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Europe and Eurasia HIV/AIDS Initiative

The still relatively low infection rate in the Europe and Eurasia region offers a unique opportunity to reverse the escalating trend of recent years. Even so, many countries in the region suffer from a number of social conditions that coincide with the spread of HIV/AIDS: poverty, fragile health infrastructures, reduced social services, civil conflict, low levels of knowledge about how to prevent HIV/AIDS, and high levels of injecting drug use.

USAID recognizes this opportunity and the importance of early prevention and control efforts if the epidemic is to be contained. USAID has provided HIV/AIDS support at a steadily increasing pace since a grant to Russia in 1995. In FY 2002, USAID HIV/AIDS support to the region through country and regional programs amounted to $16.9 million; in FY 2003, it increased to $19.1 million. Today, there are bilateral programs in Russia and the Ukraine and USAID's regional office covers five countries in Central Asia.

Access more information on USAID's Europe and Eurasia program, October 2004 [PDF, 731KB].

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Fri, 11 Feb 2005 08:14:27 -0500