USGS - science for a changing world

National Water Information System (NWIS) Water-Quality Web Services

USGS domains of WQX-Outbound data delements

Domains are not enforced on data elements by the WQX-Outbound schema. However, the expected domains are listed here to assist others in conforming to a consistent nomenclature. A "domain-values" web service can be queried to determine the USGS-supplied values of the domains used for retrievals.

CharacteristicName: is confined by the USEPA Substance Registry System (SRS), with a small number of exceptions also implemented by the USEPA WQX system.

USGS identifies measurements using parameter codes. The association of parameter codes to SRS names is evolving as parameters and SRS names are added and modified. This list will be updated several times each year. A relatively small number of USGS results (<3% of non-taxonomic measurements) are not provided through the water-quality web services. Measurements are not included for one of these reasons: (1) No Substance Registry System (SRS) name has been assigned, (2) measurement describes counts of algae or benthic invertebrate taxonomic groups, or (3) measurement describes surrogate recovery for a compound added at the laboratory prior to analysis. These data may be obtained from NWIS Web.

The following names are employed but are not in the SRS.

Aluminum, Organic + Inorganic Monomeric (reactive aluminum)
Aluminum, Organic Monomeric (reactive aluminum)
Hydrophilic fraction of organic carbon
Hydrophobic fraction of organic carbon
Transphilic fraction of organic carbon

NWIS Parameter Code to SRS Crosswalk

The association of USGS parameter codes with WQX-Outbound data elements is available in html or Excel formats. The following column names are used.


Acid Soluble
Bed Sediment           - Added by USGS
Bedload                - Added by USGS
Comb Available
Free Available
Total Residual


MeasureUnitCode    Description
#/100 gal    Number per 100 gallons
#/100ml      Number per hundred milliliters
#/500 ml     Number per 500 milliters
#/acre       Number per acre
#/cm2        Number per square centimeter
#/cm3        Number per cubic centimeter
#/dl         Number per deciliter
#/ft2        Number per square foot
#/ha         Number per hectare
#/in2        Number per square inch
#/km2        Number per square kilometer
#/l          Number per liter
#/m2         Number per square meter
#/m3         Number per cubic meter
#/mi2        Number per square mile
#/ml         Number per milliliter
#/yd2        Number per square yard
%            Percent
% CaCO3      Percent calcium carbonate
% Cover      Percent Cover
% by vol     Percent by volume
% by wt      Percent by weight
% saturatn   percent of saturation - added by USGS
% sediment   % target/clean sed mix which produces response
0/00         Parts per thousand
100xA/cm/c   100 times the absorbance per centimeter per milligram per liter of hydrophobic acid - added by USGS
ADMI value   American Dye Manufacturers Institute Color Value
Angst        Angstroms
BTU          Energy, British Thermal Units
Bcol/day     billions of colonies per day - added by USGS
CFU          Colony Forming Units
Deg          Direction or angle, degrees
FNU          formazin nephelometric units - added by USGS
FTU          Turbidity, Formazin Turbidity Units
Imp gal      Imperial gallons
JCU          Light Intensity, Jackson Candle Units
JTU          Turbidity, Jackson Turbidity Units
Joules       Energy, Joules
Kac-ft       thousand acre feet - added by USGS
Langleys     Energy Intensity, Langleys (cal/sq cm)
MPN          Most Probable Number
MPN/100 ml   Most Probable Number per 100 milliliters
MPN/100L     most probable number per 100 liters - added by USGS
MPN/gram     most probable number per gram - added by USGS
MT/km2/yr    metric tons per square kilometer per year
Mft3         million cubic feet - added by USGS
Mgal         million gallons - added by USGS
Min          Direction or angle, minutes
Molal        Molal
Molar        Molar
Mole/l       Moles per liter
NTU          Turbidity, Nephelometric Turbidity Units
None         None
Normal       Normal
PCU          Platinum Cobalt Units (color)
PSS          Practical Salinity Scale
Pascal       Pressure, Pascal units
Plate cnt    Plate Count
PrsAbs       presence or absence - added by USGS
PrsAbs/50L   presence or absence in 50 liters - added by USGS
PrsAbs0.1L   presence or absence per 100 milliliters - added by USGS
S/m          siemens per meter
Sec          Direction or angle, seconds
T.U.         Tritium Unit
TON          Threshold Odor Number
TU           Toxic Units, dividing 100% by the LC50 (% effluent
Torr         Pressure, Torr units(vacuum)
Watts        Power, Watts
ac           Acres
ac-ft        Acre-feet
amps         Electrical current, amperes
atm          Pressure, atmospheres
bq/g         becquerels per gram - added by USGS
cal          Energy, calories
cal/cm2/d    calories per square centimeter per day - added by USGS
cells/mm2    number of cells per square millimeter - added by USGS
cfm          Cubic feet per minute
cfs          Cubic feet per second
cfs-days     cubic feet per second-days - added by USGS
cfu/100ml    Colony Forming Units per 100 Milliliters
cm           centimeters
cm/sec       Centimeters per second
cm2          Square centimeters
cm3          Cubic centimeters
cm3/g STP    cubic centimeters per gram at standard temperature and pressure - added by USGS
cm3/hr       Cubic centimeters per hour
cm3/l        cubic centimeters per liter
cm3/min      Cubic centimeters per minute
cm3/sec      Cubic centimeters per second
code         code - added by USGS
col/gram     colonies per gram - added by USGS
col/mL       colonies per milliliter - added by USGS
count        count
cysts/100L   cysts per 100 liters - added by USGS
cysts/10L    cysts per 10 liters - added by USGS
days         Days
deg C        Degrees Celsius (Centigrade)
deg F        Degrees Fahrenheit
deg K        Degrees Kelvin
dl           Deciliters
dm           decimeters
dm2          Square decimeters
dpm/g        disintegrations per minute per gram - added by USGS
drips/min    Drips per minute
drops        Drops
fc/ft2       Light Intensity, foot candles per square foot
fg/kg        femtograms per kilogram - added by USGS
fibers/l     Fibers per liter
ft           feet
ft abv MSL   feet above mean sea level - added by USGS
ft-candles   Light Intensity, foot candles
ft-lbs       Energy, foot pounds
ft/day       Feet per day
ft/min       Feet per minute
ft/sec       Feet per second
ft2          Square feet
ft3          Cubic feet
ft3/day      Cubic feet per day
g            grams
g H2O/g      grams of water per gram of dry solids - added by USGS
g/cm3        grams per cubic centimeter
g/day        Grams per day
g/hr         Grams per hour
g/kg         grams per kilogram
g/l          Grams per liter
g/m2         grams per square meter
g/m2/day     grams per square meter per day
g/m2/hr      grams per square meter per hour
g/m3         grams per cubic meter
g/m3/day     grams per cubic meter per day
g/m3/hr      grams per cubic meter per hour
g/mL @ 20C   grams per milliliter at 20 degrees Celsius - added by USGS
g/min        Grams per minute
g/ml         Grams per milliliter
g/sec        Grams per second
gal          Fluid gallons
gal/batch    gallons per batch - added by USGS
gal/day      Gallons per day
gal/hr       Gallons per hour
gal/min      Gallons per minute
gal/sec      Gallons per second
gpg          grains per gallon
gpm/ft       Drawdown capacity, gallons per minute per foot
ha           Hectares
hours        Hours
hp           Power, horsepower
in           inches
in/H2O       Pressure, inches of water
in/Hg        Pressure, inches of mercury
in2          Square inches
in3          Cubic inches
inches/day   inches per day - added by USGS
kPa          kilopascals - added by USGS
kcal         Energy, kilocalories
kg           kilograms
kg/m2        kilograms per square meter
kg/m3        kilograms per cubic meter
kg/t CaCO3   Kilograms per Ton calcium carbonate
km           kilometers
km/hr        Kilometers per hour
km/sec       Kilometers per second
km2          Square kilometers
knots        Nautical miles per hour
kw           Power, kilowatts
l            Liters
l/day        Liters per day
l/hr         liters per hour
l/min        liters per minute
l/sec        liters per second
lb           pounds
lb/acre/yr   pounds per acre per year
lb/d as N    pounds per day as nitrogen - added by USGS
lb/day       Pounds per day
lb/hr        Pounds per hour
lb/in        Tension, pounds per inch displacement
lb/min       Pounds per minute
lb/sec       Pounds per second
lm/ft2       Light Intensity, lumens per square foot
lumens       Light Intensity, lumens
m            meters
m/sec        Meters per second
m2           Square meters
m2/g         square meters per gram - added by USGS
m3           Cubic meters
m3/hr        Cubic meters per hour
m3/min       Cubic meters per min
m3/sec       Cubic meters per second
mL/L/hr      milliliters per liter per hour - added by USGS
mS/cm        Milli-Siemens per Centimeter
mV           Millivolts
meq/100g     milliequivalents per 100 grams - added by USGS
meq/L        Milli-equivalents per Liter
metric ton   metric tons
mg           milligrams
mg 02/m2/d   milligrams oxygen per square meter per day - added by USGS
mg 02/m3/d   milligrams oxygen per cubic meter per day - added by USGS
mg/cm3       milligrams per cubic centimeter
mg/day       Milligrams per day
mg/g         milligrams per gram
mg/hr        Milligrams per hour
mg/kg        milligrams per kilogram
mg/kg NH4    milligrams per kilogram as NH4 - added by USGS
mg/kg PO4    milligrams per kilogram as phosphate - added by USGS
mg/kg as N   milligrams per kilogram as nitrogen - added by USGS
mg/kg as P   milligrams per kilogram as phosphorus - added by USGS
mg/l         milligrams per liter
mg/l CaCO3   Milligrams per liter calcium carbonate
mg/l NH4     milligrams per liter as NH4 - added by USGS
mg/l NO3     milligrams per liter as nitrate - added by USGS
mg/l PO4     milligrams per liter as phosphate - added by USGS
mg/l SiO2    milligrams per liter as silicon dioxide - added by USGS
mg/l as H    milligrams per liter as hydrogen ion - added by USGS
mg/l as N    milligrams per liter as nitrogen - added by USGS
mg/l as Na   milligrams per liter as sodium - added by USGS
mg/l as P    milligrams per liter as phosphorus - added by USGS
mg/l as S    milligrams per liter as sulfur - added by USGS
mg/m2        milligrams per square meter
mg/m2 NH4    milligrams per square meter as NH4 - added by USGS
mg/m2 NO3    milligrams per square meter as nitrate - added by USGS
mg/m2 as N   milligrams per square meter as nitrogen - added by USGS
mg/m2 as P   milligrams per square meter as phosphorus - added by USGS
mg/m2 as S   milligrams per square meter as sulfur - added by USGS
mg/m2/day    milligrams per square meter per day
mg/m2/hr     milligrams per square meter per hour
mg/m3        milligrams per cubic meter
mg/m3/day    milligrams per cubic meter per day
mg/m3/hr     milligrams per cubic meter per hour
mg/mL @25C   milligrams per milliliter at 25 degrees Celsius - added by USGS
mg/min       Milligrams per minute
mg/ml        Milligrams per milliliter
mg/sec       Milligrams per second
mgC3H6O2/L   milligrams per liter as propionic acid - added by USGS
mgal/mnth    Millions of gallons per month
mgal/year    Millions of gallons per year
mgd          Millions of gallons per day
mho/cm       Electrical conductivity, mhos per centimeter
mi           miles
mi2          Square miles
millibars    millibars - added by USGS
minutes      Minutes
ml           Milliliters
ml/l         Milliliters per liter
mm           millimeters
mm/H2O       Pressure, millimeters of water
mm/Hg        Pressure, millimeters of mercury
mm2          Square millimeters
mm3/l        cubic millimeters per liter
mmol/kg      Millimoles per kilogram
mmol/m2/dy   Millimoles per square meter per day
mmol/m2/hr   Millimoles per square meter per hour
months       Months
mosm/kg      milliosmoles per kilogram - added by USGS
mph          Miles per hour
mrem/day     millirems per day
mrem/yr      millirems per year
ms           Milliseconds
mw           Power, megawatts
nCi/L        Nanocuries per liter
ng           nanograms
ng/POCIS     nanograms per polar organic chemical integrative sampler (POCIS) - added by USGS
ng/SPMD      nanograms per semi-permeable membrane device - added by USGS
ng/cm3       nanograms per cubic centimeter
ng/g         nanograms per gram
ng/kg        nanograms per kilogram
ng/l         nanograms per liter
ng/m2        nanograms per square meter
ng/m2/hr     nanograms per square meter per hour - added by USGS
ng/m2/wk     nanograms per square meter per week - added by USGS
ng/m3        nanograms per cubic meter
nm           nanometers
nmi          nautical miles
nmi2         Square nautical miles
nmol/L       nanomoles per liter - added by USGS
nmol/kg      Nano-moles per Kilogram
nu           number or gage
ocyst/100L   oocysts per 100 liters - added by USGS
oocyst/10L   oocysts per 10 liters - added by USGS
oz           ounces
pCi/L        pico-Curies per Liter
pCi/g        pico-Curies per gram
pCi/m2       pico-Curies per square meter
pCi/m3       pico-Curies per cubic meter
pCi/ml       pico-Curies per milliliter
pct modern   percent modern - added by USGS
per m        per meter
per mil      per mil - added by USGS
pfu/100ml    Plaque Forming Units per 100 Milliliters
pg           picograms
pg/cm3       picograms per cubic centimeter
pg/g         picograms per gram
pg/kg        picograms per kilogram
pg/l         picograms per liter
pg/m2        picograms per square meter
pg/m3        picograms per cubic meter
pg/mL        picograms per milliliter - added by USGS
ppb          parts per billion
ppm          parts per million
ppt          Parts per trillion
ppth         parts per thousand
psi          Pressure, pounds per square inch
pt           Fluid pints
qt           Fluid quarts
seconds      Seconds
std units    standard units - added by USGS
tCaCO3/Kt    Tons of calcium carbonate per kiloton
ton/d as N   tons per day as nitrogen - added by USGS
ton/d/ft     tons per day per foot of width - added by USGS
tons         short tons
tons/ac ft   Tons per acre feet
tons/day     Tons per day
uE/m2/sec    Photosynth. radiation,micro-Einsteins/sq.meter/sec
uS/cm        Micro-Siemens per Centimeter
uS/cm @25C   microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius - added by USGS
ueq/L        Micro-equivalents per Liter
ug           micrograms
ug/L U3O8    micrograms per liter as uranium(V,VI) oxide (U3O8) - added by USGS
ug/L as As   micrograms per liter as arsenic - added by USGS
ug/L as Cl   micrograms per liter as chloride - added by USGS
ug/L as N    micrograms per liter as nitrogen - added by USGS
ug/L as P    micrograms per liter as phosphorus - added by USGS
ug/cm2/day   Micrograms per square centimeter per day
ug/cm3       micrograms per cubic centimeter
ug/g         micrograms per gram
ug/g as Cl   micrograms per gram as Chloride - added by USGS
ug/g as N    micrograms per gram as Nitrogen - added by USGS
ug/kg        micrograms per kilogram
ug/l         micrograms per liter
ug/m2        micrograms per square meter
ug/m3        micrograms per cubic meter
ug/mg        micrograms per milligram - added by USGS
ugAtrazn/L   micrograms per liter as Atrazine - added by USGS
um3/l        cubic microns per liter
umho/cm      Electrical conductivity, micro-mhos per centimeter
umol         micro mole
umol/S/m2    micro moles per siemen per square meter
umol/l       micromoles per liter - added by USGS
umol/m2/s    micro moles per square meter per second
units/cm     Units per centimeter, for UV absorbance
volts        Electro-motive force, volts
watts/m2     watts per square meter - added by USGS
weeks        Weeks
yd           yards
yd2          Square yards
yd3          Cubic yards
years        Years


Ash Weight     - Added by USGS
Ash-Free Dry


4 deg C
10 deg C
20 deg C
23 deg C
25 deg C
26 deg C
35 deg C
37 deg C
40 deg C
41.5 deg C
42 deg C
43 deg C
44.5 deg C
60 deg C
105 deg C
110 deg C
180 deg C


1-Sigma CSU          - Added by USGS
2-Sigma CSU          - Added by USGS
Counting Error       - Added by USGS
Standard Deviation
Standard Error       - Added by USGS


Elevated detection limit                 - Added by USGS
Historical lower reporting limit         - Added by USGS
Interim reporting level                  - Added by USGS
Laboratory reporting level               - Added by USGS
Long term method detection level
Lower quantitation limit
Minimum reporting level                  - Added by USGS
Method detection limit
Sample-specific min detect concentration - Added by USGS
Sample-specific critical level           - Added by USGS
Upper reporting limit


Not Detected
Systematic Contamination  - Added by USGS
Detected Not Quantified
Present Above Quantification Limit


Historical  - Added by USGS

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Page Last Modified: Mon Aug 4 08:10:10 CDT 2008