Funding Agency: Department of Defense (DoD)

On-going Research Projects:
A Fatigue Management System for Sustained Military Operations
This project will determine the effectiveness of newer pharmaceutical fatigue countermeasures.

A Hybrid Electrochemical Microstimulator Implant for Denervated Muscles
This project addresses a common condition, facial nerve weakness, that currently has no satisfactory treatment for many patients.

A Hybrid Neuroprosthesis for Mobility after Paralysis from Spinal Cord Injury
This research project plans to design, prototype, and test a new assistive device to restore the ability to climb stairs and walk to individuals with paraplegia.

A Psychophysiologic Study of Weakening Traumatic Combat Memories With Post-Reactivation
This research will study the effects of propranolol administered in combination with tramatic memory reactivation as a potential treatment for PTSD.

A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Trial of Mifepristone in Gulf War Veterans with Chronic Multisymptom Illness
This study will test to determine if mifepristone improves the health of Gulf War veterans with chronic multisymptom illness (CMI).

A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Citalopram for Anxiety Disorders Following Traumatic Brain Injury
This research will investigate the effectiveness of citalopram as a treatment for generalized anxiety disorder after traumatic brain injury (TBI).

AUTOLOGOUS Marrow-Derived Stem Cell-Seeded Gene-Supplemented Collagen Scaffolds for Spinal Cord Regeneration as a Treatment for Paralysis
This research will continue to study a possible treatment for paralysis.

Antigens for a Vaccine to Prevent Severe Malaria
This project will initiate developments for a new vaccine to prevent malaria.

Autonomic Biomarkers and Treatment for Gulf War Illness
This project will attempt to shed light on the mechanisms of Gulf War illness and test drugs that might lead to effective treatments.

Biomarkers for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in Active Duty Military - BALSAM
This project will attempt to identify new biomarkers to allow an early and more specific diagnosis of ALS.

Biomarkers of Risk for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
This research will try to identify genetic biomarkers of risk for PTSD.

CNDP1 Polymorphisms and Carnosine Therapy in GWI
This project will test for possible genetic indicators of Gulf War Illness (GWI).

Carcinogenicity of Embedded Tungsten Alloys in Mice
This project proposes to determine if alloys tungsten/nickel/cobalt and tungsten/nickel/iron cause cancer in mice.

Cellular Therapy to Obtain Spine Fusion
This research has the potential to improve the safety of current spine surgery techniques and would offer an alterative to patients who require spine fusion but are not candidates for major surgery.

DNA Vaccines to Prevent Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome
This project will conduct research to develop a vaccine to prevent hemorrhagic fever with kidney syndrome.

Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center
The Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center engages in research to enhance the quality, appropriateness, timeliness, and cost-effectives of treatment for active duty military, their dependents and veterans with traumatic brain injury.

Development of Osseointegrated Implants for Soldier Amputees Following Orthopaedic Extremity Trauma
This research will design and develop stable, infection-free skeletal implants for above-the-knee amputees.

Development of a Novel Injectable Controlled Analgesic Delivery System for Effective pain Management
The goal of this research is to develop an effective controlled local pain management delivery system for the treatment of orthopaedic trauma.

Development of recombinant adenoviral-based vaccines against malaria
This project is developing a vaccine to protect military personnel against malaria infection.

Diagnostic Systems for Infectious Diseases
This project will conduct studies to develop a diagnostic system or tool to identify various infectious diseases.

Do Tau Mutations Increase Susceptibility to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis?
This project will determine if there is a relationship between a specific gene (TAU) and the development of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

DoD Birth Defect and Infant Health Registry
This registry was established to capture comprehensive data on healthcare utilization to calculate the prevalence of birth defects among children born to military families.

Early Intervention Research Program to Enhance Soldier Resilience
This study will compare the effectiveness of various types of early intervention (debriefing, information, cognitive-behavioral) following a potentially traumatizing event, in order to develop valid methods to improve soldier resilience after such events.

Effect of Morphine and Trauma on Acinetobacter baumannii Infection in a Murine Model
This animal study will determine if morphine and trauma increase the potential for acinetobacter baumannii infection.

Efficacy of Adjunct Sleep Interventions for PTSD (EASI-PTSD)
This project will investigate two different interventions for sleep disturbances associated with PTSD in men and women veterans.

Flavivirus Vaccine Research
The focus of this research is to develop vaccines against viruses such as Dengue, Japanese Encephalitis, and Tick-Borne Encephalitis.

Function of Prostaglandin Receptors in Models of ALS
This project will review the function of specific receptors in the nervous system to determine their role in the progression of amytrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

HIV Research Program
This research program conducts and manages research on potential vaccines and treatments to protect US forces from HIV.

Hantaviruses, Hemorrhagic Fevers & Other Lethal viruses
The focus of this research is to develop vaccines and treatments for hemorrhagic fever infections and diseases such as Ebola, Lassa, Marburg, and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fevers[CCHFV])hemorrhagic fever.

Identification & Control of Insect Vectors of Infectious Diseases
This project will conduct research to improve the prevention of infectious diseases such as malaria, dengue, and leishmaniasis.

Improved Therapeutic Regimens for Treatment of Post-Traumatic Ocular Infections
This research is designed to identify therapeutic regimens that will prevent vision loss and inflammation following post-traumatic infection by Bacillus endophthalmitis.

Intraceptor Interference of VEGF Pathways in Corneal Angiogenesis
This research may be useful in treating eye injuries after trauma such as with shrapnel or Improvised Explosive Devices to prevent development of or induce regression of abnormal blood vessels in the cornea in an effort to help restore or preserve vision.

Leishmaniasis Research Program
The focus of this research is to develop a diagnostic device to detect leishmaniasis infection.

Longitudinal Risk and Resilience Factors Predicting Psychiatric Disruption, Mental Health Service Utilization, and Military Retention in OIF National Guard Troops
This research will measure deployment experiences (such as combat exposure, other deployment-related stressors, perceptions of unit support, and use of in-theater combat stress interventions) and post-deployment psychiatric distress, quality of life, life stressors, mental health service utilization, and military retention/attrition over the course of 2 years.

Malaria Drug Discovery and Development
This project will conduct research to support the development of new malaria drugs.

Malaria Drug Prophylaxis
This project will test antimalarial drugs.

Malaria Vaccine Research
The focus of this research is to develop vaccines to prevent malaria.

Mass Spectrometry to Identify New Biomarkers of Nerve Agent Exposure
The anticipated outcomes of this research are to identify several proteins that react with nerve agents and to provide a new method for detecting nerve agent exposure.

Molecular Blockade of Lymphangiogenesis in Pormoting High-Risk Corneal Transplant Survival
This project aims to investigate the development of new therapeutic strategies to prevent corneal transplant rejection.

Neuroendocrine Correlates of PTSD Before and After Treatment
This project will examine biological and psychological alterations in veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) before and after treatment.

Novel Nitroxide Resuscitation Strategies in Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury
This animal project will test the strategy of nitroxide resuscitation to treat traumatic brain injury (TBI) and hemorrhagic shock.

Novel Pharmacological Approaches for Treatment of Neurotoxicity Induced by Chronic Exposure to Depleted Uranium
This animal study will look at potential treatments for neurotoxicity caused by chronic exposure to depleted uranium.

Online Early Resilience Intervention for Combat-Related PTSD in Military Primary Healthcare Settings: A Randomized Trial of DESTRESS-PC
This study is an innovative use of Internet-based technology and may provide a unique early combat-related PTSD intervention and resilience training option for military personnel and veterans seeking primary care after experiencing combat-related stressors.

Optimization of Microelectronic Methods to Produce an Implantable Retinal Prosthesis to Treat Blindness
This research will develop a treatment for several forms of retinal blindness by using retinal prosethesis.

Pharmacologic Intervention to Reduce Morbidity and Mortality Following Trauma, Hemorrhage, Burn, Fracture and Sepsis
This animal study will determine if treatment with diabetes medications prevent or reduce the development of organ dysfunction, immuno-suppression, and death following major injuries.

Predictors of Treatment Response to Fluoxetine in PTSD Following a Recent History of War Zone Stress Exposure
This study will give us some of the information needed to target treatment of PTSD in soldiers that need help to be able to appropriately function in the military or civilian worlds.

Preventing Epilepsy After Traumatic Brain Injury
This study will determine if topiramate- an antiepileptic drug (AED)- administered immediately after traumatic brain injury (TBI) reduces early seizures, diminishes the development of late epilepsy, and facilitates recovery from TBI.

Prevention and Treatment of Malaria ATO
This project will conduct research to develop vaccines to prevent malaria.

Prevention of Diarrheal Diseases
This study will focus on the biology of bacteria that cause diarrheal diseases and the development of potential vaccines to prevent diarrheal diseases.

Prospective study of ALS mortality among World War II, Korea, and Vietnam veterans
This study will examine whether men who served in the military during World War II, Korea, or Vietnam have a high risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) as compared with men who did not serve.

Proteomic Study of Human Malarial Parasite Plasmodium vivax Liver Stages for Development of Vaccines and Drugs
This research will work towards developing new malaria vaccine and drug targets.

Q10 for Gulf War Veterans
This project will determine if administering coenzyme Q10 (Q10) to Gulf War veterans reduces their symptoms and improves their health.

Randomized Trial of an Environmental Medicine Approach to Gulf War Veterans' Illness
This project will try to determine if the environmental medicine approach is able in relieve symptoms in ill Gulf War veterans.

Rapid Identification of Key Pathogens in Wound Infection by Molecular Means
This project plans to develop a technique to quickly identify microorganisms responsible for wound infections.

Repair of Corneal Injury with Stem Cell-based Bioengineered Tissue
This research will focus on bioengineering the stem cell-based corneal constructs for therapeutic repair of corneal injury to restore vision.

Rickettsial Diseases Research
This research focuses on the development of a vaccine to prevent rickettsial diseases.

Self Managing the Consequences of Major Limb Trauma
This research will contribute to improving the outcomes and quality of life for civilian and military personnel with lower extremity limb trauma.

Spouse Abuse, Child Abuse and Substance Abuse among Military Families: Co-Occurrence, Correlates and Service Delivery Issues
This study will identify opportunities to help military families experiencing violence and/or substance abuse.

Structural MRI and Cognitive Correlates in Pest-Control Personnel from Gulf War I
This follow-up brain imaging study will evaluate the combination of exposures such as pesticides as possible factors for continued symptoms in Gulf War veterans.

The Millennium Cohort Study
This ongoing study (Millennium Cohort Study) will use periodic surveys to track changes in the health of a large group of US service members and veterans over time to determine the health impact of deployments and other aspects of military service.

The Role of the Pseudopterosins and Their Analogs in Wound Healing
This study will determine if soft coral is able to assist in healing wounds.

The Use of Lentiviral-Vector-Mediated Transduction of Neural Progenitor Cells to Repair the Brain after Traumatic Brain Injury
This project will review potential mechanisms which may promote recovery of function in traumatic brain injury patients.

Treatment of Laser-Induced Retinal Injury and Visual Loss Using Sustained Release of Intravitreal Neurotrophic Growth Factors
This research will test whether a specific family of molecules (neurotrophic growth factors) can protect retinal neurons from dying after exposure to a harmful dose of laser energy.

Use of PC-NSAIDs in Chronic Pain
This research will investigate a new class of drugs for the treatment and/or prevention of chronic pain associated with spinal cord injury.

Vaccine for the Prevention of Military HIV Infections ATO
This project will conduct studies on how to design and test HIV vaccine candidates.

Vaccine to prevent Group B Meningococcal Infection, Menignococcal Vaccine System upgrade
This research focuses on developing a vaccine for meningitis.

Vaccines and Drugs to Prevent and Treat Malaria (Artesunate Drug) ATO
This project will test a potential treatment for severe malaria.

Vaccines to prevent diarrhea (Shigella, Campylobacter and ETEC) ATO
This research will focus on reducing the impact of diarrheal diseases on military operations.

Warfighter Face and Eye Injury Protection
This research will assess the potential risk of injury of current protective equipment for Soldiers.

Completed Research Projects:
A Bioengineered Gene Therapy System with Potential to Heal War Wounds
This project tested a potential new method to assist in healing war wounds.

A Comparison of Post Deployment Hospitalization Between Vietnam and Gulf War Veterans
The study compared health problems of Gulf War Veterans to Vietnam Veterans to see if there was a general relationship between health problems and exposure to a combat environment.

A Controlled Epidemiological and Clinical Study into the Effect of Gulf War Service on Servicemen and Women of the United Kingdom Armed Forces
This study compared the unexplained illnesses and symptoms of three United Kingdom military groups -- Gulf War-era deployed veterans, Gulf War-era non-deployed veterans, and Bosnia Conflict deployed veterans.

A Field-Deployable Ultra-Sensitive Assay System for Biological Toxins Using Immunoliposome-DNA Amplification Hybrids
This project's objective was to develop a simple, field-deployable system to detect biological toxins.

A Mechanism-Based, Molecular Fingerprint Strategy for Detecting Biomarkers of Organophosphate Exposure
This study was designed to develop a better testing method to detect and measure exposure to nerve agents.

A Multidisciplinary Evaluation of Traumatic Brain Injury: Early Predictors of Outcome
This project reviewed the long-term outcomes among patients with mild TBI.

A Naval Health Study Program
This is the parent Program for DOD projects 1A through 1G.

A Placebo-Controlled Trial of Prazosin vs. Paroxetine in Combat Stress-Induced PTSD Nightmares and Sleep Disturbance
This project conducted a clinical trial to determine how effective Prazosin compared to Paroxetine is for combat stress-induced PTSD nightmares and sleep disturbance.

A Randomized Clinical Trial of Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for PTSD in Women
This study evaluated the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in women.

A Randomized Clinical Trial of Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for PTSD in Women (See VA-74)
This study reviewed two different types of treatment for women with military-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

A Randomized Trial of Musculoskeletal Pain Treatment in a Military Population
This project compared the efficacy of two pain programs- the Interdisciplinary Chronic Pain Rehabilitation Program (ICPRP) and Standard Treatment Control Group (a standard anesthesiology pain clinic)- with military personnel suffering from musculoskeletal disorders.

A Randomized, Multi-Center, Controlled Trial of Multi-Model Therapy in Veterans with Gulf War Illnesses (CBT) (See also VA-62; formerly VA/DoD 1D)
This study looked at whether or not cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and aerobic exercise, alone or in combination, are better than regular care for Gulf War veterans with chronic unexplained symptoms.

A Re-examination of Neuropsychological Functioning in Persian Gulf War Veterans
This study re-tested an earlier group of Gulf War veterans for changes in behavior or brain function and compared them to non-deployed veterans.

Acupuncture for the Treatment of Trauma Survivors
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of acupuncture as a treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among military personnel.

Acute and Long-Term Impact of Deployment to Southwest Asia on the Physical and Mental Health of Soldiers and their Families
This study looked at the short and long-term impact of deployment to Southwest Asia on the physical and mental health of soldiers and their families.

An Epidemiological Investigation into the Occurrence of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Among Gulf War Veterans (See also VA-61)
This study reviewed how many Gulf War veterans have amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease).

Analysis of Paraoxonase Status among US Navy Gulf War Veterans with Increased Postwar Symptoms, Psychological Morbidity and Medical Conditions
This study gained a better understanding of the potential effects that pesticides and the use of PB tablets may have had on an individual's post-war health.

Antibacterial Treatment Method Based Upon the Excretion of Dead and Decaying Spherical Bacteria
This study looked to see if there was any correlation between systemic coccal disease (SCD) and unexplained illnesses of some Gulf War veterans.

Antibiotic Treatment of Gulf War Veterans Illnesses (ABT) (See also VA-55)
This study was designed to determine whether or not antibiotic treatment of ill Gulf War veterans would improve their physical functioning.

Antibodies to Squalene
This study attempted to establish an effective way to test for squalene antibodies and to determine if these antibodies are present in ill Gulf War veterans.

Assessing the Potential Health Impact of the Gulf War on Saudi Arabia National Guard Members and Their Dependents
This study used existing health records to compare the health of Saudi military members stationed in a combat area during the Gulf War with military members stationed in a non-combat area.

Assessment of Genomic Instability via Chromosome 7 Inversion Frequency in a Gulf-War Syndrome Cohort vs Selected Control Groups
The study was designed to determine if a gene instability exist in Gulf War veterans.

Assessment of Subchronic Neurobehavioral and Neuropathologic Effects in Rats Following Low-Level Sarin Exposure
This study exposed lab rats to low levels of sarin, a nerve agent, to determine if there were any disease or behavioral effects in the brain.

Assessment of Toxicology Assay Methods and Chemical Exposures Among a Cohort of US Marines Deployed in the Gulf War
This pilot study tested blood samples from service members before and after the Gulf War for chemical warfare agents, pesticides, and smoke components.

Assessment of the Role of Stress-Activated Kinase in the Pathogenesis of Gulf War Illnesses
This animal study was designed to evaluate effects of exposure to pyridostigmine bromide, permethrin, DEET, stress, and vaccinations.

Autonomic Dysfunction in Gulf War Veterans
This study looked at how the nervous system reacts to stress.

Bacteroides Fragils OMP A: Utility as a Live Vaccine Vector for Biodefense
This research developed a live vaccine "vehicle" that could easily be adapted to different bioterrorism agents.

Biochemical Markers for Exposure to Low Doses of Organophosphorous Exposure
This animal study evaluated the effects of low-level exposure to chemicals such as pesticides.

Biochemical Markers of Brain Injury: An Integrated Proteomics-Based Approach
This project reviewed biomedical markers capable of distinguishing between traumatic and oxygen-deprived brain injury.

Blast induced traumatic brain injury: modeling the physical & cognitive effects of enhanced blast exposure
This study developed an animal model to determine the effects of a blast-induced brain injury.

Blood-Brain Barrier Transport of Uranium
This study in animals evaluated how uranium in the blood may be transported into the brain to help determine whether veterans with embedded depleted uranium fragments are at risk for developing nervous system toxicity as a result of uranium accumulation in the brain.

Butyrylcholinesterase Genetic Variants in Persons with Gulf War Illness
This study tested the theory that unexplained illnesses of Gulf War veterans is a result of damage caused by exposure to nerve agents.

CNS Cytokines and CRH in Gulf War Veterans with Multiple Unexplained Symptoms
This study measured and compared the blood and spinal fluid of ill and healthy Gulf War veterans.

Carcinogenic Potential of Depleted Uranium and Tungsten Alloys (see also DoD-130)
This animal study looked at whether or not embedded fragments of depleted uranium (DU) cause changes in cells of the body.

Carcinogenicity and Immunotoxicity of Embedded Depleted Uranium and Heavy-Metal Tungsten Alloys in Rodents
This study in animals evaluated the potential for embedded depleted uranium fragments to cause cancer and changes in the immune system, in order to help determine whether or not long-term exposures are harmful.

Carcinogenicity of Depleted Uranium Fragments
This animal study tested the effects of tissue-embedded depleted uranium fragments.

Case-Control Study of Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes Among Gulf War and Non-Deployed Veterans
This study looked at fatal motor vehicle crashes among Gulf War veterans who deployed to those who were not deployed.

Characterization of Emissions from Heaters Burning Leaded Diesel Fuel in Unvented Tents
This study reviewed the exposure to in-tent pollutants by measuring chemicals in the air while using kerosene heaters.

Characterization of Intracellular Signaling Pathways Activated by Nerve Agents
This was a comprehensive effort to understand how organophosphate exposure affects cognitive and neurological functions.

Characterization of the Reproductive Toxicity of Depleted Uranium
This animal project tested the effects of depleted uranium on reproduction.

Chronic Organophosphorus Exposure and Cognition
This animal study evaluated the effects of low-level exposure to chemicals like pesticides.

Clinical Evaluation of a Proposed New Gulf War Syndrome
This study reviewed the possibility of a unique Gulf War illness.

Clinical Relevance of Novel Immunological Markers in PTSD
This study looked at the possible relationship between a certain protein and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in Vietnam War veterans.

Combined Analysis of the VA and DoD Gulf War Clinical Registries: A Study of Clinical Findings from Systematic Medical Examinations of 100,000 U.S. Gulf War Veterans
This study performed a combined analysis of two clinical registries on Gulf War veterans: the DOD's Comprehensive Clinical Evaluation Program and the VA's Gulf War Health Examination Registry.

Comparative Mortality Among US Military Personnel Worldwide During Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm
This study compared the cause and rate of death between Gulf War era deployed and non-deployed veterans.

Demonstrating the Efficacy of Scenario-Based Virtual Reality Tools for Treatment of Acute PTSD in Non-Combat Arms Personnel
This study compared virtual reality therapy to the current standard treatment- combination of medications and cognitive behavior therapy- for treating acute PTSD.

Depleted Uranium Fragment Carcinogenicity: Extrapolation of Findings in Rodents to Man
This animal study evaluated the effects of implanted depleted uranium.

Deployment Health Center
This project established the Deployment Health Research Center to conduct epidemiological research relevant to military personnel.

Development and Evaluation of New Products for the Far-Forward Care of Combat Casualties with Acute Lung Injury
This project tested the Intravenous Membrane Oxygenator (IMO) in lung-injured animal models.

Development and Implementation of an Objective, Non-invasive, Behaviorally Relevant Metric for Laser Eye Injuries
This study reviewed if the current multifocal electroretinogram (MERG) was able to accurately determine the effects from a laser eye injury.

Development and Validation of the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metric (ANAM) for Deployment Health Monitoring Applications
This project was designed to develop a testing method to detect changes in brain function (thinking and learning) before, during, and after deployment.

Development of Diagnostic tools and alternative treatment drugs for Leishmania
This study was designed to develop screening tests and treatments for military personnel infected by leishmania.

Development of a Leishmania Skin Test Antigen (LSTA)
The purpose of this study was to develop a skin test for leishmaniasis that would help diagnose this infection in Gulf War veterans and others who may have been exposed.

Diagnosis and Dosemitry of Exposure to Sulfur Mustard: Development of Standard Operating Procedures and Exploratory Research on Protein Adducts
This animal study looked at methods that could be used in the field to estimate the human exposure to the chemical agent mustard.

Diagnostic Antigens of Leishmania tropica
This study was designed to develop a laboratory test to detect leishmaniasis infection in military personnel.

Disordered Responses to Orthostatic Stress in the Pathogenesis of Gulf War Syndrome Symptoms
This study compared the failure of the body to properly adjust to standing up in individuals with and without adverse health affects attributed to GW deployment.

DoD-wide Medical Surveillance for Potential Long-Term Adverse Events Associated with Smallpox Vaccination, Hospitalizations and Self-reported Outcomes
This research compared military personnel who received the smallpox vaccination to those who did not receive the vaccination.

DoD-wide Medical Surveillance for Potential Long-Term Adverse Events associated with Anthrax Immunization in Active Duty Service Members, Proposal 1: Hospitalizations
This study reviewed the hospitalizations of military personnel to determine if there was a relationship between anthrax immunization and severe diseases requiring hospitalization.

Dysregulation of the Stress Response in the Persian Gulf Syndrome
This study looked at Gulf War veterans who reported unexplained symptoms.

Effects of Combat Stress on Structure and Function of the Hippocampus
This project studied the effects of stress on brain structure and function and the potential influence of chronic alcohol abuse.

Effects of Persian Gulf War Service on Military Working Dogs
This study compared the health of Gulf War deployed and non-deployed military working dogs.

Effects of Pyridostigmine in Flinders Line Rats Differing in Cholinergic Sensitivity
This animal study tested the effects of pyridostigmine bromide (PB).

Efficacy of Countermeasures Against Traumatic Brain Injuries Sustained in Airborne Operations
This project reviewed the effects of helmet configuration on the rate of head injury.

Epidemiologic Studies of Morbidity Among Gulf War Veterans: A Search for Etiologic Agents and Risk Factors; A Study of Symptoms Among 1500 Seabees
This study compared post-war symptoms and diseases of Gulf War-era deployed veterans to non-deployed veterans.

Epidemiologic Studies of Morbidity Among Gulf War Veterans: A Search for Etiologic Agents and Risk Factors; Study 2: A Comparative Study of Hospitalizations among Active-Duty Personnel Who Participated in the Gulf War and Similar Personnel Who Did Not.
This study compared hospitalizations of Gulf War-era deployed veterans to non-deployed veterans.

Epidemiologic Studies of Morbidity Among Gulf War Veterans: A Search for Etiologic Agents and Risk Factors; Study 3: A comparative study of pregnancy outcomes among Gulf War veterans and other active-duty personnel
This study reviewed pregnancy outcomes of Gulf War era deployed and non-deployed veterans.

Epidemiologic Studies of Morbidity Among Gulf War Veterans: A Search for Etiologic Agents and Risk Factors; Study 4: Infertility and Miscarriage in Gulf War Veterans
The study compared reproductive outcomes, eg. miscarriages, early pregnancy loss, premature birth, and low birth weight between Gulf War-era deployed and non-deployed veterans.

Epidemiologic Studies of Morbidity Among Gulf War Veterans: A Search for Etiologic Agents and Risk Factors; Study 5: Seabee Health Study
This study compared symptoms and illnesses between Gulf War veterans and other veterans.

Epidemiologic Studies of Morbidity Among Gulf War Veterans: A Search for Etiologic Agents and Risk Factors; Study 6: A Comparison of Nonfederal Hospitalization Experience Among Veterans in California who have separated from active service: GWV vs. NDV
This study compared hospitalizations between Gulf War-era deployed to non-deployed veterans.

Epidemiologic Studies of Morbidity Among Gulf War Veterans: A Search for Etiologic Agents and Risk Factors; Study 7: Prevalence of Congenital Anomalies Among Children of Persian Gulf War Veterans
This study compared birth defects in infants born to Gulf War-era deployed veterans to non-deployed veterans and the general population.

Epidemiological Studies Persian Gulf War Illnesses, PG Women's Health Linkage Study
This study compared the general health of Gulf War era women who deployed to those who did not deploy.

Evaluation of Muscle Function in Persian Gulf Veterans
This study looked at causes of ongoing chronic fatigue and muscle weakness in Gulf War veterans.

Evaluation of the Effects of Multiple Immunizations Administered in a Stressful Environment on Immunologic Function
This study compared immune responses and health effects in recruits who underwent multiple, simultaneous vaccination schedule with recruits on a staggered vaccination schedule.

Evaluation of the Health Risks of Embedded Depleted Uranium (DU) Shrapnel on Pregnancy and Offspring Development
This project developed an animal model to examine the toxicological and behavorial effects of depleted uranium on female rats.

Evaluation of the Health Risks of Embedded Depleted Uranium Shrapnel During Pregnancy and Offspring Development
This study looked at whether or not embedded fragments of depleted uranium (DU) alter the ability of female animals to conceive and produce healthy offspring.

Evaluations of Immunotoxicity due to Concurrent Exposure to DEET, Pyridostigmine, and JP-8 Jet Fuel
This mouse study tested the effects of exposure to DEET, pyridostigmine bromide, and JP-8 jet fuel on the immune system.

Experimental Models of Gulf War Syndrome
This study evaluated current animal models to test the health effects of various chemical exposures.

Exploratory Data Analysis with the CCEP Database
This project reviewed the Comprehensive Clinical Evaluation Program (CCEP) database to develop a general computer package that can be used to gather general health and symptom information related to Gulf War service.

Fatigue in Persian Gulf Syndrome-Physiologic Mechanisms
This study looked at fatigue among Gulf war veterans.

Feasibility of Developing a Registry of PTSD Affected Veteran Sib Pairs
This study examined the possibility of developing a database of veteran sibling pairs to look at possible genetic associations with PTSD.

Feasibility of Investigating Whether There is a Relationship Between Birth Defects and Service in the Gulf War.
This was study to determine how to monitor birth defects among active and reserve military personnel.

Female Gender and Other Potential Predictors of Functional Health Status Among Persian Gulf War Veterans
This study looked at Gulf War Veterans to determine if any risk factors exist that may pre-dispose a person to multiple chemical sensitivities syndrome.

Field Heat Tolerance Test for Determining Deployed Personnel Return to Duty Status
This project demonstrated the effectiveness of a heat tolerance test kit.

Five Year Follow-Up of Army Personnel Exposed to Chemical Warfare Agents
The study examined self-reported health assessments of Army personnel, who assumed exposure to low levels of chemical warfare agents compared to those not exposed.

Follow-Up Investigation of Troops Exposed to Nerve Agents at Aberdeen Proving Ground (Pilot Study) (See also VA-63A; formerly VA/DoD-2DA)
This pilot study surveyed individuals exposed to chemical agents for common neurological and mental health disorders to determine whether or not a full study of health effects on exposed individuals can be done.

Glutamate Receptor Aptamers and ALS
This project investigated potential therapies for ALS.

Gulf War Illness Research
This project reviewed potential causes of undiagnosed Gulf War illness and developed methods for efficient diagnosis and treatment.

Health Outcomes Among Infants Born to OIF/OEF Deployers
This study will help to determine if potentially hazardous exposures faced during deployment increases the number of adverse health outcomes in the offspring of OIF/OEF deployers.

Health Risk Assessment of Embedded Depleted Uranium: Behavior, Physiology, Histology, and Biokinetic Modeling
This animal study tested the effects of embedded depleted uranium fragments.

Health Status of Current National Guard Members
This study reviewed the health of a group of national guard members to learn more about the health effects of deployments, job strain, and other factors.

Human Metabolism and Interactions of Deployment-related Chemicals
This study looked at the effects of deployment-related chemicals.

Identification and Development of Biological Markers of Human Exposure to the Insecticide Permethrin
This study was designed to develop a method for testing blood or urine to detect and monitor exposure to the pesticide permethrin.

Identification of the Genetic Factors Which Control Tropism in Leishmania
This study was designed to identify the genes in Leishmania related to temperature sensitivity.

Illness Among Persian Gulf War Veterans: Case Validation Studies
This study compared confirmed illnesses of Gulf War veterans to veterans who did not deploy to the Gulf.

Illnesses Among Persian Gulf War Veterans: Case Validation Studies (Iowa / Great Britain)
This study combined UK (United Kingdom) and US databases of information about symptoms, medical conditions, health status, and risk factors to compare the findings and better understand the health impact of the Gulf War deployment.

Immunotoxicity due to Coexposure to DEET, Pyridostigmine, and Stress
This animal study looked at the effects of DEET and pyridostigmine bromide with increased levels of physical stress.

Immunotoxicity of Depleted Uranium and Heavy Metal Tungsten Alloys (see also DoD-130)
This animal study looked at whether or not embedded fragments of depleted uranium (DU) caused the immune system to not work properly.

Impaired Auditory Sensory Gating, Acoustic Startle Response: Effects of Long and Short Deployments on Army Combat Readiness
This project studied "post-deployment" soldiers of OEF/OIF.

Impaired Auditory Sensory Gating: Effects of Long and Short Deployments on Army Combat Readiness
This project evaluated whether brain wave recordings could measure the impact of long and short deployments on soldiers.

Improving Blood Monitoring of Enzymes as Biomarkers of Risk from Anticholinergic Pesticides and Chemical Warfare Agents
This study was designed to develop a new blood test to better determine the effects from a chemical exposure.

Individual Differences in Neurobehavioral Effects of Pyridostigmine
This study evaluted the effects of pyridostigmine bromide on the normal functions of the body.

Inhalation of Uranium Oxide Aerosol: CNS Deposition, Neurotoxicity, and Role in Gulf War Illness
This animal study evaluated the potential for inhaled uranium oxide (from combustion of depleted uranium) to enter the brain through the nose and cause nervous system damage.

Interactions of Subsymptomatic Doses of Sarin with Pyridostigmine: Neurochemical, Behavioral, and Physiological Effects
This animal study tested the effects of low level exposure of sarin and pyridostigmine bromide (PB) on the brain and nervous system functions of rats.

Investigation of Seminal Plasma Hypersensitivity Reactions
This study looked at Gulf War veterans and their sexual partners who experienced a burning sensation after contact with semen.

Investigation of a Baseline Medical Database to Evaluate the Health of Military Forces and Veterans
This project tested a military health questionnaire and determined its potential for DoD-wide implementation as the Recruit Assessment Program (RAP).

Kuwait Oil Fire Health Risk Assessment
This study looked at the health of US troops and civilian employees exposed to Kuwait oil fires.

Kuwait Oil Fires Troop Exposure Assessment Model (TEAM)
This study reviewed Kuwait oil fire Health Risk Assessment data of US troops located at eight fixed air/soil sampling sites.

Limbic Blood Flow and Opiate Receptor PET in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
This study used an imaging technique to determine if there was a relationship between certain brain activity and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in Vietnam War-era veterans.

Long-Term Effects of Subclinical Exposures to Sarin
This study looked at the long-term effects to low level exposure to the nerve agent, sarin.

Long-term Effects of Subchronic Exposure to Sarin, Alone and with Stress or Other Chemicals
This animal study looked at the possible long-term effects of low-level exposure to the nerve agent sarin, alone or in combination with stress, pyridostigmine bromide, and DEET.

Longitudinal Health Study of Gulf War Veterans
This study assessed the health status of Gulf War veterans and non-Gulf War veterans to determine if the Gulf War veterans health status are better, worse or the same as non-Gulf War veterans ten or more years after the war.

Low Level Exposure to Sulfur Mustard: Development of a SOP for Analysis of Albumin Adducts and of a System for Non-Invasive Diagnosis on Skin
This study was designed to develop a test to detect low-level exposure to sulfur mustard (a chemical warfare agent) in skin and blood samples.

Low-Level Exposure to GB Vapor in Air: Diagnosis/Dosimetry, Lowest Observable Effect Levels, Performance-Incapacitation, and Possible Delayed Effects
This animal study looked at low-level exposure to the nerve agent sarin.

Low-Level Sarin Neurotoxicity and Its Modulation by Pyridostigmine
This study looked at the long-term or delayed effects of exposures to the nerve agent sarin with and without the pre-treatment tablet pyridostigmine bromide.

Magnetic Resonance and Spectroscopy of the Human Brain in Gulf War Illnesses
This study interviewed and examined groups of Gulf War veterans with and without unexplained illnesses to determine whether abnormalities in the brain imaging of ill Gulf War veterans (by magnetic resonance spectroscopy), occur independently of posttraumatic stress disorder, alcohol dependence, and depression.

Male/Female Differential Tolerances to Pyridostigmine Bromide
This study compared the effects of pyridostigmine bromide (PB) on men and women.

Measurement and Validation of Psychosocial Risk and Resilience Factors Accounting for Physical and Mental Health and Health-Related Quality of Life among PGWVs
This study compared self-reported symptoms and health-related quality of life among Gulf War veterans to determine if these factors could be associated with deployment.

Mechanisms and Consequences of Vaccine Effects on Th1/Th2 Balance in Gulf War Veterans
The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of the body's response to multiple vaccines and the potential implications for future deployed populations.

Mechanisms and Treatment of Progressive Damage after Traumatic Brain Injury
These studies assessed the long-term effects of mild, moderate, and severe traumatic brain injury.

Mechanisms in Chronic Multisymptom Illnesses
This project studied the mechanisms of three prominent symptoms (pain, fatigue, and memory difficulty) associated with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, and illnesses of Gulf War veterans.

Mechanistic Studies Investigating the Role of Organophosphate Insecticide Exposure in the Development and Exacerbation of Asthma
This animal study investigated the effects of insecticide exposure on asthma.

MiniRobot Design for Military Telesurgery in the Battlefield: Breaking the Size Barrier for Surgical Manipulators
This project designed a minirobot to perform surgery in the battlefield.

Molecular Regulation of Corticosteroid Receptor Expression in Stress-Responsive Cells
This study looked at how the body deals with stress.

Molecular Solutions to Low Vision Resulting from Battlefield Injuries
This project reviewed potential methods to prevent eye injury in the battlefield.

Multi-disciplinary Pathophysiologic Studies of Neurotoxic Gulf War Related Syndromes Leading to Diagnosis and Treatment
This study looked at specific sites and nature of brain damage in a sample of Gulf War Veterans.

Multifactorial Assessment of Depleted Uranium Neurotoxicity
This study in animals was designed to evaluate the uptake, distribution, and retention of depleted uranium in the brain in the presence and absence of stress, and to examine changes following short and long-term exposure, in order to better understand the potential nervous system toxicity of uranium.

Navy-Marine Combat Trauma Registry - Expansion of Program (In-Depth Examination of Head, Face and Neck Injuries)
This task created a registry to track combat casualty events.

Neurobehavioral and Immunological Toxicity of Pyridostigmine, Permethrin, and DEET in Male and Female Rats
This animal study tested brain and immune functions of rats after they were exposed to pyridostigmine bromide (PB), permethrin, and DEET.

Neuroimmune effects of inhaling low dose sarin
This animal study investigated the effects of sarin on the central nervous and the immune systems.

Neurological and Circadian Substrates of PTSD-like Behaviors
This study was designed to determine if the development of post-traumatic stress disorder requires both a traumatic event and a genetic increased risk.

Neurophysiologic and Neuropathologic Effects in Monkeys of Low Level Exposures to Sarin, Pyridostigmine, Pesticides, and Botulinum Toxoid
This animal study looked at the effects of low level exposures of sarin, pyridostigmine bromide, pesticides, and botulinum toxoid in monkeys.

Neuroplasticity and Calcium Signaling in Stressed Rat Amygdala
This animal study looked at the ability of rats brains to recover function after being exposed to stress.

Neuropsychological Functioning in Gulf War Veterans Exposed to Pesticides and Pyridostigmine Bromide
This study evaluated the combination of pesticides, low-level chemical exposures, and stress as factors in the expression of veterans' continued symptoms.

Neuropsychological Functioning in Persian Gulf Era Veterans
This study evaluated the brain function and mental health of some Gulf War veterans who sought treatment.

Neurotoxicity from Chronic Exposure to Depleted Uranium
This animal study tested the effects of chronic exposure to depleted uranium on brain function.

Novel Leishmania and Malaria Potassium Channels: Candidate Therapeutic Targets
This project reviewed new targets for future treatments of leishmaniasis and malaria.

Odors, Deployment Stress, and Health: A Conditioning Analysis of Gulf War Syndrome
This study in humans was designed to evaluate whether or not the unexplained symptoms of Gulf War veterans is caused by a conditioned response to chemical odors.

PGW Veterans: Epidemiological and Clinical Evidence for Residual Organophosphate Neurotoxicity
This study looked to support or dismiss the theory that Gulf War Veterans had nervous-system deficits consistent with prior exposure to organophosphorous chemicals.

Patterns of Pre-Persian Gulf War Illness and Health Care Seeking
This pilot study reviewed health records prior to the Gulf War deployment to see if patterns of illness or healthcare usage were different in individuals who later developed poorly defined illnesses.

Patterns of Pre-Persian Gulf War Illness and Health Care Seeking Pilot Study (See also DoD-116B; previously VA/DoD-2VB)
This project compared patterns of illness and use of the Department of Defense outpatient care during the year prior to deployment to the Persian Gulf War personnel who developed poorly defined illnesses.

Patterns of Pre-Persian Gulf War Illness and Health Care Seeking, Pilot Study (See also VA-63B; formerly VA/DoD- 2DB)
This pilot study reviewed health records before and after the Gulf War deployment to see if there were patterns of illness in individuals.

Percutaneous Absorption of Chemical Mixtures Relevant to the Gulf War
The animal study evaluated the effects of DEET, permethrin, pyridostigmine bromide and jet fuel on pig skin.

Persian Gulf Veterans Health Tracking System
This study reviewed the effects of environmental and occupational exposures on Gulf War veterans.

Physical and Emotional Health of Gulf War Veterans Women
This study compared health problems between female veterans deployed to the Gulf War and those deployed elsewhere.

Physical, Mental, Social, and Family Health Outcomes of Gulf War Veterans
This study compared the physical, social, mental, and family health of Gulf War veterans to military personnel who deployed and did not deploy to other regions of the world.

Physiologic Effects of Stress in Gulf War Veterans
This study looked at the association between Persian Gulf War illness and stress among women who served in the Persian Gulf War.

Physiological and Neurobehavioral Effects in Rodents from Exposure to Pyridostigmine, Fuels, and DEET
This study tested the effects of diesel, jet fuel, DEET, and pyridostigmine bromide (PB) on rats.

Population Health Trial for Smokeless Tobacco Cessation with Military Personnel
This study developed and evaluated an intervention for smokeless tobacco cessation.

Post-deployment Morbid Stress, Behavior and Health: Developing a Model for Predicting Morbidity, Mortality, and other Adverse Outcomes
This study compared the health status of deployed and non-deployed Gulf War era veterans.

Preconceptional Paternal Exposure to Embedded Depleted Uranium Fragments: Transmission of Genetic Damage to Offspring
This animal study investigated if male mice with embedded fragments of depleted uranium transmitted genetic damage to their offspring.

Predicting Operational Readiness for Deployed Army National Guard and Army Reserve Soldiers and Families.
This study surveyed reserve and National Guard members before, during, and after deployment to Bosnia.

Prediction and Validation of Soldier Fluid Requirements
This research reviewed the daily water needs of soliders working in hostile environments.

Predictors of Career and Family Dysfunction in Young Adults Enlisting in the United States Navy
This project reviewed the questions on the survey given to all new Navy enlistees.

Preventing the Consequences of Alcohol Abuse- Identification of Soldiers at High Risk for Fatal and Serious Injuries
This project was conduted to improve understanding of the long-term consequences of alcohol problems on injury risk.

Prevention of Posttraumatic Epilepsy Secondary to Penetrating Brain Injury
This study reviewed several novel treatments to prevent post-traumatic epilepsy associated with penetrating brain injury.

Program DoD-8
This is the parent program for DOD projects DOD-8A and DOD-8B.

Prospective Assessment of Neurocognition in Future Gulf-deployed and Gulf-nondeployed Military Personnel: A Pilot Study
This study compared pre and post-deployment health status of military personnel deployed to the Middle East. (See also DOD-154)

Prospective Assessment of Neurocognition in Future Gulf-deployed and Gulf-nondeployed Military Personnel: A Pilot Study
This study compared pre and post-deployment health status of military personnel deployed to the Middle East. (See also VA-88)

Psychobiologic Alterations in Persian Gulf War Veterans with and without PTSD
This study compared brain functions of Vietnam veterans to Gulf War veterans.

Psychological Health Screening: Methods and Metrics for Deployed Forces
This study was designed to develop and test a mental health screening tool for soldiers throughout their deployment cycle.

Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of the Gulf War Experience
This study looked at the effects of stress from war-related trauma on Gulf War veterans over time.

Pyridostigmine Synergistic Toxicity Study
This animal study tested the effects of pyridostigmine bromide (PB), permethrin, and DEET given in combination and at the same time to rats.

Pyridostigmine-induced Neurodegeneration: Role of neuronal Apoptosis
This animal study administered pyridostigmine bromide in various doses to see if any damage occured in the brain.

Randomized, Controlled Trial for Combination Treatment with Pyridostigmine, DEET, and Permethrin
This study evaluated the effects of pyridostigmine bromide, permethrin, DEET, and stress on brain functions.

Rehabilitation of Military Upper Extremity Casualties via Firearms Training Simulator
This study used a Firearm Training Simulator (FATS) as part of the rehabilitation for upper extremity injuries.

Relationship of Stress Exposures to Health in Gulf War Veterans
This study looked at the relationship between Gulf War illness and stress exposures experienced by Gulf War veterans.

Retrospective Studies Involving Military Use of Pyridostigmine as a Pretreatment for Nerve Agent Poisoning
This study evaluated the effects of pyridosigmine bromide (PB) use during the Gulf War.

Risk Factors Among US Army Soldiers for Enrolling on the Department of Veterans Affairs Gulf War Registry
This study reviewed health records of a group of Army personnel enrolled in the VA Registry of Persian Gulf veterans.

Risk for Stress-related Substance Abuse: the Effects of Family History of Alcoholism
This study compared individuals with a family history of alcoholism to individuals with no family history of alcoholism.

Role of Disrupted Iron Homeostasis in the Lung Injury seen after Blast Injury and Hemorrhage/Resuscitation.
This research examined how to prevent acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) that is encountered with blast-induced lung injuries.

Role of Respirable Saudi Arabian Sand and Pyridostigmine in the Gulf War Syndrome: An Autoimmune Adjuvant Disease?
This animal study looked at the effects of sand and pyridostigmine bromide.

SPECT Benzodiazepine Receptor and MR Imaging in PTSD
This study was designed to use an imaging technique to compare brain functions between Vietnam and Gulf War veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Sarin and Pyridostigmine Interaction under Physical Stress: Neurotoxic Effects in Mice
This mouse study looked at the interaction between sarin and pyridostigmine bromide and their effects on the brain.

Sequelae of Combat Related Traumatic Brain Injury in a US Navy Population: Validation of a Neuro-cognitive Instrument for Field Use
This project demonstrated and validated a web-based screening tool to help assess neurological effects after a traumatic brain injury.

Serologic Diagnosis of Viscerotropic Leishmaniasis (VTL)
This study was designed to identify a blood test to detect early infection of leishmaniasis.

Smallpox Vaccine and Adverse Reproductive Health Outcomes in Military Servicemembers
This project reviewed the affects of the smallpox vaccine on the reproductive health of Servicemembers.

Stress, Organophosphates and Blood Brain Barrier Integrity
This animal study tested the effects of low levels of pesticides on rodent brain functions.

Studies on Axonal Transport in an Animal Model for Gulf War Syndrome
This study used a recently established animal model to determine if exposure to various chemicals such as pesticides, drugs to protect against nerve agents, and vaccines may contribute to nerve degeneration like in ALS.

Study of Mycoplasmal Infections in Gulf War Veterans
This study was designed to see if there was an association between mycoplasma infections and the development of symptoms and illnesses by Gulf War veterans.

Study of Variability In Pyridostigmine Inhibition of Blood Cholinesterases in Healthy Adults and Individuals With Symptoms Following Participation in Operation Desert Storm
This study compared blood samples of Gulf War veterans who took pyridostigmine bromide (PB) to those who did not.

Surveillance of B. pertussis among Military Trainees with Respiratory Disease: Development and Validation of a Highly Sensitive PCR and Beacon Probe based Method for Diagnosis of Pertussis
The goal of this study was to develop a standardized method to rapidly detect respiratory disease among military trainees.

Testing for mycoplasmal infection replicability of nucleoprotein gene tracking and forensic polymerase chain reaction
This study re-tested the ability of previous tests for mycoplasma infection.

The Effects of Diesel Exhaust and Stress on the Acute Phase Response and Symptoms in the Chemically Intolerant
This study evaluated the health effects of acute exposure to chemicals (diesel vapors with acetaldehyde) with and without stress.

The Efficacy of Virtual Reality in Treating PTSD in Warfighters Returning from Iraq and Afghanistan Combat Theaters
This project tested the effectiveness of early treatment of combat-related PTSD through the use of virtual reality technology.

The General Well-Being of Gulf War Era Service Personnel from the States of Pennsylvania and Hawaii: A Survey
This study reviewed the effects of the Gulf War on the mental health and adjustment of military personnel in Hawaii and Pennsylvania who either deployed or did not deploy.

The Role of Th1/Th2 cytokine balance in Gulf War-related illness
This study compared multiple vaccinations and immune system response in Gulf War veterans.

The Symptomatic Persian Gulf Veterans Protocol: An Analysis of Risk Factors with an Immunologic and Neuropsychiatric Assessment
This study looked at the effects of stress on the immune system of Gulf War veterans.

The U.S. Army Sleep Management System
This study collected data on sleep and cognitive performance to provide recommendations on sleep during combat and operational deployments.

Time Course of Stress-induced Impairment of Blood Brain Barrier
This animal study measured the levels of pyridostigmine bromide in the brain under sustained stress.

Topical Strategy for the Prevention and Treatment of Fungal Infections in US Marine Corps Personnel
This study tested the effectiveness of a topical antifungal product to treat and prevent tinea infections- the most common superficial fungal skin infections in developed countries.

Toxic Interactions of Prophylactic Drugs and Pesticides
This animal project tested the potential effects of DEET, permethrin and pyridostigmine bromide on the immune and nervous systems.

Toxicokinetics of 0-Ethyl S-(2-Diisopropylaminoethyl) Methylphosphonothioate [(+)-VX] in Rats, Hairless Guinea Pigs and Marmosets - Identification of Metabolic Pathways
This animal study looked at the various factors affecting the distribution and elimination of chemical nerve agents from the body.

Transgenic Engineering of Cholinesterases: Tools for Exploring Cholinergic Responses
This study looked at the various chemicals in the body to find a better way of protecting cells in the body from effects of organophosphates.

Traumatic Experiences Persistently Enhance Cue-dependent Learning: Toward an Animal Model of Chronic Stress and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
This animal study looked at the relationship between repeated exposures to stressful events and the development of stress-related mental illness.

Treatment of PTSD-Related Anger in Troops Returning From Hazardous Deployments
This study tested the effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioral anger intervention for military personnel returning from deployment with PTSD-related anger problems.

Triage and Treatment of Laser Eye Injury on the Modern Battlefield
This project reviewed the effects of laser energy on eye injuries.

Troops Exposed to Nerve Agents at Aberdeen Proving Ground: Follow-Up
This was a follow-up study reporting on the health of U.S. Army soldiers who were exposed to chemical warfare and other agents between 1955 and 1975.

Two New Plant-Like Pathways Link Hemoglobin Degradation to Lipid Biogenesis in Falciparum Malaria: Novel Targets for Anti-Malarial Chemotherapy
This study reviewed alternative approaches to preventing and treating malaria infection.

US Department of Defense Surveillance for Neoplasms in Infancy
This study was designed to determine how often cancers were diagnosed in infants of military families.

Use of Virtual Reality Warfighter Scenarios with Returning Gulf War and Afghanistan Combatants Experiencing Symptoms of Acute Stress Response and PTSD
This project tested the ability of a virtual reality therapy to treat acute PTSD and combat stress in active duty military members.

VA/DoD Core Funding of the Medical Follow-Up Agency (See also VA-63; formerly VA-DoD-2D/2V)
This was a joint VA and DOD program to fund the Institute of Medicine's Medical Follow-Up Agency to maintain databases and conduct population research on veterans.

Validation Study of Gulf War Deployment Files
This was an investigation to determine the extent and potential impact of misclassification of deployment status among specific service members.

Vietnam Head Injury Study Phase III- A 30 Year Post-Injury Follow-Up Study
This project reviewed the effects of head injury on health and nervous system function.

War Syndromes from 1900 to the Present: Symptom Patterns and Long-term Health Outcomes
The study compared symptoms referred to as "War Syndromes" to "unexplained" symptoms experienced by soldiers after combat to see if they were similar.

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