs 1,612,098 524,102 33%
6. Student Tuition Assistance, Scholarships, and Other Aid 2,721,706 2,020,037 74%
7. Direct Institutional Subsidies 162,000 0 0%
8. Third Party Awards 19,563 19,563 100%
9. Private Sector Involvement 0 0 0%
10 Administrative Infrastructure 0 0 0%
11. Other 1,172,101 0 0%
Total 106,633,936 6,140,499 6%


FY 2004 HBCU Awards Narrative


Category 1: Research and Development
College/University Activity Award
Alabama A&M University Research – Expand involvement of the Transportation General Contractors in training activities such as proposal for submitting bids, contracts and management of workers on project for certified DBEs 1,000,000
Howard University Development of Traffic Calming Design Guidelines - District of Columbia 42,000
Howard University Guidelines for Installing Red-Light Running Cameras - District of Columbia 6,413
Howard University Assessment of Curb Parking - District of Columbia 75,000
Howard University Evaluation of Variable Speed Limit Signs in School Zones 33,750
Southern University – Baton Rouge Research – 1) Topography Imaging & Computational Technology for Construction Control of Base Courses & Embankments; 2) Microfocus Real-time Radiography – Potential Technology to Study Micro-Structure of Geomaterials – This is a joint venture with Louisiana Transportation Research Center (LTRC) and Louisiana State University 73,077
Jackson State University Research Projects – Potential Application of Paving Fabrics to Reduce Reflective Cracking – 82,224; Study Seat Belt Usage/Motor Vehicle Safety among African American Population in MS- 60,000; and Application of Static & Dynamic Cone Penetrometers – 28,575 170,799
North Carolina A&T State University Research Projects – I-40 Triad Corridor Value Pricing Study – 5,000; Feasibility of Using Comprehensive Strength Test Results for Acceptance Testing of Concrete Pavements – 81,200 86,200
Langston University Research Study – Relocation Process for I-40 Cross Town focusing on Environmental Justice – 77,000; Infrastructure Funds – Oklahoma Transportation Center – 50,000 127,000
Prairie View A&M Research Technical Assistance Panels in Support of the TXDOT Research Programs 9,000
Texas Southern University Research Technical Assistance Panels in Support of the TXDOT Research Programs 25,250
Texas Southern University Research Project – Noise Compatible Land Use Planning 100,000
Prairie View A&M Research Project – Attracting/Retaining Minorities in Transportation Field 130,000


Category 2: Program Evaluation
College/University Activity Award
Howard University Management of Research Program, Administrative Costs - Director Salary – 55,752; Associate Director Salary – 48,208; Administrative Assistant Salary – 27,945; Fringe Benefits – 27,700; Supplies/Expenses – 10,570; Indirect Cost – 83,386 253,561
North Carolina A&T State University Indefinite Quantities Contract with Battelle Memorial Institute for Research and Statistical Studies in support of FHWA 12,500


Category 3: Training
College/University Activity Award
Tuskegee University DBE Classroom Training 190,000
Alabama State University DBE Technical Assistance 190,000
Stillman College DBE Classroom Training 162,950
Alabama A&M University DBE Technical Assistance 190,000
Jackson State University Local Technical Assistance Program 140,000
North Carolina A&T State University Entrepreneurial Development Program 49,450
Winston-Salem State University Truckers Entrepreneurial Development Program 19,539
South Carolina State University Entrepreneurial Development Program 128,701
South Carolina State University Education and Training – Supportive Services for Certified Disadvantaged Businesses 85,773
South Carolina State University School to Work Transition Program – High School/College Students 156,189
South Carolina State University School to Work Mitigation Program – Cooper River Bridge Project 30,018
Denmark Technical College Summer Transportation Institute (Note – These (Funds were not received from SCSU) 20,000
Prairie View A&M Training – Transportation Careers in Engineering – High Scholl Students 895
Texas Southern University Training Transportation Careers in Engineering – High Scholl Students 896


Category 4: Facilities and Equipment
College/University Activity Award
Howard University Water Quality Management 67,836


Category 5: Fellowships, Internships, Traineeships, Recruitment and IPAs
College/University Activity Award
Howard University Internships – Bicycle and Traffic Data Collection & Analyses; Financial-Aid Analyses; Sidewalk Data Collection and Construction Inspection 52,924
Southern University – Baton Rouge Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP) – LTRC/LDOTD Cooperative Education Program for Civil Engineers 49,450
Benedict College (DDETFP 44,000
North Carolina A&T State University DDETFP 30,200
Hampton University DDETFP 20,000
Morgan State University DDETFP 24,000
South Carolina State University DDETFP 40,000
Texas Southern University DDETFP 30,030
Jackson State University DDETFP 20,000
Howard University DDETFP 30,000
Southern University and A&M College DDETFP 20,000
Virginia State University DDETFP 20,000
Philander Smith College DDETFP 20,000
Florida A&M University DDETFP 20,000
Prairie View A&M University DDETFP 13,000
Alabama A&M University DDETFP 25,000
Albany State University DDETFP 7,000
Paul Quinn College Internships – E.J. Conrad Leadership Program provides financial assistance to Black students 46,124
Jarvis Christian College Recruiting – Career Fairs 5,937
Texas Southern University Recruiting – Career Fairs 6,437


Category 6: Student Tuition Assistance, Scholarships and Other Aid
College/University Activity Award
South Carolina State University National Summer Transportation Institute Program 2,000,000
Southern University – Baton Rouge Student Tuition Assistance 4,000
Jackson State University Other Aid – Attendance of 2 students at the Region 4 LTAP Conference, Orange Beach, AL 832
Prairie View A&M University Grant/Employee Tuition Reimbursement 15,205


Category 8: Third Party Awardees
College/University Activity Award
South Carolina State University Technical Assistance/Development – Local Government Entities 19,563



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