Research Topic: Family Health

On-going Research Projects:
Spouse Abuse, Child Abuse and Substance Abuse among Military Families: Co-Occurrence, Correlates and Service Delivery Issues
This study will identify opportunities to help military families experiencing violence and/or substance abuse.

Completed Research Projects:
Family Study of Fibromyalgia
The primary goal of this study was to examine the relationship between fibromyalgia and mental disorders within families.

Physical, Mental, Social, and Family Health Outcomes of Gulf War Veterans
This study compared the physical, social, mental, and family health of Gulf War veterans to military personnel who deployed and did not deploy to other regions of the world.

Predicting Operational Readiness for Deployed Army National Guard and Army Reserve Soldiers and Families.
This study surveyed reserve and National Guard members before, during, and after deployment to Bosnia.

Predictors of Career and Family Dysfunction in Young Adults Enlisting in the United States Navy
This project reviewed the questions on the survey given to all new Navy enlistees.

Risk for Stress-related Substance Abuse: the Effects of Family History of Alcoholism
This study compared individuals with a family history of alcoholism to individuals with no family history of alcoholism.

US Department of Defense Surveillance for Neoplasms in Infancy
This study was designed to determine how often cancers were diagnosed in infants of military families.

Reports & Publications

The link(s) below provide access to all available reports done by, or sponsored by, the U.S. government and a listing of articles from peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals related to the Research Topic: Family Health .

Medical Research Publications
Medical & Scientific Journal Articles

Fact Sheets

The following fact sheets are from the Deployment Health and Family Readiness Library specific to Research Topic: Family Health.

For Service Members and Families For Clinicians/Providers
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DeployMed ResearchLINK was last updated on 2008-10-03