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USAID: From The American People TITLE TEXT Technical staff review audit findings related to possible corruption charges in Paraguay. As members of a Forensic Audit Unit in the Controller General's Office, they have been key in more effectively addressing public corruption - Click to read this story
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Acknowledgments and Contact Information

USAID’s FY 2007 Agency Financial Report (AFR) was produced with the energies and talents of the Agency staff in Washington, D.C. and our Missions around the world. To these dedicated individuals we would like to offer our sincerest thanks and appreciation.

In particular, we would like to recognize the following individuals for their contributions:

AFR Core Team:

Pat Adams, Mekonnen Berhe, Gerald Britan, Christine Byrne, Nan Dearborn, Beverly McDonald, and Gloria White

Office of the USAID Administrator:

Alonzo Fulgham, COO; Colleen Allen, Joseph P. Duggan

Office of the Chief Financial Officer:

David Ostermeyer, CFO; Robbin Burkhart, Deputy CFO for Overseas Operations; Cathy Collins, Chief, Cash Management and Payments Division; Tom Clarkson, Chief, Central Accounting and Reporting Division; Michael Bowanko, Chief, Financial Systems Division, and Gloria White, Chief, Audit Performance and Compliance Division, Lynn Winston, USAID Internal Controls Program Manager, and Karon Wilson, Audit Management Team Leader

Office of Management Policy, Budget, and Performance:

Angelique Crumbly (Director); Gerald Britan (Chief, Performance Division), Robert Baker, Subhi Mehdi,
Mary Mertens (Communications Director), and Adam Bushey

Office of Human Resources:

Gene George (Director), Beth Salamanca (Chief, Policy, Planning, and Information Management Division),
Barbara English, Deborah Lewis, and George Thompson

Bureau for Legislative and Public Affairs:

Jeff Grieco (Deputy AA), Joseph Fredericks (Chief, Public Information, Productions, and Online Services Division),
Patricia Adams, Nan Dearborn, Scott Gruber, and John Waggoner

General Counsel:

Betty Chung

We offer special thanks to the IBM Financial Statements Preparation Team: Richard Bachman (Team Lead), Mekonnen Berhe, Nina Blassengale, Chelsea Cheung, Mary Evans, Brian Johnson, and Herbert Morgan.

We would like to thank The DesignPond, especially Sheri Beauregard and Michael James, for their outstanding contributions to the design of the Report. With the exception of design support, this document was prepared solely by federal employees.

We would also like to acknowledge the USAID Office of the Inspector General for the professional manner in which they conducted the audit of the FY 2007 Financial Statements and review of the AFR’s form and content, especially Andrew Katsaros, Melinda Dempsey, Steve Bernstein, and George Buzby.

We welcome your comments on how we can improve USAID’s Agency Financial Report. Please provide comments to:

The Office of the CFO at (202) 712-1980, or by email at.
The FY 2007 AFR can also be accessed on the World Wide Web at


U.S. Agency for International Development
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20523
Tel: (202) 712-0000
Fax: (202) 216-3524


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