Funding Agency: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

On-going Research Projects:
Biosensor for real-time chemical monitoring
This research will develop a portable biosensor to detect nerve agent exposure.

Components of Effective Suicide Prevention in the US Air Force
This research will determine the effectiveness of the Air Force Suicide Prevention Program (AFSPP).

Development of a Family-Based, Post-Deployment Intervention
This project will develop an intervention for returning military personnel and their families, especially their partners.

Effect of Variation in Genes of Xenobiotic Responsive Proteins in ALS
This project will attempt to identify gene charateristics that may change an individual's risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Genetic Epidemiology of ALS in Veterans
This project will begin to analyze information from the VA National Registry on veteran ALS patients.

Outreach Intervention for OIF Veterans to Promote Use of Mental Health Services
This research will study an intervention to encourage returning soldiers with behavioral health disorders to obtain treatment.

Randomized Trial of a Self-Management Early Intervention for Combat-Related PTSD
This research will test the ability of an Internet based intervention to reduce PTSD symptoms in soldiers returning from combat.

Randomized Trial of an Online Early Intervention for Combat PTSD in Primary Care
This research will test the capabilities of DESTRESS-PC, a self-management program for individuals with PTSD.

Completed Research Projects:
A Prospective Study of Suicide Prevention in the US Air Force
This project investigated whether the USAF Suicide Prevention Program reduced the number of suicides over time.

ALS Biomarkers in the Cerebrospinal Fluid
This study planned to identify biochemical substances from spinal fluid specific to ALS to aid in the identification, diagnosis, and potentially lead to future treatments for affected individuals.

Biomarkers of Susceptibility and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Exposure in Urine and blood Cell DNA from U.S. Army Soldiers Exposed to Kuwaiti Oil Well Fires
This project tested the blood and urine of a group of soliders to look for signs of possible environmental exposures.

Cognitive Function and Symptom Patterns in Persian Gulf Veterans
This project compared brain images and functions of deployed and non-deployed Gulf War era veterans.

Defining Gulf War Illness
This study reviewed and compared the definitions for unexplained multi-symptom illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia to Gulf War veterans' unexplained illnesses.

Deployment to the Gulf War and the Subsequent Development of Cancer
This study looked at cancer patterns in Gulf War veterans and then compared those to Gulf War era veterans who did not deploy to the Persian Gulf.

Disease Cluster in a Pennsylvania Air National Guard Unit, EPI-AID 95-18
This study evaluated disease reports of a Pennsylvania Air National Guard unit.

Health Assessment of Persian Gulf War Veterans from Iowa
This project reviewed self-reported symptoms of Gulf War veterans through a telephone survey.

Health-e Voice: Optimized Implementation of a Stepped Clinical Risk Communications Guideline
This project developed and evaluated a web-based learning tool (Health-e VOICE) for health care providers to use to communicate with veterans about deployment-related health concerns.

Immunotoxicity of Dermal Permethrin and Cis-Urocanic Acid
This study looked at the combined exposure of permethrin and sunlight.

Improving Health Risk Communications to Prevent Unexplained Illnesses Related to Military Deployments
This study surveyed Gulf War veterans and active duty service members to determine their knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about deployment-related hazards and illnesses, in order to develop and test health risk communication approaches and materials.

Internet Disclosure Treatment for Multisymptom Illness
This project evaluated the written emotional disclosure (ED) intervention in veterans with chronic multi-symptom illness (CMI).

Multisample Study of the Natural Course of PTSD Symptoms
This project investigated the natural course of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Parental Wartime Deployment on Adjustment in Children
This project studied the various affects on children with a deployed parent.

Strategy to Identify Non-Additive Response to Chemical Mixtures
This animal study looked at how mice responsed to low level exposures to pesticides.

Suspected Increase of Birth Defects and Health Problems Among Children Born to Persian Gulf War Veterans In Mississippi
This study looked at birth defects and health problems among children of Gulf War veterans from two units of the Mississippi National Guard.