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Appendix C: Abbreviations and Acronyms


A/AID — Office of the Administrator
A&A — Acquisition and Assistance
AAEF — Albanian-American Enterprise Fund
ADF — African Development Foundation
ADP — Automated Data Processing
ADS — Automated Directives System
AEEB — Assistance to Eastern Europe and the Baltics
AFDF — Africa Development Fund
AFR — Africa Bureau
ANE — Asia and Near East Bureau
ASHA — American Schools and Hospitals Abroad

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BSM — Business Systems Modernization
BTEC — Business Transformation Executive Committee

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CAAEF — Central Asian - American Enterprise Fund
CACEDERF — Central America and Caribbean Emergency Disaster Relief Fund
CBJ — Congressional Budget Justification
CCA — Clinger-Cohen Act
CDC — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CFO — Chief Financial Officer
CG — Consultative Group
CIA — Central Intelligence Agency
CIF — Capital Investment Fund
CIO — Chief Information Officer
CMM — Conflict Management and Mitigation
COOP — Continuity of Operations
COTS — Commercial off the Shelf
CPIC — Capital Planning and Investment Control
CSH — Child Survival and Health Programs Fund
CT — Cash Transfer
CY — Calendar Year

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DA — Development Assistance
DAF — Development Assistance Fund
DCA — Development Credit Authority
DCHA — Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance Bureau (USAID)
DCOF — Displaced Children and Orphans Fund
DCP — Development Credit Program
DFA — Development Fund for Africa
DG — Democracy and Governance
DHRF — Democracy and Human Rights Fund
DOD — Department of Defense, U.S. Government
DOE — Department of Energy, U.S. Government
DOJ — Department of Justice, U.S. Government
DOS — Department of State, U.S. Government
DOT — Department of Treasury, U.S. Government
DRI — Development Readiness Initiative (USAID)
DRI — Diplomatic Readiness Initiative (Department of State)
DVS — Democratic Values Survey

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EA — Enterprise Architecture
E&E — Europe and Eurasia Bureau
EG — Economic Growth
EGAT — Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade Bureau (USAID)
ENR — Environment and Natural Resources
EO — Executive Order
EOP — Office of Equal Opportunity Programs
EPA — Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Government
ERF — Emergency Response Fund
ERMA — Emergency Refugees and Migration Assistance
ES — Office of the Executive Secretariat
ESF — Economic Support Fund
EU — European Union

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FANTA — Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance
FAO — Food and Agriculture Organization (United Nations)
FAR — Fixed Amount Reimbursable
FBO — Faith-Based Organization
FDA — Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Government
FDI — Foreign Direct Investment
FEMA — Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. Government
FFMIA — Federal Financial Management Improvement Act
FFP — Food for Peace
FH — Freedom House
FREEDOM — Freedom for Russia and Emerging Eurasian Democracies and Open Markets Support Act of 1992 (FREEDOM Support Act)
FSA — FREEDOM Support Act
FSI — Financial Systems Integration
FSO — Foreign Service Officer
FTE — Full Time Equivalency
FY — Fiscal Year

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G-8 — Group of Eight (leading industrialized nations consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, United Kingdom, and United States)
GAI — Global AIDS Initiative
GAO — Government Accountability Office
GC — Office of the General Counsel
GDP — Gross Domestic Product
GH — Global Health Bureau (USAID)
GHAI — Greater Horn of Africa Initiative
GLAS — Global Acquisition System
GNP — Gross National Product
GPRA — Government Performance and Results Act(P.L. 103-62)
GSA — General Services Administration, U.S. Government

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HBCUs — Historically Black Colleges and Universities
HG — Housing Guaranty
HHS — Health and Human Services, U.S. Government

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IAS — International Accounting Standards
IBRD — International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)
IBTC — International Business and Technical Consultants
ICASS — International Cooperative Administrative Support Services
ID — Infectious Diseases
IDFA — International Disaster and Famine Assistance
IDP — Internally Displaced Person
IESC — International Executive Service Corps
IFAD — International Fund for Agricultural Development
IFC — International Finance Corporation
IFOR — Implementation Force (NATO)
IFRC — International Federation of the Red Cross
IG — Inspector General
ILRF — International Labor Rights Fund
IMET — International Military Education and Training
IMF — International Monetary Fund
IMR — Integrated Managing for Results
INC — International Narcotics Control (State Department)
IO — International Organization
IPO — International Public Organization
IQC — Indefinite Quantity Contract
IRRF — Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund
ISA — Initiative for Southern Africa
IT — Information Technology

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KfD — Knowledge for Development

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LAC — Latin America and the Caribbean Bureau
LC — Local Currency
LPA — Legislative and Public Affairs Bureau
LWVF — Patrick J. Leahy War Victims Fund

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M — Management Bureau (USAID)
MACS — Mission Accounting and Control System
MAI — Multilateral Assistance Initiative
MCA — Millennium Challenge Account
MCC — Millennium Challenge Corporation
MDB — Multilateral Development Bank
MEO — Most Efficient Organization
M&E — Monitoring and Evaluation
MOU — Memorandum of Understanding
MPP — Mission Performance Plan
MSE — Micro and Small Enterprises
MSED — Micro and Small Enterprise Development

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NA — Not applicable, or Not Available
NAPA — National Academy for Public Administration
NAS — Narcotic Affairs Section (State Department)
NASA — National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NATO — North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NEP — New Entry Professional
NFC — National Finance Center
NGO — Non-Governmental Organization
NIS — New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (now Independent States of the Former Soviet Union)
NMS — New Management System
NOAA — National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NPA — Non-Project Assistance
NPI — New Partnership Initiative
NPR — National Performance Review

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OAS — Organization of American States
ODA — Official Development Assistance
OE — Operation Expenses
OECD — Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OECF — Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund
OECS — Organization of Eastern Caribbean States
OFDA — Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID)
OIG — Office of Inspector General (USAID)
OMB — Office of Management and Budget
OPEC — Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPIC — Overseas Private Investment Corporation
OPIN — Online Presidential Initiatives Network
OSDBU/MRC — Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization/Minority Resource Center
OTI — Office of Transition Initiatives (USAID)
OVC — Orphans and Vulnerable Children

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PAHO — Pan American Health Organization
PART — Program Assessment and Rating Tool
PASA — Participating Agency Service Agreement
PEPFAR — President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
PL — Public Law
PLO — Palestinian Liberation Organization
PMA — Palestinian Monetary Authority
PMA — President’s Management Agenda
PMO — Program Management Office
PMP — Performance Monitoring Plan
PMTI — Presidential Management Training Initiative
PPC — Policy and Program Coordination Bureau (USAID)
PRM — Population, Refugees, and Migration (State Department)
PSC — Personal Services Contract
PSIP — Procurement System Improvement Project
PSO — Private Sector Organization
PVC — Private Voluntary Cooperation
PVO — Private and Voluntary Organization
PWC — PricewaterhouseCoopers

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RCSA — Regional Center for Southern Africa (USAID)
REDSO — Regional Economic Development Support Office (USAID)
RHUDO — Regional Housing and Urban Development Office (USAID)
RIG — Regional Inspector General (USAID)
ROL — Rule of Law
RSD — Regional Sustainable Development Office (USAID)

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SAEDF — Southern Africa Enterprise Development Fund
SAI — Special Assistance Initiative
SDF — Special Development Fund
SEATO — Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
SEC — Office of Security
SEC — Securities and Exchange Commission
SEED — Support for East European Democracy
SEI — State Environmental Initiative
SEP — Senior Executive Program
SME — Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
SO — Strategic Objective
SOW — Scope of Work
SPO — Special Objective
SRP — Sahel Regional Programe

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TAACS — Technical Advisors for AIDS and Child Survival
TBD — To be Determined
TFET — Trust Fund for East Timor
TI — Transition Initiatives
TRADE — Trade for African Development and Enterprise Initiative

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UECP — Urban Environmental Credit Program
UK — United Kingdom
UN — United Nations
UNAIDS — United Nations Joint Program on HIV/AIDS
UNAMSIL — UN Mission in Sierra Leone
UNCH/HRC — UN Commission on Human Rights/Human Rights Council
UNCHS — United Nations Center for Human Settlements (Habitat)
UNDB — United Nations Development Bank
UNDCP — United Nations Drug Control Program
UNDP — United Nations Development Program
UNDPKO — United Nations Department for Peacekeeping Operations
UNECE — United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
UNEP — United Nations Environment Program
UNESCO — United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNFCCC — Untied Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
UNFPA — United Nations Population Fund
UNGA — United Nations General Assembly
UNHCR — Untied Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNHRC — United Nations Human Rights Commission
UNICEF — United Nations Children’s Fund
UNIFEM — United Nations Fund for Women
UNIOSIL — UN Integrated Office for Sierra Leone
UNMIL — UN Mission in Liberia
UNMIS — UN Mission in Sudan
UNOPS — United Nations Operations Support
UNRWA — United Nations Relief and Works Agency
UNSCR — United Nations Security Council Resolution
USUN — U.S. Mission to the UN
US — United States
USACE — United States Army Corps of Engineers
USAEP — U.S.-Asia Environmental Partnership
USAID — United States Agency for International Development
USDA — United States Department of Agriculture, U.S. Government
USDH — United States Direct Hire
USFDA — U.S. Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Government
USG — United States Government
USIA — United States Information Agency
USIS — United States Information Service
USTR — United States Trade Representative

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VfP — Volunteers for Prosperity

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WB — World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)
WCF — Working Capital Fund
WFP — World Food Program (United Nations)
WHO — World Health Organization
WID — Women in Development
WMD — Weapons of Mass Destruction
WTO — World Trade Organization
WWF — World Wildlife Fund

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YMCA — Young Men's Christian Association

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Mon, 14 Jan 2008 09:10:08 -0500