Funding Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

On-going Research Projects:
Arginase NO Synthase and Cell Death in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
This project will study how amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) develops in mice.

Effects of Gulf War Illness on Brain Structure, Function and Metabolism: MRI/MRS at 4 Tesla
This study will interview and examine groups of Gulf War veterans with and without unexplained illnesses, in order to determine whether abnormalities in the brain imaging of Gulf War veterans occur independently of posttraumatic stress disorder, alcohol dependence and depression.

Effects of Stress on Memory: Brain Circuits, Mechanisms and Therapeutics
This study will review how stress may effect memory.

Genes, Environment, and Oxidative Stress in Neurodegenerative Disorders
These animal projects will study potential causes of nervous system diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease.

Interactions of the Leishmania sp. with Mammalian Cells
This project will study how leishmaniasis infects the cells of the body.

Neurobiology of Severe Psychological Trauma in Women
This study will review the effects of mental trauma on normal brain functioning in women with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Risperidone Treatment for Military Service Related Chronic Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
This project will determine if Risperidone reduces PTSD symptoms, relative to a placebo, in veterans with military service related chronic PTSD who have been partial or non-responders to antidepressant medications.

Role of Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress in ALS
This animal study will look at the potential role of chemical changes in the body as they might lead to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Strategies in Therapeutic Development of Neurodegenerative Diseases
This group of projects will look at new ways to development treatments for diseases like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Telemedicine Treatment for Veterans with Gulf War Illness
This study will test the ability to deliver cognitive-behavioral techniques (CBT) over the telephone.

Completed Research Projects:
A Clinical Evaluation of the Health Status of Persian Gulf War Veterans in VISN 8
This study tracked the health status of Gulf War veterans over a five-year period.

A Clinical Trial of Magnetic Stimulation in Depression
This study tested the ability of magnetic fields to treat individuals with depression.

A Comparison of PTSD Symptomatology among Three Army Medical Units Involved in ODS
This study tested individuals from reserve units involved in Operation Desert Storm for symptoms related to post-traumatic stress disorder.

A Randomized Clinical Trial for Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for PTSD in Women (See DoD-125)
This study compared the ability of two types of treatment for mental and emotional disorders for women with military-related posttraumatic stress disorder.

A Randomized, Multi-Center, Controlled Trial of Multi-Model Therapy in Veterans with Gulf War Illness (EBT) (See also DoD-115; formerly VA/DoD 1V)
This project studied Gulf War veterans who had unexplained chronic medical symptoms such as pain, fatigue, and/or cognitive difficulties.

ALS and Veterans: Are Veterans at Increased Risk?
This study was designed to determine whether or not veterans are at an increased risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis mortality.

Acetylcholinesterase Activity In Gulf War Veterans
This study measured levels of three enzymes among Gulf War deployed and era veterans to determine if mood and anxiety disorders are related to these enzymes.

An Epidemiological Investigation into the Occurrence of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Among Gulf War Veterans (See also DoD-118)
This study was an epidemiologic investigation into the occurrence of ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) among veterans of the Gulf War.

Analysis of Hippocampal Volume in Aging Combat Veterans with PTSD
This study was designed to evaluate the brain functions in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Antibiotic Treatment of Gulf War Veterans Illnesses (ABT) (See also DoD-119)
This study tested whether a 12-month course of doxycycline treatment in deployed mycoplasma-positive Gulf War veterans could improve functional status.

Associative Learning in Veterans with and without Combat Experience
This study looked at combat veterans to determine if prior combat experience lead to learning and memory loss.

Autonomic System Changes Cause Intestinal Symptoms in Gulf War Veterans
This project studied how the brain's connections to intestine functions may lead to chronic pain in the midsection.

Biomarkers Discovery in ALS
These studies attempted to develop a sensitive test to detect ALS early.

Birminghams Gulf War Veterans Illness Demonstration Clinic (13)
This study compared the treatment and patient statisfaction between Primary Care Clinics and Gulf War Special Emphasis Clinics.

Boston DVAMC Environmental Hazards Research Center:Behavioral Neurotoxicology
The primary purpose was to support pilot projects focused on Gulf War veterans health issues.

Boston Environmental Hazards Research Center
This series of studies were conducted by the Boston Environmental Hazards Research Center, which is located at the Boston VA Medical Center. The studies focused on environmental health, neuroscience, and neurocognitive methodologies related to the health of Gulf War veterans.

Cardiovascular Hyporeactivity and Fatiguing Illness in Gulf War Veterans
This project studied how low blood pressure may contribute to chronic fatigue in Gulf War veterans.

Case Management and Residential Rehabilitation for Persian Gulf War Veterans (13)
This study tested new approaches to health care delivery for Gulf War veterans suffering from undiagnosed and ill-defined illnesses and disability.

Central Nervous System Modulation of Visceral Pain in the Persian Gulf Syndrome
This project was designed to determine the cause of abdominal pain and diarrhea experienced by a subset of Gulf War veterans.

Characterization of Pain Processing Mechanisms in the Irritable Bowel Syndrome
This project reviewed potential treatments for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Cholinergic and Monoaminergic Influences on Sleep
This study investigated how the brain shifts between sleep and wakefulness.

Chronic Gastrointestinal Illness in Persian Gulf Veterans
This study surveyed a sample of Gulf War veterans from a National Guard unit and found these veterans were more likely to report a variety of digestive problems than non-deployed members from the same unit.

Clinical and Epidemiology Leishmania Research
This project was designed to develop a blood test for leishmaniasis and determine the number of Gulf War veterans infected.

Clinical and Neuroendocrine Aspects of Fibromyalgia (Project II)
This study reviewed the relationship between Gulf War service and the development of fibromyalgia.

Core Program: Portland Environmental Hazards Research Center: Environment, Veterans Health and the Gulf War Syndrome. Core Project for Clinical and Epidemiology Research
This was a multi-year study to evaluate the relationships between exposures and unexplained illnesses in Gulf War veterans.

Cross-Sensitization as a CNS Model for Gulf War Chemical Intolerance
This study was designed to evaluate the effects of repeated exposures to various chemicals and noise on body functions and behaviors of Gulf War veterans.

DNA Damage from Chemical Agents and Its Repair (Project IV)
This study evaluated the long-term effects of chemical weapon exposure on nervous and non-nervous system tissue.

Demonstration Treatment Program for Gulf War Veterans With Unexplained Physical Symptoms (13)
This demonstration project was to measure the treatment's ability to successfully help Gulf War veterans with multiple physical symptoms.

Desert Storm Reunion Survey
This project examined patterns of readjustment of Gulf War veterans following their return from the Gulf region.

Development of a structured neurotoxicant assessment checklist (SNAC) for clinical use in veteran populations
The purpose of this study was to develop a checklist to compare past exposure to chemical substances to current medical disorders.

Developmental Differences in Alcohol Withdrawal Sensitivity
This study utilized adult rats to assess changes in brain function and gene expression after exposure to alcohol.

Diarrhea in Persian Gulf Veterans: An Irritable Bowel-Like Disorder
This study compared patients with irritable bowel syndrome to patients with diarrhea that suddenly began while serving in the Persian Gulf.

Differential Gene Expression in Pathologies Associated with Neuronal Hyperexcitability: Links to Gulf War Illness
This study included several projects related to disorders (seizures, psychiatric, and behavioral) affecting thousands of veterans.

Do defective Gpx1 and ALDH2 genes increase sensitivity to environmental hazards?
The objective of this study was to determine whether vulnerability to environmental exposure may result from defects in the expression of certain gene products.

Does a variant of the human SOD2 gene increase sensitivity to hazards?
This animal project studied whether mice with a certain gene variation were more sensitive to exposures.

Early Life Determinants of Vulnerability to Pyridostigmine Bromide
This project reviewed the effects of stress and pyridostigmine bromide on rats.

East Orange Environmental Hazards Research Center Program
The primary purpose of this core project was to provide support to VA projects (VA-5A through VA-5D) concerned with Gulf War veterans health issues.

Effects of Exertion and Chemical Stress on Persian Gulf Veterans
This project's aim was to test the effects of exposure to diesel fumes and physical stress on Persian Gulf War Veterans.

Effects of Genetics and Stress on Responses to Environmental Toxins
This animal project was to determine if genetic vulnerability to stress increased the effects of exposures to pyridostigmine bromide and oil well fires.

Estimates of Cancer Prevalence in Gulf Veterans Using State Registries
This project reviewed cancer registries in several states to determine whether or not there is an increase cancer risk associated with the 1991 Gulf War.

Evaluation of Cognitive Functioning in Persian Gulf War Veterans Reporting War-related Health Problems
This project evaluated cognitive, social and behavoiral functioning among Gulf War veterans experiencing health problems after their return.

Evaluation of Cognitive Functioning of Persian Gulf Veterans
This project reviewed self-reported health complaints and environmental exposures in the Persian Gulf region.

Evaluation of Neurological Functioning in Persian Gulf Veterans
This project evaluated central nervous system functioning in returning Gulf War veterans.

Evaluation of Respiratory Dysfunction Among Gulf War Veterans
This study aimed to determine the relationship between respiratory illness and exposure to oil well fires in Gulf War veterans.

Evaluation of Stress Response Systems in Gulf War Veterans with CMI
This project attempted to increase the understanding of chronic multisymptom illness (CMI).

Expression of the Major Surface Protease of Leishmania Chagasi
This project was designed to begin looking at new treatment methods for leishmaniasis.

Family Study of Fibromyalgia
The primary goal of this study was to examine the relationship between fibromyalgia and mental disorders within families.

Follow-Up Investigation of troops exposed to nerve agents at Aberdeen Proving Ground (Pilot Study) (See also DoD-116A; formerly VA/DoD-2VA/2DA)
This study was done to determine if it was possible to follow up on soldiers exposed to chemical agents.

Follow-up of Psychological and Neurocognitive Gulf War Outcome: Relation to Stress
The purpose of this study was to continue to examine mental illness and brain function in Gulf War veterans with and without PTSD.

Functional Imaging of Pain in Veterans with Unexplained Muscle Pain
This study used a brain scan to examine the brain activities of Gulf War veterans with unexplained pain.

Functional Neuroimaging in Lead Exposed Adults
This study looked at ways to examine the effects of lead on brain function and behavior in adults.

Gene Expression and Proteomic Strategies in Severe Psychiatric Disorders
This study conducted gene expression and protein characterization of brain tissue collected post-mortem from subjects with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depression.

Glucocorticoid Responsivity in Gulf War Veterans
This project reviewed the potential relationship between Gulf War illness and PTSD.

Gulf War And Vietnam Veterans Cancer Incidence Surveillance
This study examined the pattern of cancer cases in Gulf War and Vietnam veterans from New England.

HPA Axis Alterations in PTSD: A Comparison of Gulf War and Vietnam Veterans
Not available.

HPA Axis Reactivity in Men and Women with Chronic PTSD
This study was designed to evaluate the brain functions in men and women with chronic post-traumatic stress disorder.

Health and Exposure Survey of Persian Gulf Veterans
The project's aim was to survey some Persian Gulf War veterans to determine risk factors and their relationships to symptoms that could represent health problems for Gulf War Veterans.

Hypothalamic and Basal Forebrain Regulation of Sleep and Arousal
This study reviewed how the brain regulates natural sleep and waking.

Identification and Management of Sleep Disorders in Gulf War Veterans
This program established a research center to evaluate, recognize and treat sleep disorders of Gulf War veterans.

Immunological Evaluation of Persian Gulf Veterans
This study evaluated changes in the immune system of Gulf War veterans to determine if those changes contributed to unexplained illness in these veterans.

Implementation and Evaluation of Gulf War Veterans Demonstration Project (13)
This project established innovative clinical programs for Gulf War veterans in the VA medical centers Portland and Seattle.

Improving Outcomes of Depression in Primary Care
This study reviewed the impact of a low-intensity care management program on outcomes of patients with major depression.

Improving a mM-CSF Tumor Vaccine for Established Intracranial Gliomas
This animal study tested several therapies for the treatment of brain and spinal cord cancers.

Interactions Between Maternal Care, Stress and Pyridostigmine Bromide
This animal study tested the effects of stress and pyriodstigmine bromide on rats.

Interoceptive Stressor Conditioning: A Model for Gulf War Illness
This animal study compared the relationship between reflexes and learned responses after PB had been given.

MR Tracking of Stem Cells for Replacement Therapy in ALS
This project studied the potential of stem cells in treating amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Memory and Attention in PTSD
This project compared two groups of PTSD sufferers (one Vietnam-era, one Gulf War era) to a group of veterans with no PTSD symptoms.

Mortality Follow-up Study of Persian Gulf Veterans
This study compared death rates in Gulf War veterans to veterans who did not serve in the Gulf.

Musculoskeletal Symptoms in Gulf War Syndrome
This study compared joint pain and swelling symptoms reported by Gulf War veterans to veterans of other deployments.

National Health Survey of Persian Gulf Veterans
This study compared a number of symptoms and other health outcomes in Gulf War veterans to veterans who did not serve in the Gulf.

National Registry of Veterans with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
This project provided a mechanism for the VA to inform veterans with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) about clinical trials and other studies they may be eligible for.

National VA Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Research Consortium
These animal studies tested possible treatments for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Neurobehavioral Aspects of Persian Gulf Experiences: A Pilot Study
This pilot study collected brain function data on 50 Gulf War veterans with social and mental health complaints.

Neurochemical and Neurobehavioral Impact of Pyridostigmine Bromide Treatment and Stress
This study reviewed the brain activity of rodents given pyridostigmine bromide (PB) while under stressful conditions.

Neuronal Hyperexcitability and Motor Neuron Regeneration
This project looked at gene expression profiles in two groups of rats.

Neuropsychological Assessment of a Population-Based Sample of Persian Gulf War Veterans and Controls
This study was designed to better understand the cognitive health of Gulf War veterans.

Neuropsychological Functioning in Veterans
This project compared learning, memory, and attention performances in groups of Gulf War returnees with and without PTSD diagnosis.

Neuropsychological findings in a sample of Operation Desert Storm veterans
This preliminary study was designed to do a comprehensive neurological and psychological evaluations of a group of Gulf War veterans.

Neurotoxicity of Environmental Pollutants and Warfare Agents (Project III)
This animal study evaluated the effects of environmental pollutants and long-term exposure to pyridostigmine bromide on the spinal cord.

Novel Cause of Motor Neuron Disease
This study investigated the possible genetic link between amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and organophosphates (insecticides) negative health effects.

Olfactory Functioning in Gulf War Veterans
This study was to investigate olfactory (sense of smell) functioning in deployed and non-deployed Gulf War veterans to determine whether there was a potential association with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Pain Among Gulf War Veterans: Secondary Analysis of CSP#458 Data
This project studied pain and pain-related data among Gulf War veterans to assist in the development of a treatment.

Pain Sensitivity in Gulf War Veterans with Medically Unexplained Musculoskeletal Pain
This study evaluated Gulf War veterans with unexplained muscle, joint, and bone pain.

Patterns of Microarray Gene Expression in Gulf War Illness
This study reviewed the genetic profiles of individuals identified as suffering from multisymptom illness who participated in the 1990-91 Gulf War.

Physiological Responding in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
This study examined combat veterans from the Vietnam and Persian Gulf Wars with and without post traumatic stress disorder.

Physiological and Psychological Assessments of Persian Gulf Veterans
The project's aim was to determine if unexplained illnesses in some Gulf War Veterans is similar to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) in civilian populations.

Pituitary Adrenal Function in People with Fatiguing Illness
This project tried to determine if a cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is when the body's normal reaction to stress does not work.

Portland Environmental Hazards Research Center: Environment, Veterans' Gulf War Syndrome. Core: Clinical and Epidemiology Research
This project was for a multiyear study designed to evaluate the relationships between exposures (including chemical, physical, and stress) and unexplained illnesses in Gulf War veterans.

Post War Mortality from Neurologic Diseases in Gulf Veterans, 1991-2004
This study reviewed various data sources to determine if Gulf War veterans are at an increased risk of death due to neurologic diseases such as ALS and MS.

Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation of VEGF in Malignant Gliomas
This project looked at new treatments for cancer.

Protective Immunity in Experimental Visceral Leishmaniasis
This animal study evaluated the mouse immune system response after being infected by leishmania.

Psychobiological Assessment of Desert Storm Veterans
This study was designed to evaluate the relationship between post-traumatic stress disorder and physical symptoms in Gulf War veterans.

Psychological Adjustment in Operation Desert Shield/Storm Veterans
This study looked at the mental health effects of military service in Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm.

Psychological Assessment of Operation Desert Storm Returnees
This study compared post-war mental health symptoms between a group of Gulf War returnees to a group of troops from the same units who did not deploy.

Psychological Test Data of Gulf War Veterans Over Time
This project was designed to learn more about mental stress and physical symptoms experienced by Gulf War veterans.

Psychosocial, Neuropsychological and Neurobehavioral Assessment (Project I)
This study was designed to determine if veterans had developed neurobehavioral or mental health effects from service in the Gulf War.

Quantification and Validation of Structure-Function relationships through visuospatial test performance
This study compared a number of visual and spatial tests for people with different types of brain damage to determine which of these tests helps to identify the specific sites of damage in the brain.

Quantitative Trait Genes Controlling Circadian and Sleep Behaviors
This animal study looked at mouse genes to determine which ones are responsible for how the internal clock controls sleep.

Retrospective Verification of Mustard Gas Exposure
This study reviewed the possible relationship between exposure to mustard gas and reproductive health problems.

Roles of Paraoxonase, Butyrylcholinesterase and Stress in Unexplained Illnesses
This study measured several enzyme levels to determine if these chemical substances in the body were associated with either physical or mental diseases in Gulf War veterans or their spouses.

San Antonio Environmental Hazards Research Center
These studies conducted by the San Antonio Environmental Hazards Research Center used mouse models to identify genetic deficiencies which may increase the animals sensitivity to environmental hazards.

Seizures and Neuroplasticity: Physiology and Biochemistry
This project investigated how seizures disrupt brain function and memory processing.

Sensitivity to Pyridostigmine Bromide: Persistent Neural Dysfunction
This animal project studied the long-term effects of pyridostigmine bromide on body functions and behaviors in rats.

Spouses and Children Program
This program authorized the VA to provide examinations and care for any spouse or children of a Gulf War veteran who is or was suffering from an illness.

Stress Symptoms and Their Causal Attribution in Desert Storm Veterans
This study tested individuals from reserve units for symptoms related to post-traumatic stress disorder.

Stress, Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines, and Coping Behavior
This animal study was designed to increase the understanding of how military personnel cope under the extreme stress of deployment.

Structural Magnetic Reasonance Imaging in Gulf War-Era Veterans
This study examined brain characteristics and functions of Gulf War veterans.

Studies of the Blood-Brain Barrier and its Manipulation
This project studied chemical agents that may reduce the risk of hearing loss in some patients receiving chemotherapy treatment for brain cancer.

T Cell Responses to Multiple Immunizations and Stress
This animal study examined the effects of multiple vaccinations on the immune system.

The Aromatic Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) as a Biomarker of Susceptibility
This animal study was designed to determine if a biochemical substance in a mouse's body could indicate exposure to oil well fires.

The Immunology of Chronic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
This project studied what prevents the body's natural defense mechanisms against Leishmaniasis.

The Role of Dietary Choline in Neuroprotection
This animal study was designed to evaluate if the natural substance (choline) provides protection to any part of the body's nervous system.

The Role of Signal Regulatory Proteins in Astrocytomas
This study reviewed the clinical behavior of human brain tumors.

The contribution of FEN-1 to genetic integrity subsequent to oxidative stress
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of stress on cells in mice with a certain genetic deficiency.

The importance of hydrogen peroxide detoxification in cellular protection
This animal project studied the effects of hydrogen peroxide detoxification in protecting mice against certain environmental hazards.

Use of Roster of Veterans Who Served in Persian Gulf Area
The project's goal was to develop a database of U.S. service members who served in the Persian Gulf area during Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm.

VA National Survey of Persian Gulf Veterans - Phase I
This was phase one of the VA survey study (VA-2) which included a questionnaire to review the symptoms and other health outcomes of Gulf War veterans.

VA National Survey of Persian Gulf Veterans - Phase II
This was phase two of the VA survey study (VA-2) which included telephone interviews to identify symptoms and other health outcomes of Gulf War veterans.

VA National Survey of Persian Gulf Veterans - Phase III
This was phase three of the VA survey study (VA-2) which used computer records to identify symptoms and other health outcomes of Gulf War veterans.

VA/DoD Core funding of the Medical Follow-Up Agency (See also DoD-116; formerly VA/DoD-2V/2D)
Joint program funded by VA and DoD to providing the Medical Follow-Up Agency with funding to perform epidemiological research on veterans.

Vaccination Against Visceral Leishmaniasis with a Multi-epitope Vaccine
This project looked at the next steps toward developing a human vaccine against leishmaniasis.

Vaccine-Mediated Immunity Against Leishmaniasis
This animal study tested the immune sytem of mice against leishmaniasis.

Validity of Computerized Tests
The aim of this project was to continue the validation process of computer-assisted tests developed to detect when the brain is not functioning normally.

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