Funding Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
On-Going Research Projects

Title: Randomized Trial of an Online Early Intervention for Combat PTSD in Primary Care
Synopsis: This research will test the capabilities of DESTRESS-PC, a self-management program for individuals with PTSD.
Overall Summary: We propose to test an Internet-based, nurse assisted, cognitive-behavioral (CBT) self-management program, DeIivery of Self-Training & Education for Stress Symptoms-Primary Care version (DESTRESS-PC) for individuals with PTSD related to Operation Iraqi or Enduring Freedom.
Results to Date: N/A
Project: HHS-8874
Agency: Department Of Health And Human Services
Program: National Institute of Mental Health
Location: Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine
P.I. Name: C C Engel
Status: Ongoing
Study Start Date: September 27, 2006
Estimated Completion Date: July 31, 2009
Methodology: Our proposed design is a 4 clinic, 2 group, parallel arm randomized controlled trial with blinded outcome assessment. We will enroll 160 eligible participants and compare 6-weeks of DESTRESS-PC (plus optimized usual primary care PTSD management) to optimized usual care alone with follow-up at 6 and 12 weeks post-randomization. Entry criteria will include OlF/OEF-related psychological trauma; primary care referral to a study nurse manager for PTSD; PTSD diagnosis on the Clinician Assessment for PTSD Scale; and absence of unstable medical or psychiatric illness.
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