Active Ground-Water Level Network

Merced County, California
Hover mouse over site for information. Click site to open page with information and data.

|Merced County, CALIFORNIA 1.                 Site: 371548120224101 - 008S015E06M001M
Period of Record: 7/13/1995 - 6/30/2008
               Aquifer: QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM
                 Depth: 110
  Last data value: 77.43 on 6/30/2008
2.                 Site: 371832120231201 - 007S014E24K001M
Period of Record: 8/23/1994 - 8/6/2008
               Aquifer: QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM
                 Depth: 230
  Last data value: 54.45 on 8/6/2008
3.                 Site: 371835120331801 - 007S013E21M0O1M
Period of Record: 7/6/1994 - 7/28/2008
               Aquifer: QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM
                 Depth: 180
  Last data value: 44.25 on 7/28/2008
4.                 Site: 371835120332801 - 007S013E21M002M
Period of Record: 8/17/1994 - 7/28/2008
               Aquifer: QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM
                 Depth: 168
  Last data value: 45.04 on 7/28/2008
5.                 Site: 371835120332802 - 007S013E21M003M
Period of Record: 8/17/1994 - 7/28/2008
               Aquifer: QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM
                 Depth: 56
  Last data value: 25.19 on 7/28/2008
6.                 Site: 372205120381701 - 006S012E34G001M
Period of Record: 5/13/1994 - 7/28/2008
               Aquifer: QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM
                 Depth: 230
  Last data value: 83.53 on 7/28/2008
7.                 Site: 372205120433801 - 006S011E35H001M
Period of Record: 8/24/1994 - 8/6/2008
               Aquifer: QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM
                 Depth: 80
  Last data value: 48.75 on 8/6/2008
8.                 Site: 372207120381201 - 006S012E34G002M
Period of Record: 8/9/1994 - 7/28/2008
               Aquifer: QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM
                 Depth: 148
  Last data value: 80.76 on 7/28/2008
9.                 Site: 372207120381202 - 006S012E34G003M
Period of Record: 8/9/1994 - 7/28/2008
               Aquifer: QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM
                 Depth: 88
  Last data value: 72.75 on 7/28/2008
10.              Site: 372323120554401 - 006S009E25B001M
Period of Record: 7/19/1995 - 6/30/2008
               Aquifer: QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM
                 Depth: 67
  Last data value: 6.24 on 6/30/2008
11.              Site: 372742120443601 - 005S011E34B002M
Period of Record: 8/11/1994 - 7/29/2008
               Aquifer: QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM
                 Depth: 97
  Last data value: 62.48 on 7/29/2008
12.              Site: 372742120443602 - 005S011E34B003M
Period of Record: 7/17/2007 - 7/17/2007
               Aquifer: QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM
                 Depth: 54
  Last data value: 49.08 on 7/17/2007
13.              Site: 372746120443601 - 005S011E34B001M
Period of Record: 7/27/1994 - 7/29/2008
               Aquifer: QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM
                 Depth: 96
  Last data value: 64.87 on 7/29/2008

Explanation of symbols on the state map.

Map generated 11/2/2008 3:22:21 AM
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Network wells depicted on the Merced County, CA location map
Note: Color shading in the table below indicates multiple wells that plot as a single point on the state location map above.
Note: BLS = Water Level in Feet Below Land Surface, RVD = Water Level referenced to a vertical datum
Site ID Site NameMost Recent
Local Aquifer
1 371548120224101 008S015E06M001M77.43 BLS 6/30/2008  110    Quaternary Alluvium
2 371832120231201 007S014E24K001M54.45 BLS 8/6/2008  230    Quaternary Alluvium
3 371835120331801 007S013E21M0O1M44.25 BLS 7/28/2008  180    Quaternary Alluvium
4 371835120332801 007S013E21M002M45.04 BLS 7/28/2008  168    Quaternary Alluvium
5 371835120332802 007S013E21M003M25.19 BLS 7/28/2008  56    Quaternary Alluvium
6 372205120381701 006S012E34G001M83.53 BLS 7/28/2008  230    Quaternary Alluvium
7 372205120433801 006S011E35H001M48.75 BLS 8/6/2008  80    Quaternary Alluvium
8 372207120381201 006S012E34G002M80.76 BLS 7/28/2008  148    Quaternary Alluvium
9 372207120381202 006S012E34G003M72.75 BLS 7/28/2008  88    Quaternary Alluvium
10 372323120554401 006S009E25B001M6.24 BLS 6/30/2008  67    Quaternary Alluvium
11 372742120443601 005S011E34B002M62.48 BLS 7/29/2008  97    Quaternary Alluvium
12 372742120443602 005S011E34B003M49.08 BLS 7/17/2007  54    Quaternary Alluvium
13 372746120443601 005S011E34B001M64.87 BLS 7/29/2008  96    Quaternary Alluvium


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Last update: Sunday, November 02, 2008 at 03:24