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Chairperson’s texts

Updated: 12 August 2008

On 12 August 2008, Ambassador Don Stephenson, chairperson of the non-agricultural market access (NAMA) negotiating group, circulated a report on the latest developments in the talks, particularly the outcome of the 10 days of the “July 2008 package”. This was when ministers came to Geneva, from 21 to 30 July, to try to agree on “modalities” — a sort of blueprint for the final deal — in agriculture and non-agricultural market access. Although they failed to agree on the complete package, gaps were narrowed on several issues.

The latest revised draft “modalities” remains the 10 July version, a revision of the previous versions circulated on 19 May and 8 February 2008. These in turn were revised from a version circulated in July 2007.

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See also:
Negotiations gateway
2004 agreed framework
2005 Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration
> More on the modalities phase
Agriculture draft modalities

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Report on latest developments

12 August 2008

Download, 15 pages: Word 219KB; pdf 68KB

Latest text

10 July 2008
Download, 110 pages: Word 1449KB; pdf 546KB
Listen to the press conference following the release of this text    > help
Explanation: The July 2008 NAMA modalities text made simple

Earlier texts

19 May 2008
Download, 65 pages: Word 700KB; pdf 393KB
Listen to the press conference following the release of this text    > help
Explanation: The May 2008 NAMA modalities text made simple

8 February 2008.
> Download, 61 pages: Word 684KB; pdf 282KB
Listen to the press conference following the release of this text    > help
Explanation: The February 2008 NAMA modalities text made simple


> July 2007 revised draft modalities,
19 pages: Word 206KB; pdf 82KB     
Listen to the press conference following the release of this text    > help

June 2006 “Towards NAMA modalities”

December 2005 Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration

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