Medical Research Publications
Region: Southwest Asia
Major Deployment: Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm
The following is a listing of articles from peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals. The articles are listed alphabetical by the first author's last name beginning with the current year.
2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 |


Ciccone D S, Weissman L , Natelson B H. Chronic fatigue syndrome in male gulf war veterans and civilians: a further test of the single syndrome hypothesis.J Health Psychol.2008;13:529-36.

Fontana A , Rosenheck R . Treatment-seeking veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan: comparison with veterans of previous wars.J Nerv Ment Dis.2008;196:513-21.

Hooper T I, Debakey S F, Nagaraj B E, Bellis K S, Smith B , Smith T C, Gackstetter G G. The long-term hospitalization experience following military service in the 1991 Gulf War among veterans remaining on active duty, 1994-2004.BMC Public Health.2008;Epub ahead of print

Horner R D, Grambow S C, Coffman C J, Lindquist J H, Oddone E Z, Allen K D, Kasarskis E J. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis among 1991 Gulf War Veterans: Evidence for a Time-Limited Outbreak.Neuroepidemiology.2008;31:28-32.

Kasarskis E J, Lindquist J H, Coffman C J, Grambow S C, Feussner J R, Allen K D, Oddone E Z, Kamins K A, Horner R D. Clinical aspects of ALS in Gulf War Veterans.Amyotroph Lateral Scler.2008;Epub ahead of print.

Kelsall H , McKenzie D , Sim M , Leder K , Ross J , Forbes A , Ikin J . Comparison of self-reported and recorded vaccinations and health effects in Australian Gulf War veterans.Vaccine.2008;26:4290-7.

King L A, King D W, Bolton E E, Knight J A, Vogt D S. Risk factors for mental, physical, and functional health in Gulf War veterans.J Rehabil Res Dev.2008;45:395-408.

Mach M , Grubbs R D, Price W A, Nagaoka M , Dubovicky M , Lucot J B. Delayed behavioral and endocrine effects of sarin and stress exposure in mice.J Appl Toxicol.2008;28:132-9.

Marshall A C. Gulf war depleted uranium risks.J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol.2008;18:95-108.

Miranda M L, Alicia Overstreet Galeano M , Tassone E , Allen K D, Horner R D. Spatial analysis of the etiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis among 1991 Gulf War veterans.Neurotoxicology.2008;Epub ahead of print.

Pessler F , Chen L X, Dai L , Gomez-Vaguero C , Diaz-Torne C , Paessler M E, Scanzello C , Cakir N , Einhorn E , Schumacher H R. A histomorphometric analysis of synovial biopsies from individuals with Gulf War Veterans' Illness and joint pain compared to normal and osteoarthritis synovium.Clin Rheumatol.2008;27:1127-34.

Ryan M A, Smith T C, Sevick C J, Honner W K, Loach R A, Moore C A, Erickson J D. Birth Defects among Infants Born to Women Who Received Anthrax Vaccine in Pregnancy.Am J Epidemiol.2008;Epub ahead of print.

Smith B , Chu L K, Smith T C, Amoroso P J, Boyko E J, Hooper T I, Gackstetter G G, Ryan M A, Millennium Cohort Study Team . Challenges of self-reported medical conditions and electronic medical records among members of a large military cohort.BMC Med Res Methodol.2008;8:37.

Taft C T, Schumm J A, Panuzio J , Proctor S P. An examination of family adjustment among Operation Desert Storm veterans.J Consult Clin Psychol.2008;76:648-56

Verret C , Jutand M A, De Vigan C , Begassat M , Brochard P , Salamon R . Reproductive health and pregnancy outcomes among French gulf war veterans.BMC Public Health.2008;8:141 Epub ahead of print.

Wells T S, Jacobson I G, Smith T C, Spooner C N, Smith B , Reed R J, Amoroso P J, Ryan M A, The Millennium Cohort Study Team . Prior health care utilization as a potential determinant of enrollment in a 21-year prospective study, the Millennium Cohort Study.Eur J Epidemiol.2008;23:79-87. is the official Web site of Force Health Protection & Readiness Policy & Programs
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