Research Topic: Diseases, Disorders & Other Health Conditions / General Health Status

On-going Research Projects:
A Fatigue Management System for Sustained Military Operations
This project will determine the effectiveness of newer pharmaceutical fatigue countermeasures.

Early Intervention Research Program to Enhance Soldier Resilience
This study will compare the effectiveness of various types of early intervention (debriefing, information, cognitive-behavioral) following a potentially traumatizing event, in order to develop valid methods to improve soldier resilience after such events.

HIV Research Program
This research program conducts and manages research on potential vaccines and treatments to protect US forces from HIV.

Optimization of Microelectronic Methods to Produce an Implantable Retinal Prosthesis to Treat Blindness
This research will develop a treatment for several forms of retinal blindness by using retinal prosethesis.

The Millennium Cohort Study
This ongoing study (Millennium Cohort Study) will use periodic surveys to track changes in the health of a large group of US service members and veterans over time to determine the health impact of deployments and other aspects of military service.

Vaccine for the Prevention of Military HIV Infections ATO
This project will conduct studies on how to design and test HIV vaccine candidates.

Completed Research Projects:
A Clinical Evaluation of the Health Status of Persian Gulf War Veterans in VISN 8
This study tracked the health status of Gulf War veterans over a five-year period.

A Comparison of Post Deployment Hospitalization Between Vietnam and Gulf War Veterans
The study compared health problems of Gulf War Veterans to Vietnam Veterans to see if there was a general relationship between health problems and exposure to a combat environment.

Acute and Long-Term Impact of Deployment to Southwest Asia on the Physical and Mental Health of Soldiers and their Families
This study looked at the short and long-term impact of deployment to Southwest Asia on the physical and mental health of soldiers and their families.

Antibodies to Squalene
This study attempted to establish an effective way to test for squalene antibodies and to determine if these antibodies are present in ill Gulf War veterans.

Assessing the Potential Health Impact of the Gulf War on Saudi Arabia National Guard Members and Their Dependents
This study used existing health records to compare the health of Saudi military members stationed in a combat area during the Gulf War with military members stationed in a non-combat area.

Biomarkers of Susceptibility and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Exposure in Urine and blood Cell DNA from U.S. Army Soldiers Exposed to Kuwaiti Oil Well Fires
This project tested the blood and urine of a group of soliders to look for signs of possible environmental exposures.

Birminghams Gulf War Veterans Illness Demonstration Clinic (13)
This study compared the treatment and patient statisfaction between Primary Care Clinics and Gulf War Special Emphasis Clinics.

Boston Environmental Hazards Research Center
This series of studies were conducted by the Boston Environmental Hazards Research Center, which is located at the Boston VA Medical Center. The studies focused on environmental health, neuroscience, and neurocognitive methodologies related to the health of Gulf War veterans.

Case Management and Residential Rehabilitation for Persian Gulf War Veterans (13)
This study tested new approaches to health care delivery for Gulf War veterans suffering from undiagnosed and ill-defined illnesses and disability.

Cognitive Function and Symptom Patterns in Persian Gulf Veterans
This project compared brain images and functions of deployed and non-deployed Gulf War era veterans.

Combined Analysis of the VA and DoD Gulf War Clinical Registries: A Study of Clinical Findings from Systematic Medical Examinations of 100,000 U.S. Gulf War Veterans
This study performed a combined analysis of two clinical registries on Gulf War veterans: the DOD's Comprehensive Clinical Evaluation Program and the VA's Gulf War Health Examination Registry.

Deployment Health Center
This project established the Deployment Health Research Center to conduct epidemiological research relevant to military personnel.

Desert Storm Reunion Survey
This project examined patterns of readjustment of Gulf War veterans following their return from the Gulf region.

Disease Cluster in a Pennsylvania Air National Guard Unit, EPI-AID 95-18
This study evaluated disease reports of a Pennsylvania Air National Guard unit.

Effects of Exertion and Chemical Stress on Persian Gulf Veterans
This project's aim was to test the effects of exposure to diesel fumes and physical stress on Persian Gulf War Veterans.

Epidemiologic Studies of Morbidity Among Gulf War Veterans: A Search for Etiologic Agents and Risk Factors; A Study of Symptoms Among 1500 Seabees
This study compared post-war symptoms and diseases of Gulf War-era deployed veterans to non-deployed veterans.

Epidemiologic Studies of Morbidity Among Gulf War Veterans: A Search for Etiologic Agents and Risk Factors; Study 2: A Comparative Study of Hospitalizations among Active-Duty Personnel Who Participated in the Gulf War and Similar Personnel Who Did Not.
This study compared hospitalizations of Gulf War-era deployed veterans to non-deployed veterans.

Epidemiologic Studies of Morbidity Among Gulf War Veterans: A Search for Etiologic Agents and Risk Factors; Study 6: A Comparison of Nonfederal Hospitalization Experience Among Veterans in California who have separated from active service: GWV vs. NDV
This study compared hospitalizations between Gulf War-era deployed to non-deployed veterans.

Evaluation of Cognitive Functioning in Persian Gulf War Veterans Reporting War-related Health Problems
This project evaluated cognitive, social and behavoiral functioning among Gulf War veterans experiencing health problems after their return.

Evaluation of Cognitive Functioning of Persian Gulf Veterans
This project reviewed self-reported health complaints and environmental exposures in the Persian Gulf region.

Exploratory Data Analysis with the CCEP Database
This project reviewed the Comprehensive Clinical Evaluation Program (CCEP) database to develop a general computer package that can be used to gather general health and symptom information related to Gulf War service.

Female Gender and Other Potential Predictors of Functional Health Status Among Persian Gulf War Veterans
This study looked at Gulf War Veterans to determine if any risk factors exist that may pre-dispose a person to multiple chemical sensitivities syndrome.

Five Year Follow-Up of Army Personnel Exposed to Chemical Warfare Agents
The study examined self-reported health assessments of Army personnel, who assumed exposure to low levels of chemical warfare agents compared to those not exposed.

Functional Imaging of Pain in Veterans with Unexplained Muscle Pain
This study used a brain scan to examine the brain activities of Gulf War veterans with unexplained pain.

Health Assessment of Persian Gulf War Veterans from Iowa
This project reviewed self-reported symptoms of Gulf War veterans through a telephone survey.

Health Status of Current National Guard Members
This study reviewed the health of a group of national guard members to learn more about the health effects of deployments, job strain, and other factors.

Health and Exposure Survey of Persian Gulf Veterans
The project's aim was to survey some Persian Gulf War veterans to determine risk factors and their relationships to symptoms that could represent health problems for Gulf War Veterans.

Illness Among Persian Gulf War Veterans: Case Validation Studies
This study compared confirmed illnesses of Gulf War veterans to veterans who did not deploy to the Gulf.

Illnesses Among Persian Gulf War Veterans: Case Validation Studies (Iowa / Great Britain)
This study combined UK (United Kingdom) and US databases of information about symptoms, medical conditions, health status, and risk factors to compare the findings and better understand the health impact of the Gulf War deployment.

Implementation and Evaluation of Gulf War Veterans Demonstration Project (13)
This project established innovative clinical programs for Gulf War veterans in the VA medical centers Portland and Seattle.

Investigation of a Baseline Medical Database to Evaluate the Health of Military Forces and Veterans
This project tested a military health questionnaire and determined its potential for DoD-wide implementation as the Recruit Assessment Program (RAP).

Kuwait Oil Fires Troop Exposure Assessment Model (TEAM)
This study reviewed Kuwait oil fire Health Risk Assessment data of US troops located at eight fixed air/soil sampling sites.

Limbic Blood Flow and Opiate Receptor PET in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
This study used an imaging technique to determine if there was a relationship between certain brain activity and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in Vietnam War-era veterans.

Longitudinal Health Study of Gulf War Veterans
This study assessed the health status of Gulf War veterans and non-Gulf War veterans to determine if the Gulf War veterans health status are better, worse or the same as non-Gulf War veterans ten or more years after the war.

Measurement and Validation of Psychosocial Risk and Resilience Factors Accounting for Physical and Mental Health and Health-Related Quality of Life among PGWVs
This study compared self-reported symptoms and health-related quality of life among Gulf War veterans to determine if these factors could be associated with deployment.

National Health Survey of Persian Gulf Veterans
This study compared a number of symptoms and other health outcomes in Gulf War veterans to veterans who did not serve in the Gulf.

Neurobehavioral Aspects of Persian Gulf Experiences: A Pilot Study
This pilot study collected brain function data on 50 Gulf War veterans with social and mental health complaints.

Neuropsychological Functioning in Persian Gulf Era Veterans
This study evaluated the brain function and mental health of some Gulf War veterans who sought treatment.

Pain Among Gulf War Veterans: Secondary Analysis of CSP#458 Data
This project studied pain and pain-related data among Gulf War veterans to assist in the development of a treatment.

Physical and Emotional Health of Gulf War Veterans Women
This study compared health problems between female veterans deployed to the Gulf War and those deployed elsewhere.

Physical, Mental, Social, and Family Health Outcomes of Gulf War Veterans
This study compared the physical, social, mental, and family health of Gulf War veterans to military personnel who deployed and did not deploy to other regions of the world.

Physiologic Effects of Stress in Gulf War Veterans
This study looked at the association between Persian Gulf War illness and stress among women who served in the Persian Gulf War.

Physiological and Psychological Assessments of Persian Gulf Veterans
The project's aim was to determine if unexplained illnesses in some Gulf War Veterans is similar to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) in civilian populations.

Population Health Trial for Smokeless Tobacco Cessation with Military Personnel
This study developed and evaluated an intervention for smokeless tobacco cessation.

Portland Environmental Hazards Research Center: Environment, Veterans' Gulf War Syndrome. Core: Clinical and Epidemiology Research
This project was for a multiyear study designed to evaluate the relationships between exposures (including chemical, physical, and stress) and unexplained illnesses in Gulf War veterans.

Post-deployment Morbid Stress, Behavior and Health: Developing a Model for Predicting Morbidity, Mortality, and other Adverse Outcomes
This study compared the health status of deployed and non-deployed Gulf War era veterans.

Predicting Operational Readiness for Deployed Army National Guard and Army Reserve Soldiers and Families.
This study surveyed reserve and National Guard members before, during, and after deployment to Bosnia.

Prediction and Validation of Soldier Fluid Requirements
This research reviewed the daily water needs of soliders working in hostile environments.

Predictors of Career and Family Dysfunction in Young Adults Enlisting in the United States Navy
This project reviewed the questions on the survey given to all new Navy enlistees.

Preventing the Consequences of Alcohol Abuse- Identification of Soldiers at High Risk for Fatal and Serious Injuries
This project was conduted to improve understanding of the long-term consequences of alcohol problems on injury risk.

Program DoD-8
This is the parent program for DOD projects DOD-8A and DOD-8B.

Prospective Assessment of Neurocognition in Future Gulf-deployed and Gulf-nondeployed Military Personnel: A Pilot Study
This study compared pre and post-deployment health status of military personnel deployed to the Middle East. (See also DOD-154)

Psychobiological Assessment of Desert Storm Veterans
This study was designed to evaluate the relationship between post-traumatic stress disorder and physical symptoms in Gulf War veterans.

Psychological Test Data of Gulf War Veterans Over Time
This project was designed to learn more about mental stress and physical symptoms experienced by Gulf War veterans.

Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of the Gulf War Experience
This study looked at the effects of stress from war-related trauma on Gulf War veterans over time.

Relationship of Stress Exposures to Health in Gulf War Veterans
This study looked at the relationship between Gulf War illness and stress exposures experienced by Gulf War veterans.

Risk Factors Among US Army Soldiers for Enrolling on the Department of Veterans Affairs Gulf War Registry
This study reviewed health records of a group of Army personnel enrolled in the VA Registry of Persian Gulf veterans.

Risk for Stress-related Substance Abuse: the Effects of Family History of Alcoholism
This study compared individuals with a family history of alcoholism to individuals with no family history of alcoholism.

The U.S. Army Sleep Management System
This study collected data on sleep and cognitive performance to provide recommendations on sleep during combat and operational deployments.

Use of Roster of Veterans Who Served in Persian Gulf Area
The project's goal was to develop a database of U.S. service members who served in the Persian Gulf area during Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm.

VA National Survey of Persian Gulf Veterans - Phase I
This was phase one of the VA survey study (VA-2) which included a questionnaire to review the symptoms and other health outcomes of Gulf War veterans.

VA National Survey of Persian Gulf Veterans - Phase II
This was phase two of the VA survey study (VA-2) which included telephone interviews to identify symptoms and other health outcomes of Gulf War veterans.

VA National Survey of Persian Gulf Veterans - Phase III
This was phase three of the VA survey study (VA-2) which used computer records to identify symptoms and other health outcomes of Gulf War veterans.

VA/DoD Core Funding of the Medical Follow-Up Agency (See also VA-63; formerly VA-DoD-2D/2V)
This was a joint VA and DOD program to fund the Institute of Medicine's Medical Follow-Up Agency to maintain databases and conduct population research on veterans.

VA/DoD Core funding of the Medical Follow-Up Agency (See also DoD-116; formerly VA/DoD-2V/2D)
Joint program funded by VA and DoD to providing the Medical Follow-Up Agency with funding to perform epidemiological research on veterans.

Reports & Publications

The link(s) below provide access to all available reports done by, or sponsored by, the U.S. government and a listing of articles from peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals related to the Research Topic: Diseases, Disorders & Other Health Conditions and Subtopic: General Health Status .

Medical Research Publications
Medical & Scientific Journal Articles

Fact Sheets

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