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Eric Curry - Plant Physiologist (environmental effects on fruit and tree physiology; superficial physiological fruit disorders; cuticle and wax development)

Jim Mattheis (Research Leader) - Plant Physiologist (postharvest physiology of apples, pears and cherries; indicators of fruit harvest maturity for new varieties; identification of principle fruit volatiles as indicators of physiological condition) 

Mark Mazzola - Plant Pathologist (etiology and biologically-based integrated management systems for control of soilborne diseases of deciduous fruit trees; mechanisms whereby biological control agents suppress plant pathogens) 

Larry Pusey - Plant Pathologist (etiology, development, evaluation and integration of bacteria and yeasts as biological control agents for fire blight; quarantine and phytosanitary issues related to fire blight as a barrier to pear export) 

Rodney Roberts - Plant Pathologist (detection, identification, systematics, and phytosanitary mitigation of plant pathogenic fungi and bacteria affecting export of deciduous tree fruit); systematics of the fungal pathogens in the genus Alternaria)

Dave Rudell - Research Plant Physiologist (metabolomics = quantitative measurement of dynamic multiparametric metabolic responses of living systems to physiological stimuli or genetic modification)

Yanmin Zhu - Plant Molecular Geneticist (identify and evaluate new biomolecular mechanisms for improving fruit quality)

Postdoctoral Research Associates

David Felicetti - Postdoctoral Research Associate in Dr. James Mattheis’ laboratory focusing on the characterization of the ‘d’Anjou’ pear fruit metabolome and the identification of changes in the metabolome associated with low oxygen controlled atmosphere storage.

Vijaya Varanasi - Vijay is a postdoctoral research associate working with Dr. Yanmin Zhu using microarray analysis to study the molecular genetics of tree fruit quality attributes.

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Last Modified: 01/22/2008
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