Drug Summary & History
Copper Sulfate INAD 9101

Copper sulfate (CuSO4) has commonly been used to treat cultured warmwater fishes for surface infections involving protozoan and metazoan ectoparasites, bacteria, and aquatic fungi. The primary goal of field studies conducted under INAD #9101 is to generate data to extend the knowledge of the most appropriate static-bath and flow-through treatment regimens (CuSO4 concentration x duration x frequency) for controlling mortality in a variety of warmwater fishes infected with protozoan and metazoan ectoparasites or diagnosed with various bacterial or aquatic fungal diseases. Under this INAD, Phelps Dodge Refining Corporation (El Paso, TX) is the only authorized supplier of CuSO4 to all Investigators. The standard treatment dosage recommended in the Protocol is to administer CuSO4 at the same level used for aquatic algae control, for which it is approved by EPA. Note that the effectiveness of CuSO4 to control mortality of infected fish is related to both alkalinity and hardness. The withdrawal time for CuSO4 is 7 d.